You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

75 lines
3.4 KiB

The ABP Framework provides an abstraction to work with JSON. Having such an abstraction has some benefits;
* You can write library independent code. Therefore, you can change the underlying library with the minimum effort and code change.
* You can use the predefined converters defined in the ABP without worrying about the underlying library's internal details.
> The JSON serialization system is implemented with the [Volo.Abp.Json]( NuGet package([Volo.Abp.Json.SystemTextJson]( is the default implementation). Most of the time, you don't need to manually [install it]( since it comes pre-installed with the [application startup template](Startup-Templates/
## IJsonSerializer
You can inject `IJsonSerializer` and use it for JSON operations. Here is the available operations in the `IJsonSerializer` interface.
public interface IJsonSerializer
string Serialize(object obj, bool camelCase = true, bool indented = false);
T Deserialize<T>(string jsonString, bool camelCase = true);
object Deserialize(Type type, string jsonString, bool camelCase = true);
Usage Example:
public class ProductManager
public IJsonSerializer JsonSerializer { get; }
public ProductManager(IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer)
JsonSerializer = jsonSerializer;
public void SendRequest(Product product)
var json= JsonSerializer.Serialize(product);
// Left blank intentionally for demo purposes...
## Configuration
### AbpJsonOptions
`AbpJsonOptions` type provides options for the JSON operations in the ABP Framework.
* **InputDateTimeFormats(`List<string>`)**: Formats of input JSON date, Empty string means default format. You can provide multiple formats to parse the date.
* **OutputDateTimeFormat(`string`)**: Format of output json date, Null or empty string means default format.
## System Text Json
### AbpSystemTextJsonSerializerOptions
- **JsonSerializerOptions(`System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions`)**: Global options for System.Text.Json library operations. See [here]( for reference.
### AbpSystemTextJsonSerializerModifiersOptions
- **Modifiers(`List<Action<JsonTypeInfo>>`)**: Configure `Modifiers` of `DefaultJsonTypeInfoResolver`. See [here]( for reference.
## Newtonsoft
Add [Volo.Abp.Json.Newtonsoft]( package and depends on `AbpJsonNewtonsoftModule` to replace the `System Text Json`.
#### AbpNewtonsoftJsonSerializerOptions
- **JsonSerializerSettings(`Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings`)**: Global options for Newtonsoft library operations. See [here]( for reference.
## Configuring JSON options in ASP.NET Core
You can change the JSON behavior in ASP.NET Core by configuring [JsonOptions]( or
[MvcNewtonsoftJsonOptions]( you use `Newtonsoft.Json`)