f 4 weeks ago
parent 2507582478
commit a88f5af663

@ -115,24 +115,38 @@ jobs:
pull_number: issueNumber
// Get the PR diff for better context
const { data: diff } = await octokit.pulls.get({
// Get the list of files changed in the PR
const { data: files } = await octokit.pulls.listFiles({
owner: event.repository.owner.login,
repo: event.repository.name,
pull_number: issueNumber,
mediaType: { format: 'diff' }
pull_number: issueNumber
// Process file changes
const fileChanges = await Promise.all(files.map(async file => {
if (file.status === 'removed') {
return `Deleted: ${file.filename}`;
// Get file content for added or modified files
if (file.status === 'added' || file.status === 'modified') {
const patch = file.patch || '';
return `${file.status === 'added' ? 'Added' : 'Modified'}: ${file.filename}\nChanges:\n${patch}`;
return `${file.status}: ${file.filename}`;
const completion = await openai.chat.completions.create({
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages: [
role: "system",
content: "You are a helpful assistant that generates clear, concise, and descriptive pull request titles. Follow conventional commit message style. Return ONLY the new title, nothing else."
content: "You are a helpful assistant that generates clear, concise, and descriptive pull request titles based on code changes. Follow conventional commit message style (e.g., 'feat:', 'fix:', 'refactor:', 'docs:', etc.). Return ONLY the new title, nothing else."
role: "user",
content: `Based on this pull request content, generate a better title.\n\nCurrent title: ${pr.title}\n\nDescription: ${pr.body}\n\nChanges:\n${diff}`
content: `Based on these file changes, generate a descriptive PR title:\n\n${fileChanges.join('\n\n')}`
temperature: 0.7,
@ -154,7 +168,7 @@ jobs:
owner: event.repository.owner.login,
repo: event.repository.name,
issue_number: issueNumber,
body: `✨ Updated PR title to: "${newTitle}"`
body: `✨ Updated PR title to: "${newTitle}"\n\nBased on the following changes:\n\`\`\`diff\n${fileChanges.join('\n')}\n\`\`\``
