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# Text Templating
## Introduction
ABP Framework provides a simple, yet efficient text template system. Text templating is used to dynamically render contents based on a template and a model (a data object):
It is very similar to an ASP.NET Core Razor View (or Page):
### Example
Here, a simple template:
Hello {{}} :)
You can define a class with a `Name` property to render this template:
public class HelloModel
public string Name { get; set; }
If you render the template with a `HelloModel` with the `Name` is `John`, the rendered output is will be:
Hello John :)
Template rendering engine is very powerful;
* It is based on the [Scriban]( library, so it supports **conditional logics**, **loops** and much more.
* Template content **can be localized**.
* You can define **layout templates** to be used as the layout while rendering other templates.
* You can pass arbitrary objects to the template context (beside the model) for advanced scenarios.
## Installation
It is suggested to use the [ABP CLI]( to install this package.
### Using the ABP CLI
Open a command line window in the folder of the project (.csproj file) and type the following command:
abp add-package Volo.Abp.TextTemplating
### Manual Installation
If you want to manually install;
1. Add the [Volo.Abp.TextTemplating]( NuGet package to your project:
Install-Package Volo.Abp.TextTemplating
2. Add the `AbpTextTemplatingModule` to the dependency list of your module:
//...other dependencies
typeof(AbpTextTemplatingModule) //Add the new module dependency
public class YourModule : AbpModule
## Defining Templates
Before rendering a template, you should define it. Create a class inheriting from the `TemplateDefinitionProvider` base class:
public class DemoTemplateDefinitionProvider : TemplateDefinitionProvider
public override void Define(ITemplateDefinitionContext context)
new TemplateDefinition("Hello") //template name: "Hello"
"/Demos/Hello/Hello.tpl", //template content path
isInlineLocalized: true
* `context` object is used to add new templates or get the templates defined by depended modules. Used `context.Add(...)` to define a new template.
* `TemplateDefinition` is the class represents a template. Each template must have a unique name (that will be used while you are rendering the template).
* `/Demos/Hello/Hello.tpl` is the path of the template file.
* `isInlineLocalized` is used to declare if you are using a single template for all languages (`true`) or different templates for each language (`false`). See the Localization section below for more.
### The Template Content
`WithVirtualFilePath` indicates that we are using the [Virtual File System]( to store the template content. Create a `Hello.tpl` file inside your project and mark it as "**embedded resource**" on the properties window:
Example `Hello.tpl` content is shown below:
Hello {{}} :)
The [Virtual File System]( requires to add your files in the `ConfigureServices` method of your [module]( class:
Configure<AbpVirtualFileSystemOptions>(options =>
* `TextTemplateDemoModule` is the module class that you define your template in.
* `TextTemplateDemo` is the root namespace of your project.
## Rendering the Template
`ITemplateRenderer` service is used to render a template content. Example:
public class HelloDemo : ITransientDependency
private readonly ITemplateRenderer _templateRenderer;
public HelloDemo(ITemplateRenderer templateRenderer)
_templateRenderer = templateRenderer;
public async Task RunAsync()
var result = await _templateRenderer.RenderAsync(
"Hello", //the template name
new HelloModel
Name = "John"
* `HelloDemo` is a simple class that injects the `ITemplateRenderer` in its constructor and uses it inside the `RunAsync` method.
* `RenderAsync` gets two fundamental parameters:
* `templateName`: The name of the template to be rendered (`Hello` in this example).
* `model`: An object that is used as the `model` inside the template (a `HelloModel` object in this example).
The result shown below for this example:
Hello John :)
### Anonymous Model
While it is suggested to create model classes for the templates, it would be practical (and possible) to use an anonymous object for simple cases:
var result = await _templateRenderer.RenderAsync(
"Hello", //the template name
Name = "John"
In this case, we haven't created a model class, but created an anonymous object as the model.
### PascalCase vs CamelCase
PascalCase property names (like `UserName`) is used as camelCase (like `userName`) in the template as a convention.
## Logic
A Text Template is a combination of two parts: template definition and template content.
### Template Definition
Template Definition is an object that contains some information about your text templates. Template Definition object contains the following properties.
- `Name` *(string)*: Unique name of the template. It is then used to render the template.
- `IsLayout` *(boolean)*:
- `Layout` *(string)* contains the <u>name of layout template</u>
- `LocalizationResource` *(Type)* The localization resource type that is used if this template is inline localized.
- `IsInlineLocalized` *(boolean)* describes that the template is inline localized or not
- `DefaultCultureName` *(string)* defines the default culture for the template
### Template Content
This is a simple content for your templates. For default, template contents stored as `Virtual File`.
> Example: ForgotPasswordEmail.tpl
<h3>{{L "PasswordReset"}}</h3>
<p>{{L "PasswordResetInfoInEmail"}}</p>
<a href="{{}}">{{L "ResetMyPassword"}}</a>
### Localization
You can localize your Text Templates by choosing two different methods.
- `Inline Localization`
- `Multiple Content Localization`
#### Inline Localization
An inline localized text template is using only one content resource, and it is using the [Abp.Localization]( to get content in different languages/cultures.
Example Inline Localized Text Template content:
<h3>{{L "PasswordReset"}}</h3>
<p>{{L "PasswordResetInfoInEmail"}}</p>
<a href="{{}}">{{L "ResetMyPassword"}}</a>
#### Multiple Content Localization
You can store your Text Templates for any culture in different content resource.
