# Nightly Builds All framework & module packages are deployed to MyGet every night in weekdays. So, you can use or test the latest code without waiting the next release. ## Configure Visual Studio > Requires Visual Studio 2017+ 1. Go to `Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > Package Source`. 2. Click the green `+` icon. 3. Set `ABP Nightly` as *Name* and `https://www.myget.org/F/abp-nightly/api/v3/index.json` as the *Source* as shown below: ![night-build-add-nuget-source](images/night-build-add-nuget-source.png) 4. Click the `Update` button. 5. Click the `OK` button to save changes. ## Install Package Now, you can install preview / nightly packages to your project from Nuget Browser or Package Manager Console. ![night-build-add-nuget-package](images/night-build-add-nuget-package.png) 1. In the nuget browser, select "Include prereleases". 2. Change package source to "All". 3. Search a package. You will see prereleases of the package formatted as `(VERSION)-preview(DATE)` (like *v0.16.0-preview20190401* in this sample). 4. You can click to the `Install` button to add package to your project.