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Contribution Guide
ABP is an open source and community driven project. This guide is aims to help anyone wants to contribute to the project.
Code Contribution
You can always send pull requests to the Github repository.
- Clone the ABP repository from Github.
- Make the required changes.
- Send a pull request.
Before making any change, please discuss it on the Github issues. In this way, no other developer will work on the same issue and your PR will have a better chance to be accepted.
Bug Fixes & Enhancements
You may want to fix a known bug or work on a planned enhancement. See the issue list on Github.
Feature Requests
If you have a feature idea for the framework or modules, create an issue on Github or attend to an existing discussion. Then you can implement it if it's embraced by the community.
Document Translation
You may want to translate the complete documentation (including this one) to your mother language. If so, follow these steps:
- Clone the ABP repository from Github.
- To add a new language, create a new folder inside the docs folder. Folder names can be "en", "es", "fr", "tr" and so on based on the language (see all culture codes).
- Get the "en" folder as a reference for the file names and folder structure. Keep the same naming if you are translating the same documentation.
- Send a pull request (PR) once you translate any document. Please translate documents & send PRs one by one. Don't wait to finish translations for all documents.
There are some fundamental documents need to be translated before publishing a language on the ABP documentation web site:
- Getting Started documents
- Tutorials
A new language is published after these minimum translations have been completed.
Resource Localization
ABP framework has a flexible localization system. You can create localized user interfaces for your own application.
In addition to that, the framework and pre-build modules have already localized texts. As an example, see the localization texts for the Volo.Abp.UI package. You can create a new file in the same folder to translate it.
- Clone the ABP repository from Github.
- Create a new file for the target language for a localization text (json) file (near to the en.json file).
- Copy all texts from the en.json file.
- Translate the texts.
- Send pull request on Github.
ABP is a modular framework. So there are many localization text resource, one per module. To find all .json files, you can search for "en.json" after cloning the repository. You can also check this list for a list of localization text files.
Blog Posts & Tutorials
If you decide to create some tutorials or blog posts on ABP, please inform us (by creating a Github issue), so we may add a link to your tutorial/post in the official documentation and we can announce it on our Twitter account.
Bug Report
If you find any bug, please create an issue on the Github repository.