# BLOB Storing It is typical to **store file contents** in an application and read these file contents on need. Not only files, but you may also need to save various types of **large binary objects**, a.k.a. **[BLOB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_large_object)**s, into a **storage**. For example, you may want to save user profile pictures. A BLOB is typically a **byte array**. Storing a BLOB in the local file system, in a shared database or on the [Azure BLOB storage](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/storage/blobs/) can be an option. ABP Framework provides an abstraction to work with BLOBs and provides some pre-built storage providers that you can easily integrate to. Having such an abstraction has some benefits; * You can **easily integrate** to your favorite BLOB storage provides with a few lines of configuration. * You can then **easily change** your BLOB storage without changing your application code. * If you want to create **reusable application modules**, you don't need to make assumption about how the BLOBs are stored. ABP BLOB Storage system is also compatible to other ABP Framework features like [multi-tenancy](Multi-Tenancy.md). ### BLOB Storage Providers ABP Framework has the following storage provider implementations; * [File System](Blob-Storing-File-System.md): Stores BLOBs in a folder of the local file system, as standard files. * [Database](Blob-Storing-Database.md): Stores BLOBs in a database. * [Azure](Blob-Storing-Azure.md): Stores BLOBs on the [Azure BLOB storage](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/storage/blobs/). More providers will be implemented by the time. You can [request](https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/new) it for your favorite provider or [contribute](Contribution/Index.md) it yourself (see the "*Implementing Your Own BLOB Storage Provider*" section). Multiple providers **can be used together** by the help of the **container system**, where each container can use a different provider (will be explained below). > BLOB storing system can not work unless you **configure a storage provider**. Refer to the linked documents for the storage provider configurations. ## Volo.Abp.BlobStoring Package [Volo.Abp.BlobStoring](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Volo.Abp.BlobStoring) is the main package defines the BLOB storing services. You can use this package to use the BLOB Storing system without depending a specific storage provider. ### Installation Use the ABP CLI to add this package to your project: * Install the [ABP CLI](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/CLI) if you haven't installed before. * Open a command line (terminal) in the directory of the `.csproj` file you want to add the `Volo.Abp.BlobStoring` package. * Run `abp add-package Volo.Abp.BlobStoring` command. If you want to do it manually, install the [Volo.Abp.BlobStoring](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Volo.Abp.BlobStoring) NuGet package to your project and add `[DependsOn(typeof(AbpBlobStoringModule))]` to the [ABP module](Module-Development-Basics.md) class inside your project. ### The IBlobContainer `IBlobContainer` is the main interface to store and read BLOBs. Your application may have multiple containers and each container can be separately configured. But, there is a **default container** that can be simply used by [injecting](Dependency-Injection.md) the `IBlobContainer`. **Example: Simply save and read bytes of a named BLOB** ````csharp using System.Threading.Tasks; using Volo.Abp.BlobStoring; using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection; namespace AbpDemo { public class MyService : ITransientDependency { private readonly IBlobContainer _blobContainer; public MyService(IBlobContainer blobContainer) { _blobContainer = blobContainer; } public async Task SaveBytesAsync(byte[] bytes) { await _blobContainer.SaveAsync("my-blob-1", bytes); } public async Task GetBytesAsync() { return await _blobContainer.GetAllBytesOrNullAsync("my-blob-1"); } } } ```` This service saves given bytes with the `my-blob-1` name and then reads the previously saved bytes with the same name. > A BLOB is a named object and **each BLOB should have a unique name**, which is an arbitrary string. `IBlobContainer` can work with `Stream` and `byte[]` objects, which will be detailed in the next sections. #### Saving BLOBs `SaveAsync` method is used to save a new BLOB or replace an existing BLOB. It can save a `Stream` by default, but there is a shortcut extension method to save byte arrays. `SaveAsync` gets the following parameters: * **name** (string): Unique name of the BLOB. * **stream** (Stream) or **bytes** (byte[]): The stream to read the BLOB content or a byte array. * **overrideExisting** (bool): Set `true` to replace the BLOB content if it does already exists. Default value is `false` and throws `BlobAlreadyExistsException` if there is already a BLOB in the container with the same name. #### Reading/Getting BLOBs * `GetAsync`: Only gets a BLOB name and returns a `Stream` object that can be used to read the BLOB content. Always **dispose the stream** after using it. This method throws exception if can not find the BLOB with the given name. * `GetOrNullAsync`: In opposite to the `GetAsync` method, this one returns `null` if there is no BLOB found with the given name. * `GetAllBytesAsync`: Returns a `byte[]` instead of a `Stream`. Still throws exception if can not find the BLOB with the given name. * `GetAllBytesOrNullAsync`: In opposite to the `GetAllBytesAsync` method, this one returns `null` if there is no BLOB found with the given name. #### Deleting BLOBs `DeleteAsync` method gets a BLOB name and deletes the BLOB data. It doesn't throw any exception if given BLOB was not found, instead it returns a `bool` indicates that the BLOB was actually deleted or not. #### Other Methods * `ExistsAsync` method simply checks if there is a saved BLOB with the given name. ### Typed IBlobContainer Typed BLOB container is a way of creating and managing **multiple containers** in an application; * **Each container is separately stored**. That means BLOB names should be unique in a container and two BLOBs with the same name can live in different containers without effecting each other. * **Each container can be separately configured**, so each container can use a different storage provider based on your configuration. To create a typed container, you need to create a simple class decorated with the `BlobContainerName` attribute: ````csharp using