param( [string]$npmAuthToken ) . ..\nupkg\common.ps1 if (!$npmAuthToken) { #reading password from file content $passwordFileName = "npm-auth-token.txt" $pathExists = Test-Path -Path $passwordFileName -PathType Leaf if ($pathExists) { $npmAuthToken = Get-Content $passwordFileName echo "Using NPM Auth Token from $passwordFileName ..." } } if (!$npmAuthToken) { $npmAuthToken = Read-Host "Enter the NPM Auth Token" } cd ..\npm #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "`nSetting auth-token token`n" npm set // $npmAuthToken #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write-Info "Pushing MVC packages to NPM" echo "`n-----=====[ PUSHING MVC PACKS TO NPM ]=====-----`n" powershell -File publish-ng.ps1 echo "`n-----=====[ PUSHING MVC PACKS TO NPM COMPLETED ]=====-----`n" Write-Info "Completed: Pushing MVC packages to NPM" cd ..\deploy #always return to the deploy directory