# Domain Services ## Introduction In a [Domain Driven Design](Domain-Driven-Design.md) (DDD) solution, the core business logic is generally implemented in aggregates ([entities](Entities.md)) and the Domain Services. Creating a Domain Service is especially needed when; * You implement a core domain logic that depends on some services (like repositories or other external services). * The logic you need to implement is related to more than one aggregate/entity, so it doesn't properly fit in any of the aggregates. ## ABP Domain Service Infrastructure Domain Services are simple, stateless classes. While you don't have to derive from any service or interface, ABP Framework provides some useful base classes and conventions. ### DomainService & IDomainService Either derive a Domain Service from the `DomainService` base class or directly implement the `IDomainService` interface. **Example: Create a Domain Service deriving from the `DomainService` base class.** ````csharp using Volo.Abp.Domain.Services; namespace MyProject.Issues { public class IssueManager : DomainService { } } ```` When you do that; * ABP Framework automatically registers the class to the Dependency Injection system with a Transient lifetime. * You can directly use some common services as base properties, without needing to manually inject (e.g. [ILogger](Logging.md) and [IGuidGenerator](Guid-Generation.md)). > It is suggested to name a Domain Service with a `Manager` or `Service` suffix. We typically use the `Manager` suffix as used in the sample above. **Example: Implement the domain logic of assigning an Issue to a User** ````csharp public class IssueManager : DomainService { private readonly IRepository _issueRepository; public IssueManager(IRepository issueRepository) { _issueRepository = issueRepository; } public async Task AssignAsync(Issue issue, AppUser user) { var currentIssueCount = await _issueRepository .CountAsync(i => i.AssignedUserId == user.Id); //Implementing a core business validation if (currentIssueCount >= 3) { throw new IssueAssignmentException(user.UserName); } issue.AssignedUserId = user.Id; } } ```` Issue is an [aggregate root](Entities.md) defined as shown below: ````csharp public class Issue : AggregateRoot { public Guid? AssignedUserId { get; internal set; } //... } ```` * Making the setter `internal` ensures that it can not directly set in the upper layers and forces to always use the `IssueManager` to assign an `Issue` to a `User`. ### Using a Domain Service A Domain Service is typically used in an [application service](Application-Services.md). **Example: Use the `IssueManager` to assign an Issue to a User** ````csharp using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using MyProject.Users; using Volo.Abp.Application.Services; using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories; namespace MyProject.Issues { public class IssueAppService : ApplicationService, IIssueAppService { private readonly IssueManager _issueManager; private readonly IRepository _userRepository; private readonly IRepository _issueRepository; public IssueAppService( IssueManager issueManager, IRepository userRepository, IRepository issueRepository) { _issueManager = issueManager; _userRepository = userRepository; _issueRepository = issueRepository; } public async Task AssignAsync(Guid id, Guid userId) { var issue = await _issueRepository.GetAsync(id); var user = await _userRepository.GetAsync(userId); await _issueManager.AssignAsync(issue, user); await _issueRepository.UpdateAsync(issue); } } } ```` Since the `IssueAppService` is in the Application Layer, it can't directly assign an issue to a user. So, it uses the `IssueManager`. ## Application Services vs Domain Services While both of [Application Services](Application-Services.md) and Domain Services implement the business rules, there are fundamental logical and formal differences; * Application Services implement the **use cases** of the application (user interactions in a typical web application), while Domain Services implement the **core, use case independent domain logic**. * Application Services get/return [Data Transfer Objects](Data-Transfer-Objects.md), Domain Service methods typically get and return the **domain objects** ([entities](Entities.md), [value objects](Value-Objects.md)). * Domain services are typically used by the Application Services or other Domain Services, while Application Services are used by the Presentation Layer or Client Applications. ## Lifetime Lifetime of Domain Services are [transient](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Dependency-Injection) and they are automatically registered to the dependency injection system.