# Caching ABP framework extends ASP.NET Core's distributed caching system. ## `IDistributedCache` Interface ASP.NET Core defines the `IDistributedCache` interface to get/set cache values. But it has some difficulties: * It works with **byte arrays** rather than .NET objects. So, you need to **serialize/deserialize** the objects you need to cache. * It provides a **single key pool** for all cache items, so; * You need to care about the keys to distinguish **different type of objects**. * You need to care about the cache items of **different tenants** (see [multi-tenancy](Multi-Tenancy.md)). > `IDistributedCache` is defined in the `Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions` package. That means it is not only usable for ASP.NET Core applications, but also available to **any type of applications**. > Default implementation of the `IDistributedCache` interface is the `MemoryDistributedCache` which works **in-memory**. See [ASP.NET Core's documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/performance/caching/distributed) to see how to switch to **Redis** or another cache provider. See [ASP.NET Core's distributed caching document](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/performance/caching/distributed) for more information. ## `IDistributedCache` Interface ABP framework defines the generic `IDistributedCache` interface in the [Volo.Abp.Caching](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Volo.Abp.Caching/) package. `TCacheItem` is the type of the object stored in the cache. `IDistributedCache` solves the difficulties explained above; * It internally **serializes/deserializes** the cached objects. Uses **JSON** serialization by default, but can be overridden by replacing the `IDistributedCacheSerializer` service in the [dependency injection](Dependency-Injection.md) system. * It automatically adds a **cache name** prefix to the cache keys based on the object type stored in the cache. Default cache name is the full name of the cache item class (`CacheItem` postfix is removed if your cache item class ends with it). You can use the `CacheName` attribute on the cache item class to set the cache name. * It automatically adds the **current tenant id** to the cache key to distinguish cache items for different tenants (only works if your application is [multi-tenant](Multi-Tenancy.md)). Define `IgnoreMultiTenancy` attribute on the cache item class to disable this if you want to share the cached objects among all tenants in a multi-tenant application. * Allows to define a **global cache key prefix** per application, so different applications can use their isolated key pools in a shared distributed cache source. ### Usage An example class to store an item in the cache: ````csharp public class BookCacheItem { public string Name { get; set; } public float Price { get; set; } } ```` You can inject and use the `IDistributedCache` service to get/set `BookCacheItem` objects. Example usage: ````csharp public class BookService : ITransientDependency { private readonly IDistributedCache _cache; public BookService(IDistributedCache cache) { _cache = cache; } public async Task GetAsync(Guid bookId) { return await _cache.GetOrAddAsync( bookId.ToString(), //Cache key async () => await GetBookFromDatabaseAsync(bookId), () => new DistributedCacheEntryOptions { AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddHours(1) } ); } private Task GetBookFromDatabaseAsync(Guid bookId) { //TODO: get from database } } ```` * This sample service uses the `GetOrAddAsync()` method to get a book item from the cache. * If the book was not found in the cache, it calls the factory method (`GetBookFromDatabaseAsync` in this case) to retrieve the book item from the original source. * `GetOrAddAsync` optionally gets a `DistributedCacheEntryOptions` which can be used to set the lifetime of the cached item. Other methods of the `IDistributedCache` are same as ASP.NET Core's `IDistributedCache` interface, so you can refer [it's documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/performance/caching/distributed). ### DistributedCacheOptions TODO