@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ type xlsxClientData struct {
FPrintsWithSheet bool `xml:"fPrintsWithSheet,attr"`
// xlsxTwoCellAnchor directly maps the twoCellAnchor (Two Cell Anchor Shape
// Size). This element specifies a two cell anchor placeholder for a group, a
// shape, or a drawing element. It moves with cells and its extents are in EMU
// units.
type xlsxTwoCellAnchor struct {
// xlsxCellAnchor directly maps the oneCellAnchor (One Cell Anchor Shape Size)
// and twoCellAnchor (Two Cell Anchor Shape Size). This element specifies a two
// cell anchor placeholder for a group, a shape, or a drawing element. It moves
// with cells and its extents are in EMU units.
type xlsxCellAnchor struct {
EditAs string `xml:"editAs,attr,omitempty"`
From *xlsxFrom `xml:"xdr:from"`
To *xlsxTo `xml:"xdr:to"`
@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ type xlsxTwoCellAnchor struct {
// xlsxWsDr directly maps the root element for a part of this content type shall
// wsDr.
type xlsxWsDr struct {
TwoCellAnchor []*xlsxTwoCellAnchor `xml:"xdr:twoCellAnchor"`
OneCellAnchor []*xlsxCellAnchor `xml:"xdr:oneCellAnchor"`
TwoCellAnchor []*xlsxCellAnchor `xml:"xdr:twoCellAnchor"`
Xdr string `xml:"xmlns:xdr,attr"`
A string `xml:"xmlns:a,attr"`