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package excelize
import (
// parseFormatTableSet provides function to parse the format settings of the
// table with default value.
func parseFormatTableSet(formatSet string) *formatTable {
format := formatTable{
TableStyle: "",
ShowRowStripes: true,
json.Unmarshal([]byte(formatSet), &format)
return &format
// AddTable provides the method to add table in a worksheet by given sheet
// index, coordinate area and format set. For example, create a table of A1:D5
// on Sheet1:
// xlsx.AddTable("Sheet1", "A1", "D5", ``)
// Create a table of F2:H6 on Sheet2 with format set:
// xlsx.AddTable("Sheet2", "F2", "H6", `{"table_style":"TableStyleMedium2", "show_first_column":true,"show_last_column":true,"show_row_stripes":false,"show_column_stripes":true}`)
// Note that the table at least two lines include string type header. The two
// chart coordinate areas can not have an intersection.
// table_style: The built-in table style names
// TableStyleLight1 - TableStyleLight21
// TableStyleMedium1 - TableStyleMedium28
// TableStyleDark1 - TableStyleDark11
func (f *File) AddTable(sheet, hcell, vcell, format string) {
formatSet := parseFormatTableSet(format)
hcell = strings.ToUpper(hcell)
vcell = strings.ToUpper(vcell)
// Coordinate conversion, convert C1:B3 to 2,0,1,2.
hcol := string(strings.Map(letterOnlyMapF, hcell))
hrow, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Map(intOnlyMapF, hcell))
hyAxis := hrow - 1
hxAxis := titleToNumber(hcol)
vcol := string(strings.Map(letterOnlyMapF, vcell))
vrow, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Map(intOnlyMapF, vcell))
vyAxis := vrow - 1
vxAxis := titleToNumber(vcol)
if vxAxis < hxAxis {
vxAxis, hxAxis = hxAxis, vxAxis
if vyAxis < hyAxis {
vyAxis, hyAxis = hyAxis, vyAxis
tableID := f.countTables() + 1
sheetRelationshipsTableXML := "../tables/table" + strconv.Itoa(tableID) + ".xml"
tableXML := strings.Replace(sheetRelationshipsTableXML, "..", "xl", -1)
// Add first table for given sheet.
rID := f.addSheetRelationships(sheet, SourceRelationshipTable, sheetRelationshipsTableXML, "")
f.addSheetTable(sheet, rID)
f.addTable(sheet, tableXML, hxAxis, hyAxis, vxAxis, vyAxis, tableID, formatSet)
f.addContentTypePart(tableID, "table")
// countTables provides function to get table files count storage in the folder
// xl/tables.
func (f *File) countTables() int {
count := 0
for k := range f.XLSX {
if strings.Contains(k, "xl/tables/table") {
return count
// addSheetTable provides function to add tablePart element to
// xl/worksheets/sheet%d.xml by given sheet name and relationship index.
func (f *File) addSheetTable(sheet string, rID int) {
xlsx := f.workSheetReader(sheet)
table := &xlsxTablePart{
RID: "rId" + strconv.Itoa(rID),
if xlsx.TableParts != nil {
xlsx.TableParts.TableParts = append(xlsx.TableParts.TableParts, table)
} else {
xlsx.TableParts = &xlsxTableParts{
Count: 1,
TableParts: []*xlsxTablePart{table},
// addTable provides function to add table by given sheet index, coordinate area
// and format set.
func (f *File) addTable(sheet, tableXML string, hxAxis, hyAxis, vxAxis, vyAxis, i int, formatSet *formatTable) {
// Correct the minimum number of rows, the table at least two lines.
if hyAxis == vyAxis {
// Correct table reference coordinate area, such correct C1:B3 to B1:C3.
ref := toAlphaString(hxAxis+1) + strconv.Itoa(hyAxis+1) + ":" + toAlphaString(vxAxis+1) + strconv.Itoa(vyAxis+1)
tableColumn := []*xlsxTableColumn{}
idx := 0
for i := hxAxis; i <= vxAxis; i++ {
cell := toAlphaString(i+1) + strconv.Itoa(hyAxis+1)
name := f.GetCellValue(sheet, cell)
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(name); err == nil {
f.SetCellStr(sheet, cell, name)
if name == "" {
name = "Column" + strconv.Itoa(idx)
f.SetCellStr(sheet, cell, name)
tableColumn = append(tableColumn, &xlsxTableColumn{
ID: idx,
Name: name,
name := "Table" + strconv.Itoa(i)
t := xlsxTable{
XMLNS: NameSpaceSpreadSheet,
ID: i,
Name: name,
DisplayName: name,
Ref: ref,
AutoFilter: &xlsxAutoFilter{
Ref: ref,
TableColumns: &xlsxTableColumns{
Count: idx,
TableColumn: tableColumn,
TableStyleInfo: &xlsxTableStyleInfo{
Name: formatSet.TableStyle,
ShowFirstColumn: formatSet.ShowFirstColumn,
ShowLastColumn: formatSet.ShowLastColumn,
ShowRowStripes: formatSet.ShowRowStripes,
ShowColumnStripes: formatSet.ShowColumnStripes,
table, _ := xml.Marshal(t)
f.saveFileList(tableXML, string(table))
// parseAutoFilterSet provides function to parse the settings of the auto
// filter.
