@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ func (f *File) SetCellValue(sheet string, axis string, value interface{}) {
case int64 :
f . SetCellInt ( sheet , axis , int ( value . ( int64 ) ) )
case float32 :
f . SetCell Int( sheet , axis , int ( value . ( float32 ) ) )
f . SetCell Default( sheet , axis , strconv . FormatFloat ( float64 ( value . ( float32 ) ) , 'f' , - 1 , 32 ) )
case float64 :
f . SetCell Int( sheet , axis , int ( value . ( float64 ) ) )
f . SetCell Default( sheet , axis , strconv . FormatFloat ( float64 ( value . ( float64 ) ) , 'f' , - 1 , 64 ) )
case string :
f . SetCellStr ( sheet , axis , t )
case [ ] byte :
@ -110,6 +110,31 @@ func (f *File) SetCellStr(sheet string, axis string, value string) {
f . saveFileList ( name , replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace ( string ( output ) ) )
// SetCellDefault provides function to set string type value of a cell as default format without escaping the cell
func ( f * File ) SetCellDefault ( sheet string , axis string , value string ) {
axis = strings . ToUpper ( axis )
var xlsx xlsxWorksheet
col := string ( strings . Map ( letterOnlyMapF , axis ) )
row , _ := strconv . Atoi ( strings . Map ( intOnlyMapF , axis ) )
xAxis := row - 1
yAxis := titleToNumber ( col )
name := ` xl/worksheets/ ` + strings . ToLower ( sheet ) + ` .xml `
xml . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( f . readXML ( name ) ) , & xlsx )
rows := xAxis + 1
cell := yAxis + 1
xlsx = completeRow ( xlsx , rows , cell )
xlsx = completeCol ( xlsx , rows , cell )
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ xAxis ] . C [ yAxis ] . T = ""
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ xAxis ] . C [ yAxis ] . V = value
output , _ := xml . Marshal ( xlsx )
f . saveFileList ( name , replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace ( string ( output ) ) )
// Completion column element tags of XML in a sheet.
func completeCol ( xlsx xlsxWorksheet , row int , cell int ) xlsxWorksheet {
if len ( xlsx . SheetData . Row ) < cell {