# Organization Unit Management Organization units (OU) is a part of **Identity Module** and can be used to **hierarchically group users and entities**. ### OrganizationUnit Entity An OU is represented by the **OrganizationUnit** entity. The fundamental properties of this entity are: - **TenantId**: Tenant's Id of this OU. Can be null for host OUs. - **ParentId**: Parent OU's Id. Can be null if this is a root OU. - **Code**: A hierarchical string code that is unique for a tenant. - **DisplayName**: Shown name of the OU. The OrganizationUnit entity's primary key (Id) is a **Guid** type and it derives from the [**FullAuditedAggregateRoot**](../Entities.md) class. #### Organization Tree Since an OU can have a parent, all OUs of a tenant are in a **tree** structure. There are some rules for this tree; - There can be more than one root (where the `ParentId` is `null`). - There is a limit for the first-level children count of an OU (because of the fixed OU Code unit length explained below). #### OU Code OU code is automatically generated and maintained by the OrganizationUnit Manager. It's a string that looks something like this: "**00001.00042.00005**" This code can be used to easily query the database for all the children of an OU (recursively). There are some rules for this code: - It must be **unique** for a [tenant](../Multi-Tenancy.md). - All the children of the same OU have codes that **start with the parent OU's code**. - It's **fixed length** and based on the level of the OU in the tree, as shown in the sample. - While the OU code is unique, it can be **changeable** if you move an OU. - You must reference an OU by Id, not Code. ### OrganizationUnit Manager The **OrganizationUnitManager** class can be [injected](../Dependency-Injection.md) and used to manage OUs. Common use cases are: - Create, Update or Delete an OU - Move an OU in the OU tree. - Getting information about the OU tree and its items. #### Multi-Tenancy The `OrganizationUnitManager` is designed to work for a **single tenant** at a time. It works for the **current tenant** by default.