@ -1013,4 +1013,96 @@ The example above uses the `And` extension method to combine the specifications.
### Domain Services
Domain Services implement domain logic that;
* Depends on **services and repositories**.
* Needs to work with **multiple aggregates**, so the logic doesn't properly fit in any of the aggregates.
Domain Services work with Domain Objects. Their methods can **get and return entities, value objects, primitive types**... etc. However, **they don't get/return DTOs**. DTOs is a part of the Application Layer.
**Example: Assigning an issue to a user**
Remember how issue assignment has been implemented in the `Issue` entity:
public class Issue : AggregateRoot<Guid>
public Guid? AssignedUserId { get; private set; }
public async Task AssignToAsync(AppUser user, IUserIssueService userIssueService)
var openIssueCount = await userIssueService.GetOpenIssueCountAsync(user.Id);
if (openIssueCount >= 3)
throw new BusinessException("IssueTracking:ConcurrentOpenIssueLimit");
AssignedUserId = user.Id;
public void CleanAssignment()
AssignedUserId = null;
Here, we will move this logic into a Domain Service.
First, changing the `Issue` class:
public class Issue : AggregateRoot<Guid>
public Guid? AssignedUserId { get; internal set; }
* Removed the assign-related methods.
* Changed `AssignedUserId` property's setter from `private` to `internal`, to allow to set it from the Domain Service.
The next step is to create a domain service, named `IssueManager`, that has `AssignToAsync` to assign the given issue to the given user.
public IssueManager(IRepository<Issue,Guid> issueRepository)
_issueRepository = issueRepository;
public async Task AssignToAsync(Issue issue, AppUser user)
var openIssueCount = await _issueRepository.CountAsync(
i => i.AssignedUserId == user.Id && !i.IsClosed
if (openIssueCount >= 3)
throw new BusinessException("IssueTracking:ConcurrentOpenIssueLimit");
issue.AssignedUserId = user.Id;
`IssueManager` can inject any service dependency and use to query open issue count on the user.
> We prefer and suggest to use the `Manager` suffix for the Domain Services.
The only problem of this design is that `Issue.AssignedUserId` is now open to set out of the class. However, it is not `public`. It is `internal` and changing it is possible only inside the same Assembly, the `IssueTracking.Domain` project for this example solution. We think this is reasonable;
* Domain Layer developers are already aware of domain rules and they use the `IssueManager`.
* Application Layer developers are already forces to use the `IssueManager` since they don't directly set it.
While there is a tradeoff between two approaches, we prefer to create Domain Services when the business logic requires to work with external services.