# WPF Application Startup Template This template is used to create a minimalist WPF application project. ## How to Start With? First, install the [ABP CLI](../CLI.md) if you haven't installed before: ````bash dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli ```` Then use the `abp new` command in an empty folder to create a new solution: ````bash abp new Acme.MyWpfApp -t wpf ```` `Acme.MyWpfApp` is the solution name, like *YourCompany.YourProduct*. You can use single level, two-levels or three-levels naming. ## Solution Structure After you use the above command to create a solution, you will have a solution like shown below: ![basic-wpf-application-solution](../images/basic-wpf-application-solution.png) * `HelloWorldService` is a sample service that implements the `ITransientDependency` interface to register this service to the [dependency injection](../Dependency-Injection.md) system.