# Background Jobs Module The Background Jobs module implements the `IBackgroundJobStore` interface and makes possible to use the default background job manager of the ABP Framework. If you don't want to use this module, then you should implement the `IBackgroundJobStore` interface yourself. > This document covers only the background jobs module which persists background jobs to a database. See [the background jobs](../Background-Jobs.md) document for more about the background jobs system. ## How to Install This module comes as pre-installed (as NuGet/NPM packages) when you [create a new solution](https://abp.io/get-started) with the ABP Framework. You can continue to use it as package and get updates easily, or you can include its source code into your solution (see `get-source` [CLI](../CLI.md) command) to develop your custom module. ### The Source Code The source code of this module can be accessed [here](https://github.com/abpframework/abp/tree/dev/modules/background-jobs). The source code is licensed with [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/), so you can freely use and customize it. ## Internals ### Domain Layer #### Aggregates - `BackgroundJobRecord` (aggregate root): Represents a background job record. #### Repositories Following custom repositories are defined for this module: - `IBackgroundJobRepository` ### Database providers #### Common ##### Table / collection prefix & schema All tables/collections use the `Abp` prefix by default. Set static properties on the `BackgroundJobsDbProperties` class if you need to change the table prefix or set a schema name (if supported by your database provider). ##### Connection string This module uses `AbpBackgroundJobs` for the connection string name. If you don't define a connection string with this name, it fallbacks to the `Default` connection string. See the [connection strings](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Connection-Strings) documentation for details. #### Entity Framework Core ##### Tables - **AbpBackgroundJobs** #### MongoDB ##### Collections - **AbpBackgroundJobs** ## See Also * [Background job system](../Background-Jobs.md)