@ -219,6 +219,114 @@ func CoordinatesToCellName(col, row int, abs ...bool) (string, error) {
return sign + colname + sign + strconv.Itoa(row), err
return sign + colname + sign + strconv.Itoa(row), err
// areaRefToCoordinates provides a function to convert area reference to a
// pair of coordinates.
func (f *File) areaRefToCoordinates(ref string) ([]int, error) {
rng := strings.Split(strings.Replace(ref, "$", "", -1), ":")
if len(rng) < 2 {
return nil, ErrParameterInvalid
return areaRangeToCoordinates(rng[0], rng[1])
// areaRangeToCoordinates provides a function to convert cell range to a
// pair of coordinates.
func areaRangeToCoordinates(firstCell, lastCell string) ([]int, error) {
coordinates := make([]int, 4)
var err error
coordinates[0], coordinates[1], err = CellNameToCoordinates(firstCell)
if err != nil {
return coordinates, err
coordinates[2], coordinates[3], err = CellNameToCoordinates(lastCell)
return coordinates, err
// sortCoordinates provides a function to correct the coordinate area, such
// correct C1:B3 to B1:C3.
func sortCoordinates(coordinates []int) error {
if len(coordinates) != 4 {
return ErrCoordinates
if coordinates[2] < coordinates[0] {
coordinates[2], coordinates[0] = coordinates[0], coordinates[2]
if coordinates[3] < coordinates[1] {
coordinates[3], coordinates[1] = coordinates[1], coordinates[3]
return nil
// coordinatesToAreaRef provides a function to convert a pair of coordinates
// to area reference.
func (f *File) coordinatesToAreaRef(coordinates []int) (string, error) {
if len(coordinates) != 4 {
return "", ErrCoordinates
firstCell, err := CoordinatesToCellName(coordinates[0], coordinates[1])
if err != nil {
return "", err
lastCell, err := CoordinatesToCellName(coordinates[2], coordinates[3])
if err != nil {
return "", err
return firstCell + ":" + lastCell, err
// flatSqref convert reference sequence to cell coordinates list.
func (f *File) flatSqref(sqref string) (cells map[int][][]int, err error) {
var coordinates []int
cells = make(map[int][][]int)
for _, ref := range strings.Fields(sqref) {
rng := strings.Split(ref, ":")
switch len(rng) {
case 1:
var col, row int
col, row, err = CellNameToCoordinates(rng[0])
if err != nil {
cells[col] = append(cells[col], []int{col, row})
case 2:
if coordinates, err = f.areaRefToCoordinates(ref); err != nil {
_ = sortCoordinates(coordinates)
for c := coordinates[0]; c <= coordinates[2]; c++ {
for r := coordinates[1]; r <= coordinates[3]; r++ {
cells[c] = append(cells[c], []int{c, r})
// inCoordinates provides a method to check if an coordinate is present in
// coordinates array, and return the index of its location, otherwise
// return -1.
func inCoordinates(a [][]int, x []int) int {
for idx, n := range a {
if x[0] == n[0] && x[1] == n[1] {
return idx
return -1
// inStrSlice provides a method to check if an element is present in an array,
// and return the index of its location, otherwise return -1.
func inStrSlice(a []string, x string) int {
for idx, n := range a {
if x == n {
return idx
return -1
// boolPtr returns a pointer to a bool with the given value.
// boolPtr returns a pointer to a bool with the given value.
func boolPtr(b bool) *bool { return &b }
func boolPtr(b bool) *bool { return &b }