You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package excelize
import (
// parseFormatBordersSet provides function to parse the format settings of the
// borders.
func parseFormatBordersSet(bordersSet string) (*formatBorder, error) {
var format formatBorder
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(bordersSet), &format)
return &format, err
// SetBorder provides function to get value from cell by given sheet index and
// coordinate area in XLSX file. Note that the color field uses RGB color code
// and diagonalDown and diagonalUp type border should be use same color in the
// same coordinate area.
// For example create a borders of cell H9 on
// Sheet1:
// err := xlsx.SetBorder("Sheet1", "H9", "H9", `{"border":[{"type":"left","color":"0000FF","style":3},{"type":"top","color":"00FF00","style":4},{"type":"bottom","color":"FFFF00","style":5},{"type":"right","color":"FF0000","style":6},{"type":"diagonalDown","color":"A020F0","style":7},{"type":"diagonalUp","color":"A020F0","style":8}]}`)
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// }
// The following shows the border styles sorted by excelize index number:
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | Index | Name | Weight | Style |
// +=======+===============+========+=================+
// | 0 | None | 0 | |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 1 | Continuous | 1 | ``-----------`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 2 | Continuous | 2 | ``-----------`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 3 | Dash | 1 | ``- - - - - -`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 4 | Dot | 1 | ``. . . . . .`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 5 | Continuous | 3 | ``-----------`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 6 | Double | 3 | ``===========`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 7 | Continuous | 0 | ``-----------`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 8 | Dash | 2 | ``- - - - - -`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 9 | Dash Dot | 1 | ``- . - . - .`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 10 | Dash Dot | 2 | ``- . - . - .`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 11 | Dash Dot Dot | 1 | ``- . . - . .`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 12 | Dash Dot Dot | 2 | ``- . . - . .`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// | 13 | SlantDash Dot | 2 | ``/ - . / - .`` |
// +-------+---------------+--------+-----------------+
// The following shows the borders in the order shown in the Excel dialog:
// +-------+-----------------+-------+-----------------+
// | Index | Style | Index | Style |
// +=======+=================+=======+=================+
// | 0 | None | 12 | ``- . . - . .`` |
// +-------+-----------------+-------+-----------------+
// | 7 | ``-----------`` | 13 | ``/ - . / - .`` |
// +-------+-----------------+-------+-----------------+
// | 4 | ``. . . . . .`` | 10 | ``- . - . - .`` |
// +-------+-----------------+-------+-----------------+
// | 11 | ``- . . - . .`` | 8 | ``- - - - - -`` |
// +-------+-----------------+-------+-----------------+
// | 9 | ``- . - . - .`` | 2 | ``-----------`` |
// +-------+-----------------+-------+-----------------+
// | 3 | ``- - - - - -`` | 5 | ``-----------`` |
// +-------+-----------------+-------+-----------------+
// | 1 | ``-----------`` | 6 | ``===========`` |
// +-------+-----------------+-------+-----------------+
func (f *File) SetBorder(sheet, hcell, vcell, style string) error {
var styleSheet xlsxStyleSheet
xml.Unmarshal([]byte(f.readXML("xl/styles.xml")), &styleSheet)
formatBorder, err := parseFormatBordersSet(style)
if err != nil {
return err
borderID := setBorders(&styleSheet, formatBorder)
cellXfsID := setCellXfs(&styleSheet, borderID)
output, err := xml.Marshal(styleSheet)
if err != nil {
return err
f.saveFileList("xl/styles.xml", replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace(string(output)))
f.setCellStyle(sheet, hcell, vcell, cellXfsID)
return err
// setBorders provides function to add border elements in the styles.xml by
// given borders format settings.
func setBorders(style *xlsxStyleSheet, formatBorder *formatBorder) int {
var styles = []string{
var border xlsxBorder
for _, v := range formatBorder.Border {
if v.Style > 13 || v.Style < 0 {
var color xlsxColor
color.RGB = v.Color
switch v.Type {
case "left":
border.Left.Style = styles[v.Style]
border.Left.Color = &color
case "right":
border.Right.Style = styles[v.Style]
border.Right.Color = &color
case "top":
border.Top.Style = styles[v.Style]
border.Top.Color = &color
case "bottom":
border.Bottom.Style = styles[v.Style]
border.Bottom.Color = &color
case "diagonalUp":
border.Diagonal.Style = styles[v.Style]
border.Diagonal.Color = &color
border.DiagonalUp = true
case "diagonalDown":
border.Diagonal.Style = styles[v.Style]
border.Diagonal.Color = &color
border.DiagonalDown = true
style.Borders.Border = append(style.Borders.Border, &border)
return style.Borders.Count - 1
// setCellXfs provides function to set describes all of the formatting for a
// cell.
func setCellXfs(style *xlsxStyleSheet, borderID int) int {
var xf xlsxXf
xf.BorderID = borderID
style.CellXfs.Xf = append(style.CellXfs.Xf, xf)
return style.CellXfs.Count - 1
// setCellStyle provides function to add style attribute for cells by given
// sheet index, coordinate area and style ID.
func (f *File) setCellStyle(sheet, hcell, vcell string, styleID int) {
hcell = strings.ToUpper(hcell)
vcell = strings.ToUpper(vcell)
// Coordinate conversion, convert C1:B3 to 2,0,1,2.
hcol := string(strings.Map(letterOnlyMapF, hcell))
hrow, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Map(intOnlyMapF, hcell))
hyAxis := hrow - 1
hxAxis := titleToNumber(hcol)
vcol := string(strings.Map(letterOnlyMapF, vcell))
vrow, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Map(intOnlyMapF, vcell))
vyAxis := vrow - 1
vxAxis := titleToNumber(vcol)
if vxAxis < hxAxis {
hcell, vcell = vcell, hcell
vxAxis, hxAxis = hxAxis, vxAxis
if vyAxis < hyAxis {
hcell, vcell = vcell, hcell
vyAxis, hyAxis = hyAxis, vyAxis
// Correct the coordinate area, such correct C1:B3 to B1:C3.
hcell = toAlphaString(hxAxis+1) + strconv.Itoa(hyAxis+1)
vcell = toAlphaString(vxAxis+1) + strconv.Itoa(vyAxis+1)
var xlsx xlsxWorksheet
name := "xl/worksheets/" + strings.ToLower(sheet) + ".xml"
xml.Unmarshal([]byte(f.readXML(name)), &xlsx)
if f.checked == nil {
f.checked = make(map[string]bool)
ok := f.checked[name]
if !ok {
f.checked[name] = true
completeRow(&xlsx, vxAxis+1, vyAxis+1)
completeCol(&xlsx, vxAxis+1, vyAxis+1)
for r, row := range xlsx.SheetData.Row {
for k, c := range row.C {
if checkCellInArea(c.R, hcell+":"+vcell) {
xlsx.SheetData.Row[r].C[k].S = styleID
output, _ := xml.Marshal(xlsx)
f.saveFileList(name, replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace(string(output)))