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. ..\nupkg\common.ps1
if (!$password)
#reading password from file content
$sshPasswordFileName = "ssh-password.txt"
$password = Get-Content $sshPasswordFileName
echo "Using SSH password from $sshPasswordFileName ..."
if (!$password)
$password = Read-Host "Enter the Natro jenkins user password"
# Get the current version
[xml]$commonPropsXml = Get-Content "../common.props"
$version = $commonPropsXml.Project.PropertyGroup.Version
echo "`n---===[ Current version: $version ]===---"
Write-Info "Downloading release zip into Natro"
echo "`n---===[ Running SSH commands on NATRO ]===---"
echo "`nDownloading release file into Natro..."
plink.exe -ssh jenkins@ -pw $password -P 22 -batch "powershell -File c:\ci\scripts\download-latest-abp-release.ps1 ${version}"
Write-Info "Completed: Downloading release zip into Natro completed"