package excelize
import (
// File define a populated xlsx.File struct.
type File struct {
XLSX map [ string ] string
Path string
SheetCount int
// OpenFile take the name of an XLSX file and returns a populated
// xlsx.File struct for it.
func OpenFile ( filename string ) ( * File , error ) {
var f * zip . ReadCloser
var err error
file := make ( map [ string ] string )
sheetCount := 0
f , err = zip . OpenReader ( filename )
if err != nil {
return & File { } , err
file , sheetCount , _ = ReadZip ( f )
return & File {
XLSX : file ,
Path : filename ,
SheetCount : sheetCount ,
} , nil
// SetCellValue provide function to set int or string type value of a cell.
func ( f * File ) SetCellValue ( sheet string , axis string , value interface { } ) {
switch t := value . ( type ) {
case int :
f . SetCellInt ( sheet , axis , value . ( int ) )
case int8 :
f . SetCellInt ( sheet , axis , int ( value . ( int8 ) ) )
case int16 :
f . SetCellInt ( sheet , axis , int ( value . ( int16 ) ) )
case int32 :
f . SetCellInt ( sheet , axis , int ( value . ( int32 ) ) )
case int64 :
f . SetCellInt ( sheet , axis , int ( value . ( int64 ) ) )
case float32 :
f . SetCellInt ( sheet , axis , int ( value . ( float32 ) ) )
case float64 :
f . SetCellInt ( sheet , axis , int ( value . ( float64 ) ) )
case string :
f . SetCellStr ( sheet , axis , t )
case [ ] byte :
f . SetCellStr ( sheet , axis , string ( t ) )
default :
f . SetCellStr ( sheet , axis , ` ` )
// SetCellInt provide function to set int type value of a cell.
func ( f * File ) SetCellInt ( sheet string , axis string , value int ) {
axis = strings . ToUpper ( axis )
var xlsx xlsxWorksheet
col := string ( strings . Map ( letterOnlyMapF , axis ) )
row , _ := strconv . Atoi ( strings . Map ( intOnlyMapF , axis ) )
xAxis := row - 1
yAxis := titleToNumber ( col )
name := ` xl/worksheets/ ` + strings . ToLower ( sheet ) + ` .xml `
xml . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( f . readXML ( name ) ) , & xlsx )
rows := xAxis + 1
cell := yAxis + 1
xlsx = completeRow ( xlsx , rows , cell )
xlsx = completeCol ( xlsx , rows , cell )
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ xAxis ] . C [ yAxis ] . T = ""
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ xAxis ] . C [ yAxis ] . V = strconv . Itoa ( value )
output , _ := xml . Marshal ( xlsx )
f . saveFileList ( name , replaceRelationshipsID ( replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace ( string ( output ) ) ) )
// SetCellStr provide function to set string type value of a cell.
func ( f * File ) SetCellStr ( sheet string , axis string , value string ) {
axis = strings . ToUpper ( axis )
var xlsx xlsxWorksheet
col := string ( strings . Map ( letterOnlyMapF , axis ) )
row , _ := strconv . Atoi ( strings . Map ( intOnlyMapF , axis ) )
xAxis := row - 1
yAxis := titleToNumber ( col )
name := ` xl/worksheets/ ` + strings . ToLower ( sheet ) + ` .xml `
xml . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( f . readXML ( name ) ) , & xlsx )
rows := xAxis + 1
cell := yAxis + 1
xlsx = completeRow ( xlsx , rows , cell )
xlsx = completeCol ( xlsx , rows , cell )
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ xAxis ] . C [ yAxis ] . T = ` str `
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ xAxis ] . C [ yAxis ] . V = value
output , _ := xml . Marshal ( xlsx )
f . saveFileList ( name , replaceRelationshipsID ( replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace ( string ( output ) ) ) )
// Completion column element tags of XML in a sheet.
func completeCol ( xlsx xlsxWorksheet , row int , cell int ) xlsxWorksheet {
if len ( xlsx . SheetData . Row ) < cell {
for i := len ( xlsx . SheetData . Row ) ; i < cell ; i ++ {
xlsx . SheetData . Row = append ( xlsx . SheetData . Row , xlsxRow {
R : i + 1 ,
} )
buffer := bytes . Buffer { }
for k , v := range xlsx . SheetData . Row {
if len ( v . C ) < cell {
start := len ( v . C )
for iii := start ; iii < cell ; iii ++ {
buffer . WriteString ( toAlphaString ( iii + 1 ) )
buffer . WriteString ( strconv . Itoa ( k + 1 ) )
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ k ] . C = append ( xlsx . SheetData . Row [ k ] . C , xlsxC {
R : buffer . String ( ) ,
} )
buffer . Reset ( )
return xlsx
// Completion row element tags of XML in a sheet.