func parseAutoFilterSet(formatSet string) *formatAutoFilter {
format := formatAutoFilter{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(formatSet), &format)
return &format
// AutoFilter provides the method to add auto filter in a worksheet by given
// sheet index, coordinate area and settings. An autofilter in Excel is a way of
// filtering a 2D range of data based on some simple criteria. For example
// applying an autofilter to a cell range A1:D4 in the worksheet 1:
// err = xlsx.AutoFilter("Sheet1", "A1", "D4", "")
// Filter data in an autofilter:
// err = xlsx.AutoFilter("Sheet1", "A1", "D4", `{"column":"B","expression":"x != blanks"}`)
// column defines the filter columns in a autofilter range based on simple criteria
// It isn't sufficient to just specify the filter condition. You must also hide any rows that don't match the filter condition. Rows are hidden using the HideRow() method. Excelize can't filter rows automatically since this isn't part of the file format.
// Setting a filter criteria for a column:
// expression defines the conditions, the following operators are available for setting the filter criteria:
// ==
// !=
// >
// <
// >=
// <=
// and
// or
// An expression can comprise a single statement or two statements separated by the and and or operators. For example:
// x < 2000
// x > 2000
// x == 2000
// x > 2000 and x < 5000
// x == 2000 or x == 5000
// Filtering of blank or non-blank data can be achieved by using a value of Blanks or NonBlanks in the expression:
// x == Blanks
// x == NonBlanks
// Excel also allows some simple string matching operations:
// x == b* // begins with b
// x != b* // doesnt begin with b
// x == *b // ends with b
// x != *b // doesnt end with b
// x == *b* // contains b
// x != *b* // doesn't contains b
// You can also use '*' to match any character or number and '?' to match any single character or number. No other regular expression quantifier is supported by Excel's filters. Excel's regular expression characters can be escaped using '~'.
// The placeholder variable x in the above examples can be replaced by any simple string. The actual placeholder name is ignored internally so the following are all equivalent:
// x < 2000
// col < 2000
// Price < 2000
func (f *File) AutoFilter(sheet, hcell, vcell, format string) error {
formatSet := parseAutoFilterSet(format)
hcell = strings.ToUpper(hcell)
vcell = strings.ToUpper(vcell)
// Coordinate conversion, convert C1:B3 to 2,0,1,2.
hcol := string(strings.Map(letterOnlyMapF, hcell))
hrow, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Map(intOnlyMapF, hcell))
hyAxis := hrow - 1
hxAxis := titleToNumber(hcol)
vcol := string(strings.Map(letterOnlyMapF, vcell))
vrow, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Map(intOnlyMapF, vcell))
vyAxis := vrow - 1
vxAxis := titleToNumber(vcol)
if vxAxis < hxAxis {
vxAxis, hxAxis = hxAxis, vxAxis
if vyAxis < hyAxis {
vyAxis, hyAxis = hyAxis, vyAxis
ref := toAlphaString(hxAxis+1) + strconv.Itoa(hyAxis+1) + ":" + toAlphaString(vxAxis+1) + strconv.Itoa(vyAxis+1)
refRange := vxAxis - hxAxis
err := f.autoFilter(sheet, ref, refRange, hxAxis, formatSet)
return err
// autoFilter provides function to extract the tokens from the filter
// expression. The tokens are mainly non-whitespace groups.
func (f *File) autoFilter(sheet, ref string, refRange, hxAxis int, formatSet *formatAutoFilter) error {
xlsx := f.workSheetReader(sheet)
if xlsx.SheetPr != nil {
xlsx.SheetPr.FilterMode = true
xlsx.SheetPr = &xlsxSheetPr{FilterMode: true}
filter := &xlsxAutoFilter{
Ref: ref,
xlsx.AutoFilter = filter
if formatSet.Column == "" || formatSet.Expression == "" {
return nil
col := titleToNumber(formatSet.Column)
offset := col - hxAxis
if offset < 0 || offset > refRange {
return fmt.Errorf("Incorrect index of column '%s'", formatSet.Column)
filter.FilterColumn = &xlsxFilterColumn{
ColID: offset,
re := regexp.MustCompile(`"(?:[^"]|"")*"|\S+`)
token := re.FindAllString(formatSet.Expression, -1)
if len(token) != 3 && len(token) != 7 {
return fmt.Errorf("Incorrect number of tokens in criteria '%s'", formatSet.Expression)
expressions, tokens, err := f.parseFilterExpression(formatSet.Expression, token)
if err != nil {
return err
f.writeAutoFilter(filter, expressions, tokens)
xlsx.AutoFilter = filter
return nil
// writeAutoFilter provides funtion to check for single or double custom filters
// as default filters and handle them accordingly.
