@ -237,16 +237,31 @@ When one template is registered, it is easy to render and get the result with `I
`templateName` is exactly same with Template Definition Name.
`model` is a dynamic object. This is using to put dynamic data into template. For more information, please check by [Scriban Documentation](https://github.com/lunet-io/scriban).
`model` is a dynamic object. This is using to put dynamic data into template. For more information, please look at [Scriban Documentation](https://github.com/lunet-io/scriban).
`cultureName` is your rendering destination culture. When it is not exist, it will use the default culture.
> If `cultureName` has a language tag it will try to find exact culture with tag, if it is not exist it will use the language family.
> If you try to render content with _"es-MX"_ it will search your template with _"es-MX"_ culture, when it fails to find, it will try to render _"es"_ culture content. If still can't find it will render the default culture content that you defined.
`globalContext` = TODO
## Getting Template Definitions
## Template Definition Manager
When you want to get your `Template Definitions`, you can use a singleton service that named `Template Definition Manager` in runtime.
To use it, inject `ITemplateDefinitionManager` service.
It has three method that you can get your Template Definitions.
- `Get`
- `GetOrNull`
- `GetAll`
### Template Definition Manager
`Get` and `GetOrNull` requires a string parameter that name of template definition. `Get` will throw error when it is not exist but `GetOrNull` returns `null`.
## Getting Template Contents
`GetAll` returns you all registered template definitions.