Documented: Business Logic & Exceptions in the Entities

Halil İbrahim Kalkan 4 years ago
parent a502a49981
commit 29ac52e4d5

@ -492,4 +492,135 @@ namespace IssueTracking.Issues
##### Business Logic & Exceptions in the Entities ##### Business Logic & Exceptions in the Entities
TODO When you implement validation and business logic in the entities, you frequently need to manage exceptional cases. In these cases;
* Create **domain specific exceptions**.
* **Throw these exceptions** in the entity methods when necessary.
public class Issue : AggregateRoot<Guid>
public bool IsLocked { get; private set; }
public bool IsClosed { get; private set; }
public IssueCloseReason? CloseReason { get; private set; }
public void Close(IssueCloseReason reason)
IsClosed = true;
CloseReason = reason;
public void ReOpen()
if (IsLocked)
throw new IssueStateException(
"Can not open a locked issue! Unlock it first."
IsClosed = false;
CloseReason = null;
public void Lock()
if (!IsClosed)
throw new IssueStateException(
"Can not open a locked issue! Unlock it first."
IsLocked = true;
public void Unlock()
IsLocked = false;
There are two business rules here;
* A locked issue can not be re-opened.
* You can not lock an open issue.
`Issue` class throws a `IssueStateException` in these cases to force business rules:
using System;
namespace IssueTracking.Issues
public class IssueStateException : Exception
public IssueStateException(string message)
: base(message)
There are two potential problems of throwing such exceptions;
1. In case of such an exception, should the **end user** see the exception (error) message? If so, how do you **localize** the exception message? You can not use the [localization]( system, because you can't inject and use `IStringLocalizer` in the entities.
2. For a web application or HTTP API, what **HTTP Status Code** should return to the client?
ABP's [Exception Handling]( system solves these problems (and more).
**Example: Throwing a business exception with code**
using Volo.Abp;
namespace IssueTracking.Issues
public class IssueStateException : BusinessException
public IssueStateException(string code)
: base(code)
* `IssueStateException` class inherits the `BusinessException` class. ABP returns 403 (forbidden) HTTP Status code by default (instead of 500 - Internal Server Error) for the exceptions derived from the `BusinessException`.
* The `code` is used as a key in the localization resource file to find the localized message.
Now, we can change the `ReOpen` method as shown below:
public void ReOpen()
if (IsLocked)
throw new IssueStateException("IssueTracking:CanNotOpenLockedIssue");
IsClosed = false;
CloseReason = null;
> Use constants instead of magic strings.
And add an entry to the localization resource. Example entry for the English language:
"IssueTracking:CanNotOpenLockedIssue": "Can not open a locked issue! Unlock it first."
* ABP automatically uses this localized message (based on the current language) to show to the end user when you throw the exception.
* The exception code (`IssueTracking:CanNotOpenLockedIssue` here) is also sent to the client, so it may handle the error case programmatically.
> For this example, you could directly throw `BusinessException` instead of defining a specialized `IssueStateException`. The result will be same. See the [exception handling document]( for all the details.