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Microservice Demo Solution

"Microservices are a software development technique—a variant of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. In a microservices architecture, services are fine-grained and the protocols are lightweight. The benefit of decomposing an application into different smaller services is that it improves modularity. This makes the application easier to understand, develop, test, and become more resilient to architecture erosion. It parallelizes development by enabling small autonomous teams to develop, deploy and scale their respective services independently. It also allows the architecture of an individual service to emerge through continuous refactoring. Microservices-based architectures enable continuous delivery and deployment."



One of the major goals of the ABP framework is to provide a convenient infrastructure to create microservice solutions.

This sample aims to demonstrate a simple yet complete microservice solution;

  • Has multiple, independent, self-deployable microservices.
  • Multiple web applications, each uses a different API gateway.
  • Has multiple gateways / BFFs (Backend for Frontends) developed using the Ocelot library.
  • Has an authentication service developed using the IdentityServer framework. It's also a SSO (Single Sign On) application with necessary UIs.
  • Has multiple databases. Some microservices has their own database while some services/applications shares a database (to demonstrate different use cases).
  • Has different types of databases: SQL Server (with Entity Framework Core ORM) and MongoDB.
  • Has a console application to show the simplest way of using a service by authenticating.
  • Uses Redis for distributed caching.
  • Uses RabbitMQ for service-to-service messaging.
  • Uses Docker & Kubernates to deploy & run all services and applications.
  • Uses Elasticsearch & Kibana to store and visualize the logs (written using Serilog).

The diagram below shows the system:


Source Code

You can get the source code from the GitHub repository.


This sample is still in development, not completed yet.

How To Run?

You can either run from the source code or from the pre-configured docker-compose file.

Using the Docker Containers

Pre Requirements

Running as docker containers is easier since all dependencies are pre-configured. You only need to install the latest docker.

Running Containers

  • Clone or download the ABP repository.

  • Open a command line in the samples/MicroserviceDemo folder of the repository.

  • Restore SQL Server databases:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.migrations.yml run restore-database
  • Start the containers:

    docker-compose up -d

    At the first run, it will take a long time because it will build all docker images.

  • Add this line to the end of your hosts file:	auth-server

    hosts file is located inside the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts folder on Windows and /etc/hosts for Linux/MacOS.

Run the Applications

There are a few applications running in the containers you may want to explore:

  • Backend Admin Application (BackendAdminApp.Host): http://localhost:51512 (Used to manage users & products in the system)
  • Public Web Site (PublicWebsite.Host): http://localhost:51513 (Used to list products and run/manage the blog module)
  • Authentication Server (AuthServer.Host): http://auth-server:51511/ (Used as a single sign on and authentication server built with IdentityServer4)
  • Kibana UI: http://localhost:51510 (Use to show/trace logs written by all services/applications/gateways)

Running From the Source Code

Pre Requirements

To be able to run the solution from source code, following tools should be installed and running on your computer:

Open & Build the Visual Studio Solution

  • Open the samples\MicroserviceDemo\MicroserviceDemo.sln in Visual Studio 2017 (15.9.0+).
  • Run dotnet restore from the command line inside the samples\MicroserviceDemo folder.
  • Build the solution in Visual Studio.

Restore Databases

Open and inside the samples\MicroserviceDemo\databases folder and restore to the SQL Server.

Notice that: These databases have EF Core migrations in the solution, however they don't have seed data, especially required for IdentityServer4 configuration. So, restoring the databases is much more easier.

Run Projects

Run the projects with the following order (right click to each project, set as startup project an press Ctrl+F5 to run without debug):

  • AuthServer.Host
  • IdentityService.Host
  • BloggingService.Host
  • ProductService.Host
  • InternalGateway.Host
  • BackendAdminAppGateway.Host
  • PublicWebSiteGateway.Host
  • BackendAdminApp.Host
  • PublicWebSite.Host

Exploring the Solution

The Visual Studio solution consists of multiple projects each have different roles in the system:



Microservices have no UI, but exposes some REST APIs.

  • IdentityService.Host: Host the ABP Identity module which is used to manage users & roles. It has no additional service, but only hosts the Identity module's API.
  • BloggingService.Host: Host the ABP Blogging module which is used to manage blog & posts (a typical blog application). It has no additional service, but only hosts the Blogging module's API.
  • ProductService.Host: Hosts the Product module (that is inside the solution) which is used to manage products. It also contains the EF Core migrations to create/update the Product Management database schema.

Gateways / BFFs (Backend for Frontend)

Gateways are used to provide a single entry point to the applications. It can also used for rate limiting, load balancing... etc. Used the Ocelot library.

  • BackendAdminAppGateway.Host: Used by the BackendAdminApp.Host application as backend.
  • PublicWebSiteGateway.Host: Used by the PublicWebSite.Host application as backend.
  • InternalGateway.Host: Used for inter-service communication (the communication between microservices).


These are the actual applications those have user interfaces to interact to the users.

  • AuthServer.Host: Host the IdentityServer4 to provide an authentication service to other services and applications. It is a single-sign on server and contains the login page.
  • BackendAdminApp.Host: This is a backend admin application that host UI for Identity and Product management modules.
  • PubicWebSite.Host: As public web site that contains a simple product list page and blog module UI.
  • ConsoleClientDemo: A simple console application to demonstrate the usage of services from a C# application.


  • Product: A layered module that is developed with the module development best practices. It can be embedded into a monolithic application or can be hosted as a microservice by separately deploying API and UI (as done in this demo solution).


This solution is using multiple databases:

  • MsDemo_Identity: An SQL database. Used SQL Server by default, but can be any DBMS supported by the EF Core. Shared by AuthServer and IdentityService. Also audit logs, permissions and settings are stored in this database (while they could easily have their own databases, shared the same database to keep it simple).
  • MsDemo_Productmanagement: An SQL database. Again, used SQL Server by default, but can be any DBMS supported by the EF Core. Used by the ProductService as a dedicated database.
  • MsDemo_Blogging: A MongoDB database. Used by the BloggingService.
  • Elasticsearch: Used to write logs over Serilog.

Identity Service