@ -315,9 +315,10 @@ type formulaFuncs struct {
sheet, cell string
// CalcCellValue provides a function to get calculated cell value. This
// feature is currently in working processing. Array formula, table formula
// and some other formulas are not supported currently.
// CalcCellValue provides a function to get calculated cell value. This feature
// is currently in working processing. Iterative calculation, implicit
// intersection, explicit intersection, array formula, table formula and some
// other formulas are not supported currently.
// Supported formula functions:
@ -421,6 +422,8 @@ type formulaFuncs struct {
// DAYS360
// DB
// DDB
@ -488,6 +491,7 @@ type formulaFuncs struct {
// IF
@ -1602,12 +1606,18 @@ func formulaCriteriaEval(val string, criteria *formulaCriteria) (result bool, er
var value, expected float64
var e error
prepareValue := func(val, cond string) (value float64, expected float64, err error) {
percential := 1.0
if strings.HasSuffix(cond, "%") {
cond = strings.TrimSuffix(cond, "%")
percential /= 100
if value, err = strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64); err != nil {
if expected, err = strconv.ParseFloat(criteria.Condition, 64); err != nil {
if expected, err = strconv.ParseFloat(cond, 64); err != nil {
expected *= percential
switch criteria.Type {
@ -17957,3 +17967,155 @@ func (fn *formulaFuncs) YIELDMAT(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
result /= dsm.Number
return newNumberFormulaArg(result)
// Database Functions
// calcDatabase defines the structure for formula database.
type calcDatabase struct {
col, row int
indexMap map[int]int
database [][]formulaArg
criteria [][]formulaArg
// newCalcDatabase function returns formula database by given data range of
// cells containing the database, field and criteria range.
func newCalcDatabase(database, field, criteria formulaArg) *calcDatabase {
db := calcDatabase{
indexMap: make(map[int]int),
database: database.Matrix,
criteria: criteria.Matrix,
exp := len(database.Matrix) < 2 || len(database.Matrix[0]) < 1 ||
len(criteria.Matrix) < 2 || len(criteria.Matrix[0]) < 1
if field.Type != ArgEmpty {
if db.col = db.columnIndex(database.Matrix, field); exp || db.col < 0 || len(db.database[0]) <= db.col {
return nil
return &db
if db.col = -1; exp {
return nil
return &db
// columnIndex return index by specifies column field within the database for
// which user want to return the count of non-blank cells.
func (db *calcDatabase) columnIndex(database [][]formulaArg, field formulaArg) int {
num := field.ToNumber()
if num.Type != ArgNumber && len(database) > 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(database[0]); i++ {
if title := database[0][i]; strings.EqualFold(title.Value(), field.Value()) {
return i
return -1
return int(num.Number - 1)
// criteriaEval evaluate formula criteria expression.
func (db *calcDatabase) criteriaEval() bool {
var (
columns, rows = len(db.criteria[0]), len(db.criteria)
criteria = db.criteria
k int
matched bool
if len(db.indexMap) == 0 {
fields := criteria[0]
for j := 0; j < columns; j++ {
if k = db.columnIndex(db.database, fields[j]); k < 0 {
return false
db.indexMap[j] = k
for i := 1; !matched && i < rows; i++ {
matched = true
for j := 0; matched && j < columns; j++ {
criteriaExp := db.criteria[i][j].Value()
if criteriaExp == "" {
criteria := formulaCriteriaParser(criteriaExp)
cell := db.database[db.row][db.indexMap[j]].Value()
matched, _ = formulaCriteriaEval(cell, criteria)
return matched
// value returns the current cell value.
func (db *calcDatabase) value() formulaArg {
if db.col == -1 {
return db.database[db.row][len(db.database[db.row])-1]
return db.database[db.row][db.col]
// next will return true if find the matched cell in the database.
func (db *calcDatabase) next() bool {
matched, rows := false, len(db.database)
for !matched && db.row < rows {
if db.row++; db.row < rows {
matched = db.criteriaEval()
return matched
// dcount is an implementation of the formula functions DCOUNT and DCOUNTA.
func (fn *formulaFuncs) dcount(name string, argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
if argsList.Len() < 2 {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorVALUE, fmt.Sprintf("%s requires at least 2 arguments", name))
if argsList.Len() > 3 {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorVALUE, fmt.Sprintf("%s allows at most 3 arguments", name))
field := newEmptyFormulaArg()
criteria := argsList.Back().Value.(formulaArg)
if argsList.Len() > 2 {
field = argsList.Front().Next().Value.(formulaArg)
var count float64
database := argsList.Front().Value.(formulaArg)
db := newCalcDatabase(database, field, criteria)
if db == nil {
return newErrorFormulaArg(formulaErrorVALUE, formulaErrorVALUE)
for db.next() {
cell := db.value()
if cell.Value() == "" {
if num := cell.ToNumber(); name == "DCOUNT" && num.Type != ArgNumber {
return newNumberFormulaArg(count)
// DOUNT function returns the number of cells containing numeric values, in a
// field (column) of a database for selected records only. The records to be
// included in the count are those that satisfy a set of one or more
// user-specified criteria. The syntax of the function is:
// DCOUNT(database,[field],criteria)
func (fn *formulaFuncs) DCOUNT(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
return fn.dcount("DCOUNT", argsList)
// DCOUNTA function returns the number of non-blank cells, in a field
// (column) of a database for selected records only. The records to be
// included in the count are those that satisfy a set of one or more
// user-specified criteria. The syntax of the function is:
// DCOUNTA(database,[field],criteria)
func (fn *formulaFuncs) DCOUNTA(argsList *list.List) formulaArg {
return fn.dcount("DCOUNTA", argsList)