> Example Multiple Content Localization
> ForgotPasswordEmail / en.tpl
<h3>Reset Your Password</h3>
<p>Hello, this is a password changing email.</p>
<a href="{{}}">Click To Reset Your Password</a>
> ForgotPasswordEmail / tr.tpl
<h3>Şifrenizi Değiştirin</h3>
<p>Merhaba, bu bir şifre yenileme e postasıdır.</p>
<a href="{{}}">Şifrenizi Yenilemek İçin Tıklayınız</a>
### Layout System
It is typical to use the same layout for some different text templates. So, you can define a layout template.
A text template can be layout for different text templates and also a text template may use a layout.
A layout Text Template must have `{{content}}` area to render the child content. _(just like the `RenderBody()` in the MVC)_
Example Email Layout Text Template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
## Definition of a Text Template
First of all, create a class that inherited from `TemplateDefinitionProvider` abstract class and create `Define` method that derived from the base class.
`Define` method requires a context that is `ITemplateDefinitionContext`. This `context` is a storage for template definitions and we will add our template definitions to the context.
> **NOTE!** For default, ABP uses **Virtual File System** for text templates. Do not forget to register your files as an `Embedded Resource`. Please check the [Virtual File System Documentation]( for more details.
> All given examples are for `Virtual File Text Template Definitions`.
public class MyTemplateDefinitionProvider : TemplateDefinitionProvider
public override void Define(ITemplateDefinitionContext context)
// Layout Text Template
new TemplateDefinition(
name: "MySampleTemplateLayout", // Template Definition Name
isLayout: true
).WithVirtualFilePath("/SampleTemplates/SampleTemplateLayout.tpl", true)
// Inline Localized Text Template
new TemplateDefinition(
name: "ForgotPasswordEmail",
localizationResource: typeof(MyLocalizationResource),
layout: TestTemplates.TestTemplateLayout1
).WithVirtualFilePath("/SampleTemplates/ForgotPasswordEmail.tpl", true)
// Multiple File Localized Text Template
new TemplateDefinition(
name: "ForgotPasswordEmail",
defaultCultureName: "en"
).WithVirtualFilePath("/SampleTemplates/ForgotPasswordEmail", false)
As you see in the given example, all Text Templates are added with `(ITemplateDefinitionContext)context.Add` method. This method requires a `TemplateDefinition` object. Then we call `WithVirtualFilePath` method with chaining for the describe where is the virtual files.
`WithVirtualFilePath` is requires one `tpl` file path for the `Inline Localized` Text Templates. If your Text Tempalte is `Multi Localized` you should create a folder and store each different culture files under that. So you can send the folder path as a parameter to `WithVirtualFilePath`.
> Inline Localized File
/ Folder / ForgotPasswordEmail.tpl
> Multi Content Localization
/ Folder / ForgotPasswordEmail / en.tpl
/ Folder / ForgotPasswordEmail / tr.tpl
## Rendering
When one template is registered, it is easy to render and get the result with `ITemplateRenderer` service.
`ITemplateRenderer` service has one method that named `RenderAsync` and to render your content and it is requires some parameters.
- `templateName` (_string_)
- `model` (_object_)
- `cultureName` (_string_)
- `globalContext` (_dictionary_)
`templateName` is exactly same with Template Definition Name.
`model` is a dynamic object. This is using to put dynamic data into template. For more information, please look at [Scriban Documentation](
`cultureName` is your destination rendering culture. When it is not exist, it will use the default culture.
> If `cultureName` has a language tag it will try to find exact culture with tag, if it is not exist it will use the language family.
> Example: If you try to render content with _"es-MX"_ it will search your template with _"es-MX"_ culture, when it fails to find, it will try to render _"es"_ culture content. If still can't find it will render the default culture content that you defined.
`globalContext` = TODO
## Template Content Provider
When you want to get your stored template content you can use `ITemplateContentProvider`.
`ITemplateContentProvider` has one method that named `GetContentOrNullAsync` with two different overriding, and it returns you a string of template content or null. (**without rendering**)
- `templateName` (_string_) or `templateDefinition` (_`TemplateDefinition`_)
- `cultureName` (_string_)
- `tryDefaults` (_bool_)
- `useCurrentCultureIfCultureNameIsNull` (_bool_)
### Usage
First parametres of `GetContentOrNullAsync` (`templateName` or `templateDefinition`) are required, the other three parametres can be null.
If you want to get exact culture content, set `tryDefaults` and `useCurrentCultureIfCultureNameIsNull` as a `false`. Because the `GetContentOrNullAsync` tries to return content of template.
> Example Scenario
> If you have a template content that culture "`es`", when you try to get template content with "`es-MX`" it will try to return first "`es-MX`", if it fails it will return "`es`" content. If you set `tryDefaults` and `useCurrentCultureIfCultureNameIsNull` as `false` it will return `null`.
## Template Definition Manager
When you want to get your `Template Definitions`, you can use a singleton service that named `Template Definition Manager` in runtime.
To use it, inject `ITemplateDefinitionManager` service.
It has three method that you can get your Template Definitions.
- `Get`
- `GetOrNull`
- `GetAll`
`Get` and `GetOrNull` requires a string parameter that name of template definition. `Get` will throw error when it is not exist but `GetOrNull` returns `null`.
`GetAll` returns you all registered template definitions.
## Template Content Contributor
You can store your `Template Contents` in any resource. To make it, just create a class that implements `ITemplateContentContributor` interface.
`ITemplateContentContributor` has a one method that named `GetOrNullAsync`. This method must return content **without rendering** if that is exist in your resource or must return `null`.