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31 lines
763 B

. ..\nupkg\common.ps1
if (!$nugetApiKey)
#reading password from file content
$passwordFileName = "nuget-api-key.txt"
$pathExists = Test-Path -Path $passwordFileName -PathType Leaf
if ($pathExists)
$nugetApiKey = Get-Content $passwordFileName
echo "Using NuGet API Key from $passwordFileName ..."
if (!$nugetApiKey)
$nugetApiKey = Read-Host "Enter the NuGet API KEY"
Write-Info "Pushing packages to NuGet"
echo "`n-----=====[ PUSHING PACKAGES TO NUGET ]=====-----`n"
cd ..\nupkg
powershell -File push_packages.ps1 $nugetApiKey
echo "`n-----=====[ PUSHING PACKAGES TO NUGET COMPLETED ]=====-----`n"
Write-Info "Completed: Pushing packages to NuGet"
cd ..\deploy #always return to the deploy directory