func (f *File) writeAutoFilter(filter *xlsxAutoFilter, exp []int, tokens []string) {
if len(exp) == 1 && exp[0] == 2 {
// Single equality.
filters := []*xlsxFilter{}
filters = append(filters, &xlsxFilter{Val: tokens[0]})
filter.FilterColumn.Filters = &xlsxFilters{Filter: filters}
} else if len(exp) == 3 && exp[0] == 2 && exp[1] == 1 && exp[2] == 2 {
// Double equality with "or" operator.
filters := []*xlsxFilter{}
for _, v := range tokens {
filters = append(filters, &xlsxFilter{Val: v})
filter.FilterColumn.Filters = &xlsxFilters{Filter: filters}
} else {
// Non default custom filter.
expRel := map[int]int{0: 0, 1: 2}
andRel := map[int]bool{0: true, 1: false}
for k, v := range tokens {
f.writeCustomFilter(filter, exp[expRel[k]], v)
if k == 1 {
filter.FilterColumn.CustomFilters.And = andRel[exp[k]]
// writeCustomFilter provides function to write the <customFilter> element.
func (f *File) writeCustomFilter(filter *xlsxAutoFilter, operator int, val string) {
operators := map[int]string{
1: "lessThan",
2: "equal",
3: "lessThanOrEqual",
4: "greaterThan",
5: "notEqual",
6: "greaterThanOrEqual",
22: "equal",
customFilter := xlsxCustomFilter{
Operator: operators[operator],
Val: val,
if filter.FilterColumn.CustomFilters != nil {
filter.FilterColumn.CustomFilters.CustomFilter = append(filter.FilterColumn.CustomFilters.CustomFilter, &customFilter)
} else {
customFilters := []*xlsxCustomFilter{}
customFilters = append(customFilters, &customFilter)
filter.FilterColumn.CustomFilters = &xlsxCustomFilters{CustomFilter: customFilters}
// parseFilterExpression provides function to converts the tokens of a possibly
// conditional expression into 1 or 2 sub expressions for further parsing.
// Examples:
// ('x', '==', 2000) -> exp1
// ('x', '>', 2000, 'and', 'x', '<', 5000) -> exp1 and exp2
func (f *File) parseFilterExpression(expression string, tokens []string) ([]int, []string, error) {
expressions := []int{}
t := []string{}
if len(tokens) == 7 {
// The number of tokens will be either 3 (for 1 expression) or 7 (for 2
// expressions).
conditional := 0
c := tokens[3]
re, _ := regexp.Match(`(or|\|\|)`, []byte(c))
if re {
conditional = 1
expression1, token1, err := f.parseFilterTokens(expression, tokens[0:3])
if err != nil {
return expressions, t, err
expression2, token2, err := f.parseFilterTokens(expression, tokens[4:7])
if err != nil {
return expressions, t, err
expressions = []int{expression1[0], conditional, expression2[0]}
t = []string{token1, token2}
} else {
exp, token, err := f.parseFilterTokens(expression, tokens)
if err != nil {
return expressions, t, err
expressions = exp
t = []string{token}
return expressions, t, nil
// parseFilterTokens provides function to parse the 3 tokens of a filter
// expression and return the operator and token.
func (f *File) parseFilterTokens(expression string, tokens []string) ([]int, string, error) {
operators := map[string]int{
"==": 2,
"=": 2,
"=~": 2,
"eq": 2,
"!=": 5,
"!~": 5,
"ne": 5,
"<>": 5,
"<": 1,
"<=": 3,
">": 4,
">=": 6,
operator, ok := operators[strings.ToLower(tokens[1])]
if !ok {
// Convert the operator from a number to a descriptive string.
return []int{}, "", fmt.Errorf("Unknown operator: %s", tokens[1])
token := tokens[2]
// Special handling for Blanks/NonBlanks.
re, _ := regexp.Match("blanks|nonblanks", []byte(strings.ToLower(token)))
if re {
// Only allow Equals or NotEqual in this context.
if operator != 2 && operator != 5 {
return []int{operator}, token, fmt.Errorf("The operator '%s' in expression '%s' is not valid in relation to Blanks/NonBlanks'", tokens[1], expression)
token = strings.ToLower(token)
// The operator should always be 2 (=) to flag a "simple" equality in
// the binary record. Therefore we convert <> to =.
if token == "blanks" {
if operator == 5 {
token = " "
} else {
if operator == 5 {
operator = 2
token = "blanks"
} else {
operator = 5
token = " "
// if the string token contains an Excel match character then change the
// operator type to indicate a non "simple" equality.
re, _ = regexp.Match("[*?]", []byte(token))
if operator == 2 && re {
operator = 22
return []int{operator}, token, nil