@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
@ -807,6 +808,7 @@ var validType = map[string]string{
"3_color_scale" : "3_color_scale" ,
"data_bar" : "dataBar" ,
"formula" : "expression" ,
"iconSet" : "iconSet" ,
// criteriaType defined the list of valid criteria types.
@ -2880,7 +2882,14 @@ func (f *File) SetCellStyle(sheet, hCell, vCell string, styleID int) error {
// | MaxType
// | MinValue
// | MaxValue
// | BarBorderColor
// | BarColor
// | BarDirection
// | BarOnly
// | BarSolid
// iconSet | IconStyle
// | ReverseIcons
// | IconsOnly
// formula | Criteria
// The 'Criteria' parameter is used to set the criteria by which the cell data
@ -3037,7 +3046,8 @@ func (f *File) SetCellStyle(sheet, hCell, vCell string, styleID int) error {
// },
// )
// type: duplicate - The duplicate type is used to highlight duplicate cells in a range:
// type: duplicate - The duplicate type is used to highlight duplicate cells in
// a range:
// // Highlight cells rules: Duplicate Values...
// err := f.SetConditionalFormat("Sheet1", "A1:A10",
@ -3055,7 +3065,8 @@ func (f *File) SetCellStyle(sheet, hCell, vCell string, styleID int) error {
// },
// )
// type: top - The top type is used to specify the top n values by number or percentage in a range:
// type: top - The top type is used to specify the top n values by number or
// percentage in a range:
// // Top/Bottom rules: Top 10.
// err := f.SetConditionalFormat("Sheet1", "H1:H10",
@ -3129,7 +3140,10 @@ func (f *File) SetCellStyle(sheet, hCell, vCell string, styleID int) error {
// type: data_bar - The data_bar type is used to specify Excel's "Data Bar"
// style conditional format.
// MinType - The MinType and MaxType properties are available when the conditional formatting type is 2_color_scale, 3_color_scale or data_bar. The MidType is available for 3_color_scale. The properties are used as follows:
// MinType - The MinType and MaxType properties are available when the
// conditional formatting type is 2_color_scale, 3_color_scale or data_bar.
// The MidType is available for 3_color_scale. The properties are used as
// follows:
// // Data Bars: Gradient Fill.
// err := f.SetConditionalFormat("Sheet1", "K1:K10",
@ -3194,11 +3208,41 @@ func (f *File) SetCellStyle(sheet, hCell, vCell string, styleID int) error {
// BarBorderColor - Used for sets the color for the border line of a data bar,
// this is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.
// BarOnly - Used for displays a bar data but not the data in the cells.
// BarDirection - sets the direction for data bars. The available options are:
// context - Data bar direction is set by spreadsheet application based on the context of the data displayed.
// leftToRight - Data bar direction is from right to left.
// rightToLeft - Data bar direction is from left to right.
// BarOnly - Used for set displays a bar data but not the data in the cells.
// BarSolid - Used for turns on a solid (non-gradient) fill for data bars, this
// is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.
// IconStyle - The available options are:
// 3Arrows
// 3ArrowsGray
// 3Flags
// 3Signs
// 3Symbols
// 3Symbols2
// 3TrafficLights1
// 3TrafficLights2
// 4Arrows
// 4ArrowsGray
// 4Rating
// 4RedToBlack
// 4TrafficLights
// 5Arrows
// 5ArrowsGray
// 5Quarters
// 5Rating
// ReverseIcons - Used for set reversed icons sets.
// IconsOnly - Used for set displayed without the cell value.
// StopIfTrue - used to set the "stop if true" feature of a conditional
// formatting rule when more than one rule is applied to a cell or a range of
// cells. When this parameter is set then subsequent rules are not evaluated
@ -3214,6 +3258,7 @@ func (f *File) SetConditionalFormat(sheet, rangeRef string, opts []ConditionalFo
"3_color_scale" : drawCondFmtColorScale ,
"dataBar" : drawCondFmtDataBar ,
"expression" : drawCondFmtExp ,
"iconSet" : drawCondFmtIconSet ,
ws , err := f . workSheetReader ( sheet )
@ -3235,10 +3280,13 @@ func (f *File) SetConditionalFormat(sheet, rangeRef string, opts []ConditionalFo
if ok {
// Check for valid criteria types.
