{ "items": [ { "text": "Getting Started", "items": [ { "text": "From Startup Templates", "path": "Getting-Started.md" }, { "text": "From Empty Projects", "items": [ { "text": "With ASP.NET Core Web Application", "path": "Getting-Started-AspNetCore-Application.md" }, { "text": "With Console Application", "path": "Getting-Started-Console-Application.md" } ] } ] }, { "text": "Tutorials", "items": [ { "text": "Application Development", "items": [ { "text": "Part-1: Creating a new solution and listing items", "path": "Tutorials/Part-1.md" }, { "text": "Part-2: CRUD operations", "path": "Tutorials/Part-2.md" }, { "text": "Part-3: Integration tests", "path": "Tutorials/Part-3.md" } ] } ] }, { "text": "Guides", "items": [ { "text": "Customizing the Application Modules", "path": "Customizing-Application-Modules-Guide.md", "items": [ { "text": "Extending Entities", "path": "Customizing-Application-Modules-Extending-Entities.md" }, { "text": "Overriding Services", "path": "Customizing-Application-Modules-Overriding-Services.md" }, { "text": "Overriding the User Interface", "path": "Customizing-Application-Modules-Overriding-User-Interface.md" } ] }, { "text": "\"How to\" Guides", "path": "How-To/Index.md" }, { "text": "Migrating from the ASP.NET Boilerplate", "path": "AspNet-Boilerplate-Migration-Guide.md" } ] }, { "text": "CLI", "path": "CLI.md" }, { "text": "Fundamentals", "items": [ { "text": "Configuration", "path": "Configuration.md" }, { "text": "Options", "path": "Options.md" }, { "text": "Dependency Injection", "path": "Dependency-Injection.md", "items": [ { "text": "AutoFac Integration", "path": "Autofac-Integration.md" } ] }, { "text": "Virtual File System", "path": "Virtual-File-System.md" }, { "text": "Localization", "path": "Localization.md" }, { "text": "Exception Handling", "path": "Exception-Handling.md" }, { "text": "Validation", "path": "Validation.md", "items": [ { "text": "FluentValidation Integration", "path": "FluentValidation.md" 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"Module-Development-Basics.md" }, { "text": "Plug-In Modules" }, { "text": "Best Practices", "path": "Best-Practices/Index.md" } ] }, { "text": "Domain Driven Design", "items": [ { "text": "Overall", "path": "Domain-Driven-Design.md" }, { "text": "Domain Layer", "items": [ { "text": "Entities & Aggregate Roots", "path": "Entities.md" }, { "text": "Value Objects" }, { "text": "Repositories", "path": "Repositories.md" }, { "text": "Domain Services" }, { "text": "Specifications", "path": "Specifications.md" } ] }, { "text": "Application Layer", "items": [ { "text": "Application Services", "path": "Application-Services.md" }, { "text": "Data Transfer Objects" }, { "text": "Unit Of Work" } ] } ] }, { "text": "API", "items": [ { "text": "Auto API Controllers", "path": "API/Auto-API-Controllers.md" }, { "text": "Dynamic C# API Clients", "path": "API/Dynamic-CSharp-API-Clients.md" } ] }, { "text": "User Interface", "items": [ { "text": "ASP.NET Core", "items": [ { "text": "Client Side Package 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"UI/Angular/Confirmation-Service.md" }, { "text": "Toast Overlay", "path": "UI/Angular/Toaster-Service.md" }, { "text": "Config State", "path": "UI/Angular/Config-State.md" }, { "text": "Modifying the Menu", "path": "UI/Angular/Modifying-the-Menu.md" }, { "text": "Component Replacement", "path": "UI/Angular/Component-Replacement.md" }, { "text": "Custom Setting Page", "path": "UI/Angular/Custom-Setting-Page.md" }, { "text": "Lazy Loading Scripts & Styles", "path": "UI/Angular/Lazy-Load-Service.md" }, { "text": "DomInsertionService", "path": "UI/Angular/Dom-Insertion-Service.md" }, { "text": "ContentProjectionService", "path": "UI/Angular/Content-Projection-Service.md" }, { "text": "TrackByService", "path": "UI/Angular/Track-By-Service.md" } ] }, { "text": "Common", "items": [ { "text": "Utilities", "items": [ { "text": "Linked List (Doubly)", "path": "UI/Common/Utils/Linked-List.md" } ] } ] } ] }, { "text": "Data Access", "items": [ { "text": "Overall", "path": "Data-Access.md" }, { 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