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Organization Unit Management
Organization units (OU) is a part of Identity Module and can be used to hierarchically group users and entities.
OrganizationUnit Entity
An OU is represented by the OrganizationUnit entity. The fundamental properties of this entity are:
- TenantId: Tenant's Id of this OU. Can be null for host OUs.
- ParentId: Parent OU's Id. Can be null if this is a root OU.
- Code: A hierarchical string code that is unique for a tenant.
- DisplayName: Shown name of the OU.
The OrganizationUnit entity's primary key (Id) is a Guid type and it derives from the FullAuditedAggregateRoot class.
Organization Tree
Since an OU can have a parent, all OUs of a tenant are in a tree structure. There are some rules for this tree;
- There can be more than one root (where the
). - There is a limit for the first-level children count of an OU (because of the fixed OU Code unit length explained below).
OU Code
OU code is automatically generated and maintained by the OrganizationUnit Manager. It's a string that looks something like this:
This code can be used to easily query the database for all the children of an OU (recursively). There are some rules for this code:
- It must be unique for a tenant.
- All the children of the same OU have codes that start with the parent OU's code.
- It's fixed length and based on the level of the OU in the tree, as shown in the sample.
- While the OU code is unique, it can be changeable if you move an OU.
- You must reference an OU by Id, not Code.
OrganizationUnit Manager
The OrganizationUnitManager class can be injected and used to manage OUs. Common use cases are:
- Create, Update or Delete an OU
- Move an OU in the OU tree.
- Getting information about the OU tree and its items.
The OrganizationUnitManager
is designed to work for a single tenant at a time. It works for the current tenant by default.