@ -411,3 +411,43 @@ func (f *File) adjustAutoFilterHelper(xlsx *xlsxWorksheet, column, rowIndex, off
// GetMergeCells provides a function to get all merged cells from a worksheet currently.
func (f *File) GetMergeCells(sheet string) []MergeCell {
mergeCells := []MergeCell{}
xlsx := f.workSheetReader(sheet)
if xlsx.MergeCells != nil {
for i := 0; i < len(xlsx.MergeCells.Cells); i++ {
ref := xlsx.MergeCells.Cells[i].Ref
axis := strings.Split(ref, ":")[0]
mergeCells = append(mergeCells, []string{ref, f.GetCellValue(sheet, axis)})
return mergeCells
// MergeCell define a merged cell data.
// It consists of the following structure.
// example: []string{"D4:E10", "cell value"}
type MergeCell []string
// GetCellValue returns merged cell value.
func (m *MergeCell) GetCellValue() string {
return (*m)[1]
// GetStartAxis returns the merge start axis.
// example: "C2"
func (m *MergeCell) GetStartAxis() string {
axis := strings.Split((*m)[0], ":")
return axis[0]
// GetEndAxis returns the merge end axis.
// example: "D4"
func (m *MergeCell) GetEndAxis() string {
axis := strings.Split((*m)[0], ":")
return axis[1]