ct , ok = criteriaType [ v . Criteria ]
if ok || vt == "expression" {
if ok || vt == "expression" || vt == "iconSet" {
drawFunc , ok := drawContFmtFunc [ vt ]
if ok {
rule , x14rule := drawFunc ( p , ct , GUID , & v )
if rule == nil {
return ErrParameterInvalid
if x14rule != nil {
if err = f . appendCfRule ( ws , x14rule ) ; err != nil {
return err
@ -3263,14 +3311,17 @@ func (f *File) appendCfRule(ws *xlsxWorksheet, rule *xlsxX14CfRule) error {
var (
err error
idx int
decodeExtLst * decodeWorksheetExt
appendMode bool
decodeExtLst = new ( decodeWorksheetExt )
condFmts * xlsxX14ConditionalFormattings
decodeCondFmts * decodeX14ConditionalFormattings
ext * xlsxWorksheetExt
condFmtBytes , condFmtsBytes , extLstBytes , extBytes [ ] byte
condFmtBytes , condFmtsBytes , extLstBytes [ ] byte
condFmtBytes , _ = xml . Marshal ( [ ] * xlsxX14ConditionalFormatting {
{ XMLNSXM : NameSpaceSpreadSheetExcel2006Main . Value , CfRule : [ ] * xlsxX14CfRule { rule } } ,
} )
if ws . ExtLst != nil { // append mode ext
decodeExtLst = new ( decodeWorksheetExt )
if err = f . xmlNewDecoder ( strings . NewReader ( "<extLst>" + ws . ExtLst . Ext + "</extLst>" ) ) .
Decode ( decodeExtLst ) ; err != nil && err != io . EOF {
return err
@ -3279,35 +3330,28 @@ func (f *File) appendCfRule(ws *xlsxWorksheet, rule *xlsxX14CfRule) error {
if ext . URI == ExtURIConditionalFormattings {
decodeCondFmts = new ( decodeX14ConditionalFormattings )
_ = f . xmlNewDecoder ( strings . NewReader ( ext . Content ) ) . Decode ( decodeCondFmts )
condFmtBytes , _ = xml . Marshal ( [ ] * xlsxX14ConditionalFormatting {
XMLNSXM : NameSpaceSpreadSheetExcel2006Main . Value ,
CfRule : [ ] * xlsxX14CfRule { rule } ,
} ,
} )
if condFmts == nil {
condFmts = & xlsxX14ConditionalFormattings { }
condFmts . Content = decodeCondFmts . Content + string ( condFmtBytes )
condFmtsBytes , _ = xml . Marshal ( condFmts )
decodeExtLst . Ext [ idx ] . Content = string ( condFmtsBytes )
appendMode = true
extLstBytes , _ = xml . Marshal ( decodeExtLst )
ws . ExtLst = & xlsxExtLst {
Ext : strings . TrimSuffix ( strings . TrimPrefix ( string ( extLstBytes ) , "<extLst>" ) , "</extLst>" ) ,
return err
condFmtBytes , _ = xml . Marshal ( [ ] * xlsxX14ConditionalFormatting {
{ XMLNSXM : NameSpaceSpreadSheetExcel2006Main . Value , CfRule : [ ] * xlsxX14CfRule { rule } } ,
} )
if ! appendMode {
condFmtsBytes , _ = xml . Marshal ( & xlsxX14ConditionalFormattings { Content : string ( condFmtBytes ) } )
extBytes , err = xml . Marshal ( & xlsxWorksheetExt {
URI : ExtURIConditionalFormattings ,
Content : string ( condFmtsBytes ) ,
decodeExtLst . Ext = append ( decodeExtLst . Ext , & xlsxWorksheetExt {
URI : ExtURIConditionalFormattings , Content : string ( condFmtsBytes ) ,
} )
sort . Slice ( decodeExtLst . Ext , func ( i , j int ) bool {
return inStrSlice ( extensionURIPriority , decodeExtLst . Ext [ i ] . URI , false ) <
inStrSlice ( extensionURIPriority , decodeExtLst . Ext [ j ] . URI , false )
} )
ws . ExtLst = & xlsxExtLst { Ext : strings . TrimSuffix ( strings . TrimPrefix ( string ( extBytes ) , "<extLst>" ) , "</extLst>" ) }
extLstBytes , err = xml . Marshal ( decodeExtLst )
ws . ExtLst = & xlsxExtLst { Ext : strings . TrimSuffix ( strings . TrimPrefix ( string ( extLstBytes ) , "<extLst>" ) , "</extLst>" ) }
return err
@ -3424,6 +3468,7 @@ func extractCondFmtDataBar(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatO
for _ , rule := range condFmt . CfRule {
if rule . DataBar != nil {
format . BarSolid = ! rule . DataBar . Gradient
format . BarDirection = rule . DataBar . Direction
if rule . DataBar . BorderColor != nil {
format . BarBorderColor = "#" + strings . TrimPrefix ( strings . ToUpper ( rule . DataBar . BorderColor . RGB ) , "FF" )
@ -3466,6 +3511,20 @@ func extractCondFmtExp(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptio
return format
// extractCondFmtIconSet provides a function to extract conditional format
// settings for icon sets by given conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtIconSet ( c * xlsxCfRule , extLst * xlsxExtLst ) ConditionalFormatOptions {
format := ConditionalFormatOptions { Type : "iconSet" }
if c . IconSet != nil {
if c . IconSet . ShowValue != nil {
format . IconsOnly = ! * c . IconSet . ShowValue
format . IconStyle = c . IconSet . IconSet
format . ReverseIcons = c . IconSet . Reverse
return format
// GetConditionalFormats returns conditional format settings by given worksheet
// name.