func completeRow ( xlsx xlsxWorksheet , row int , cell int ) xlsxWorksheet {
if len ( xlsx . SheetData . Row ) < row {
for i := len ( xlsx . SheetData . Row ) ; i < row ; i ++ {
xlsx . SheetData . Row = append ( xlsx . SheetData . Row , xlsxRow {
R : i + 1 ,
} )
buffer := bytes . Buffer { }
for ii := 0 ; ii < row ; ii ++ {
start := len ( xlsx . SheetData . Row [ ii ] . C )
if start == 0 {
for iii := start ; iii < cell ; iii ++ {
buffer . WriteString ( toAlphaString ( iii + 1 ) )
buffer . WriteString ( strconv . Itoa ( ii + 1 ) )
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ ii ] . C = append ( xlsx . SheetData . Row [ ii ] . C , xlsxC {
R : buffer . String ( ) ,
} )
buffer . Reset ( )
return xlsx
// Replace xl/worksheets/sheet%d.xml XML tags to self-closing for compatible Office Excel 2007.
func replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace ( workbookMarshal string ) string {
oldXmlns := ` <worksheet xmlns=""> `
newXmlns := ` <worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r="" xmlns:mx="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:mv="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mac:vml" xmlns:x14="" xmlns:x14ac="" xmlns:xm=""> `
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , oldXmlns , newXmlns , - 1 )
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , ` ></sheetPr> ` , ` /> ` , - 1 )
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , ` ></dimension> ` , ` /> ` , - 1 )
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , ` ></selection> ` , ` /> ` , - 1 )
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , ` ></sheetFormatPr> ` , ` /> ` , - 1 )
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , ` ></printOptions> ` , ` /> ` , - 1 )
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , ` ></pageSetup> ` , ` /> ` , - 1 )
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , ` ></pageMargins> ` , ` /> ` , - 1 )
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , ` ></headerFooter> ` , ` /> ` , - 1 )
workbookMarshal = strings . Replace ( workbookMarshal , ` ></drawing> ` , ` /> ` , - 1 )
return workbookMarshal
// Check XML tags and fix discontinuous case, for example:
// <row r="15" spans="1:22" x14ac:dyDescent="0.2">
// <c r="A15" s="2" />
// <c r="B15" s="2" />
// <c r="F15" s="1" />
// <c r="G15" s="1" />
// </row>
// in this case, we should to change it to
// <row r="15" spans="1:22" x14ac:dyDescent="0.2">
// <c r="A15" s="2" />
// <c r="B15" s="2" />
// <c r="C15" s="2" />
// <c r="D15" s="2" />
// <c r="E15" s="2" />
// <c r="F15" s="1" />
// <c r="G15" s="1" />
// </row>
// Noteice: this method could be very slow for large spreadsheets (more than 3000 rows one sheet).
func checkRow ( xlsx xlsxWorksheet ) xlsxWorksheet {
buffer := bytes . Buffer { }
for k , v := range xlsx . SheetData . Row {
lenCol := len ( v . C )
if lenCol < 1 {
endR := string ( strings . Map ( letterOnlyMapF , v . C [ lenCol - 1 ] . R ) )
endRow , _ := strconv . Atoi ( strings . Map ( intOnlyMapF , v . C [ lenCol - 1 ] . R ) )
endCol := titleToNumber ( endR ) + 1
if lenCol < endCol {
oldRow := xlsx . SheetData . Row [ k ] . C
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ k ] . C = xlsx . SheetData . Row [ k ] . C [ : 0 ]
tmp := [ ] xlsxC { }
for i := 0 ; i <= endCol ; i ++ {
buffer . WriteString ( toAlphaString ( i + 1 ) )
buffer . WriteString ( strconv . Itoa ( endRow ) )
tmp = append ( tmp , xlsxC {
R : buffer . String ( ) ,
} )
buffer . Reset ( )
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ k ] . C = tmp
for _ , y := range oldRow {
colAxis := titleToNumber ( string ( strings . Map ( letterOnlyMapF , y . R ) ) )
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ k ] . C [ colAxis ] = y
return xlsx
// UpdateLinkedValue fix linked values within a spreadsheet are not updating in
// Office Excel 2007 and 2010. This function will be remove value tag when met a
// cell have a linked value. Reference
// Notice: after open XLSX file Excel will be update linked value and generate
// new value and will prompt save file or not.
// For example:
// <row r="19" spans="2:2">
// <c r="B19">
// <f>SUM(Sheet2!D2,Sheet2!D11)</f>
// <v>100</v>
// </c>
// </row>
// to
// <row r="19" spans="2:2">
// <c r="B19">
// <f>SUM(Sheet2!D2,Sheet2!D11)</f>
// </c>
// </row>
func ( f * File ) UpdateLinkedValue ( ) {
for i := 1 ; i <= f . SheetCount ; i ++ {
var xlsx xlsxWorksheet
name := ` xl/worksheets/sheet ` + strconv . Itoa ( i ) + ` .xml `
xml . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( f . readXML ( name ) ) , & xlsx )
for indexR , row := range xlsx . SheetData . Row {
for indexC , col := range row . C {
if col . F != nil && col . V != ` ` {
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ indexR ] . C [ indexC ] . V = ` `
xlsx . SheetData . Row [ indexR ] . C [ indexC ] . T = ` `
output , _ := xml . Marshal ( xlsx )
f . saveFileList ( name , replaceRelationshipsID ( replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace ( string ( output ) ) ) )