* `--output-folder` or `-o`: Specifies the directory that source code will be downloaded in. If not specified, current directory is used.
* `--version` or `-v`: Specifies the version of the source code that will be downloaded. If not specified, latest version is used.
* `--preview`: If no version option is specified, this option specifies if latest [preview version](Previews.md) will be used instead of latest stable version.
* `--local-framework-ref --abp-path`: Path of [ABP Framework GitHub repository](https://github.com/abpframework/abp) in your computer. This will be used for converting project references to your local system. If this is not specified, project references will be converted to NuGet references.
* `--local-framework-ref --abp-path`: Path of [ABP Framework GitHub repository](https://github.com/abpframework/abp) in your computer. This will be used for converting project references to your local system. If this is not specified, project references will be converted to NuGet references.