Volo.Abp.BlobStoring; namespace AbpDemo { [BlobContainerName("profile-pictures")] public class ProfilePictureContainer { } } ```` > If you don't use the `BlobContainerName` attribute, ABP Framework uses the full name of the class (with namespace), but it is always recommended to use a container name which is not changed even if you rename the class. Once you create the container class, you can inject `IBlobContainer` for your container type. **Example: An [application service](Application-Services.md) to save and read profile picture of the current user** ````csharp [Authorize] public class ProfileAppService : ApplicationService { private readonly IBlobContainer _blobContainer; public ProfileAppService(IBlobContainer blobContainer) { _blobContainer = blobContainer; } public async Task SaveProfilePictureAsync(byte[] bytes) { var blobName = CurrentUser.GetId().ToString(); await _blobContainer.SaveAsync(blobName, bytes); } public async Task GetProfilePictureAsync() { var blobName = CurrentUser.GetId().ToString(); return await _blobContainer.GetAllBytesOrNullAsync(blobName); } } ```` `IBlobContainer` has the same methods with the `IBlobContainer`. > It is a good practice to **always use a typed container while developing re-usable modules**, so the final application can configure the provider for your container without effecting the other containers. #### The Default Container If you don't use the generic argument and directly inject the `IBlobContainer` (as explained before), you get the default container. Another way of injecting the default container is like `IBlobContainer`, which returns exactly the same container. The name of the default container is `Default`. #### Named Containers Actually, types containers are just a shortcut for named containers. You can inject and use the `IBlobContainerFactory` to get a BLOB container by its name: ````csharp public class ProfileAppService : ApplicationService { private readonly IBlobContainer _blobContainer; public ProfileAppService(IBlobContainerFactory blobContainerFactory) { _blobContainer = blobContainerFactory.Create("profile-pictures"); } //... } ```` ### IBlobContainerFactory `IBlobContainerFactory` is the service that is used to create the BLOB containers. One example was shown above. **Example: Create a container by name** ````csharp var blobContainer = blobContainerFactory.Create("profile-pictures"); ```` **Example: Create a container by type** ````csharp var blobContainer = blobContainerFactory.Create(); ```` > You generally don't need to use the `IBlobContainerFactory` since it is used internally when you inject a `IBlobContainer` or `IBlobContainer`. ### About Naming the BLOBs Naming BLOBs has not a forcing rule. A BLOB name is just a string that is unique per container. However, different storage providers may conventionally implement some practices. For example, the [File System Provider](Blob-Storing-File-System.md) use directory separator (`/`) and file extensions in your BLOB name (if your blob name is `images/common/x.png` then it is saved as `x.png` in the `images/common` folder of the root container folder). ## Configuring the Containers Containers should be configured before using them. The most fundamental configuration is to **select a BLOB storage provider** (see the "*BLOB Storage Providers*" section above). `AbpBlobStoringOptions` is the [options class](Options.md) to configure the containers. You can configure the options inside the `ConfigureServices` method of your [module](Module-Development-Basics.md). ### Configure a Single Container ````csharp Configure(options => { options.Containers.Configure(container => { //TODO... }); }); ```` This example configures the `ProfilePictureContainer`. You can also configure by the container name: ````csharp Configure(options => { options.Containers.Configure("profile-pictures", container => { //TODO... }); }); ```` ### Configure the Default Container ````csharp Configure(options => { options.Containers.ConfigureDefault(container => { //TODO... }); }); ```` > There is a special case about the default container; If you don't specify a configuration for a container, it **fallbacks to the default container configuration**. This is a good way to configure defaults for all containers and specialize configuration for a specific container when needed. ### Configure All Containers ````csharp Configure(options => { options.Containers.ConfigureAll((containerName, containerConfiguration) => { //TODO... }); }); ```` This is a way to configure all the containers. The main difference from configuring the default container is that you override the configuration even if it was specialized for a specific container. ## Multi-Tenancy ABP BLOB Storing system **works silently with the [multi-tenancy](Multi-Tenancy.md)** if your application is multi-tenant. All the providers implement multi-tenancy as a standard feature. They **isolate BLOBs** of different tenants from each other, so they can only access to their own BLOBs. That also means you can use the **same BLOB name** for different tenants. If your application is multi-tenant, you may want to control **multi-tenancy behavior** of the containers individually. For example, you may want to **disable multi-tenancy** for a specific container, so the BLOBs inside it will be **available to all the tenants**. This is a way to share BLOBs among tenants. **Example: Disable multi-tenancy for a specific container** ````csharp Configure(options => { options.Containers.Configure(container => { container.IsMultiTenant = false; }); }); ```` > If your application is not multi-tenant, no worry, it works as expected. You don't need to configure anything. ## Extending the BLOB Storing System Most of the times, you won't need to customize the BLOB storage system except [creating a custom BLOB storage provider](Blob-Storing-Custom-Provider.md). However, you can replace any service introduced above (via [dependency injection](Dependency-Injection.md)), if you need. Here, some other services not mentioned above, but you may want to know: * `IBlobProviderSelector` is used to get a `IBlobProvider` instance by a container name. Default implementation (`DefaultBlobProviderSelector`) selects the provider using the configuration. * `IBlobContainerConfigurationProvider` is used to get the `BlobContainerConfiguration` for a given container name. Default implementation (`DefaultBlobContainerConfigurationProvider`) gets the configuration from the `AbpBlobStoringOptions` explained above. ## See Also * [Creating a custom BLOB storage provider](Blob-Storing-Custom-Provider.md)