func ( f * File ) GetConditionalFormats ( sheet string ) ( map [ string ] [ ] ConditionalFormatOptions , error ) {
@ -3478,6 +3537,7 @@ func (f *File) GetConditionalFormats(sheet string) (map[string][]ConditionalForm
"colorScale" : extractCondFmtColorScale ,
"dataBar" : extractCondFmtDataBar ,
"expression" : extractCondFmtExp ,
"iconSet" : extractCondFmtIconSet ,
conditionalFormats := make ( map [ string ] [ ] ConditionalFormatOptions )
@ -3622,19 +3682,22 @@ func drawCondFmtColorScale(p int, ct, GUID string, format *ConditionalFormatOpti
func drawCondFmtDataBar ( p int , ct , GUID string , format * ConditionalFormatOptions ) ( * xlsxCfRule , * xlsxX14CfRule ) {
var x14CfRule * xlsxX14CfRule
var extLst * xlsxExtLst
if format . BarSolid {
if format . BarSolid || format . BarDirection == "leftToRight" || format . BarDirection == "rightToLeft" || format . BarBorderColor != "" {
extLst = & xlsxExtLst { Ext : fmt . Sprintf ( ` <ext uri="%s" xmlns:x14="%s"><x14:id>%s</x14:id></ext> ` , ExtURIConditionalFormattingRuleID , NameSpaceSpreadSheetX14 . Value , GUID ) }
x14CfRule = & xlsxX14CfRule {
Type : validType [ format . Type ] ,
DataBar : & xlsx14DataBar {
MaxLength : 100 ,
Border : format . BarBorderColor != "" ,
Gradient : ! format . BarSolid ,
Direction : format . BarDirection ,
Cfvo : [ ] * xlsxCfvo { { Type : "autoMin" } , { Type : "autoMax" } } ,
NegativeFillColor : & xlsxColor { RGB : "FFFF0000" } ,
AxisColor : & xlsxColor { RGB : "FFFF0000" } ,
} ,
if format. BarBorderColor != "" {
if x14CfRule. DataBar . Border {
x14CfRule . DataBar . BorderColor = & xlsxColor { RGB : getPaletteColor ( format . BarBorderColor ) }
@ -3663,6 +3726,58 @@ func drawCondFmtExp(p int, ct, GUID string, format *ConditionalFormatOptions) (*
} , nil
// drawCondFmtIconSet provides a function to create conditional formatting rule
// for icon set by given priority, criteria type and format settings.
func drawCondFmtIconSet ( p int , ct , GUID string , format * ConditionalFormatOptions ) ( * xlsxCfRule , * xlsxX14CfRule ) {
cfvo3 := & xlsxCfRule { IconSet : & xlsxIconSet { Cfvo : [ ] * xlsxCfvo {
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "0" } ,
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "33" } ,
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "67" } ,
} } }
cfvo4 := & xlsxCfRule { IconSet : & xlsxIconSet { Cfvo : [ ] * xlsxCfvo {
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "0" } ,
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "25" } ,
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "50" } ,
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "75" } ,
} } }
cfvo5 := & xlsxCfRule { IconSet : & xlsxIconSet { Cfvo : [ ] * xlsxCfvo {
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "0" } ,
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "20" } ,
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "40" } ,
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "60" } ,
{ Type : "percent" , Val : "80" } ,
} } }
presets := map [ string ] * xlsxCfRule {
"3Arrows" : cfvo3 ,
"3ArrowsGray" : cfvo3 ,
"3Flags" : cfvo3 ,
"3Signs" : cfvo3 ,
"3Symbols" : cfvo3 ,
"3Symbols2" : cfvo3 ,
"3TrafficLights1" : cfvo3 ,
"3TrafficLights2" : cfvo3 ,
"4Arrows" : cfvo4 ,
"4ArrowsGray" : cfvo4 ,
"4Rating" : cfvo4 ,
"4RedToBlack" : cfvo4 ,
"4TrafficLights" : cfvo4 ,
"5Arrows" : cfvo5 ,
"5ArrowsGray" : cfvo5 ,
"5Quarters" : cfvo5 ,
"5Rating" : cfvo5 ,
cfRule , ok := presets [ format . IconStyle ]
if ! ok {
return nil , nil
cfRule . Priority = p + 1
cfRule . IconSet . IconSet = format . IconStyle
cfRule . IconSet . Reverse = format . ReverseIcons
cfRule . IconSet . ShowValue = boolPtr ( ! format . IconsOnly )
cfRule . Type = format . Type
return cfRule , nil
// getPaletteColor provides a function to convert the RBG color by given
// string.
func getPaletteColor ( color string ) string {