# Using DevExtreme Angular Components With the ABP Framework
In this article, I will show you how to integrate the [DevExpress Angular components](https://js.devexpress.com/Documentation/Guide/Angular_Components/DevExtreme_Angular_Components/) to a project created using the ABP Framework startup templates. Then I will use the [DataGrid](https://js.devexpress.com/Documentation/Guide/Widgets/DataGrid/Overview/) component to show a list of users on the UI.
## Create the Project
Let's create a new web application with the Angular UI using [ABP CLI](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/CLI#new):
abp new DevExtremeAngular -u angular
> For detail information about how to generate and start up a project, please refer to the [official docs](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Getting-Started?UI=NG&DB=EF&Tiered=No). For the scope of this post, we will not go into details of the backend applications.
## Running the Solution
### The Server Side
Server side contains multiple projects in the solution:
![A screenshot showing DevExtremeAngular.DbMigrator and DevExtremeAngular.HttpApi.Host](project-setup.png)
Run following projects in order;
* Run `DevExtremeAngular.DbMigrator` to create the database and seed the initial data.
* Run `DevExtremeAngular.HttpApi.Host` project to make the backend API up & running.
### The Angular Application
Open a command line terminal and navigate to `angular` folder then run `yarn` or `npm install` based on which package you are using.
After installation process is done, you can start your angular project by running `yarn start` or `npm start`. This command should serve the application and open the application in your default browser. If it doesn't open, you can navigate to http://localhost:4200 in your browser:
![A screenshot showing localhost is running](localhost-running.png)
You can login to the application by using following credentials:
> _Default admin username is **admin** and password is **1q2w3E\***_
![A screenshot showing login page](login-screen.png)
After successful login, you should be redirected to home page.
## Install DevExtreme
You can follow [the guide](https://js.devexpress.com/Documentation/Guide/Angular_Components/Getting_Started/Add_DevExtreme_to_an_Angular_CLI_Application/) provided by **DevExtreme** team or apply the following steps.
* `npm install devextreme devextreme-angular` or `yarn add devextreme devextreme-angular`
* Import given two following styles in `angular.json` file:
// ...
"styles": [
// ...
* Add `dx-viewport` to classes of `body` in `index.html`
After completing these steps, you need to restart the angular application.
## Create a lazy Angular Module for DevExtreme Demo
Let's create a module which will be loaded lazily.
Open up a terminal and navigate to `angular` to run following command.
ng g m dev-extreme --route dev-extreme --module app
...or with `npx`, if you do not have `angular-cli` installed...
npx ng g m dev-extreme --route dev-extreme --module app
Your terminal should log the following output:
CREATE src/app/dev-extreme/dev-extreme-routing.module.ts (361 bytes)
CREATE src/app/dev-extreme/dev-extreme.module.ts (379 bytes)
CREATE src/app/dev-extreme/dev-extreme.component.scss (0 bytes)
CREATE src/app/dev-extreme/dev-extreme.component.html (26 bytes)
CREATE src/app/dev-extreme/dev-extreme.component.spec.ts (655 bytes)
CREATE src/app/dev-extreme/dev-extreme.component.ts (295 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app-routing.module.ts (362 bytes)
The Angular CLI has created a module and configured it to lazy-load at `/dev-extreme` path.
The last step to be able to see our newly created module in the browser, open `route.provider.ts` and edit the array being added into the routes.
// ...
path: '/',
name: '::Menu:Home',
iconClass: 'fas fa-home',
order: 1,
layout: eLayoutType.application,
path: '/dev-extreme',
name: 'Dev Extreme',
order: 2,
layout: eLayoutType.application,
// ...
After completing the steps above, you should be able to see `Dev Extreme` on the header and when you click on it, you should be redirected to `/dev-extreme` page and see the following message on the screen.
![A screenshot showing a page that says dev-extreme works!](dev-extreme-page.png)
## Display users on the dev-extreme page
For this demo, we will list users on the screen. We already have `admin` as our first user.
Let's add couple of more to the list in `Administration -> Identity Management -> Users` page.
![A screenshot showing users page after adding couple of users](users.png)
Now we are ready to fetch our users and display them on `/dev-extreme` page.
Firstly, let's create a service for our component.
Navigate to the `dev-extreme` folder and run following command. If you run this command at the root, the service will be generated next to `app.module.ts`
ng g s dev-extreme
Following files should be created
CREATE src/app/dev-extreme/dev-extreme.service.spec.ts (378 bytes)
CREATE src/app/dev-extreme/dev-extreme.service.ts (139 bytes)
Let's import and inject `IdentityService` as dependency in `dev-extreme.service.ts`. After then, let's create a stream called `users$` to retrieve the users.
`identityService.getUsers` returns `ABP.PagedResponse` which contains two fields, `items` and `totalCount`. We are only interested in `items` for now.
When we apply the steps described above, the final version of `dev-extreme.service` should be as follows
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { IdentityService } from '@abp/ng.identity';
providedIn: 'root',
export class DevExtremeService {
users$ = this.service.getUsers().pipe(map((result) => result.items));
constructor(private service: IdentityService) {}
Now we can simply inject `DevExtremeService` as public and utilize `users$` stream in `dev-extreme.component.ts` as follows:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { DevExtremeService } from './dev-extreme.service';
selector: 'app-dev-extreme',
templateUrl: './dev-extreme.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./dev-extreme.component.scss'],
export class DevExtremeComponent {
constructor(public service: DevExtremeService) {}
And use it within `dev-extreme.component.html`
This should list names of the users on the screen
![A screenshot showing list users on the dev extreme page](users-on-dev-extreme.png)
## Use DxDataGrid to list the users
You can take a look at [demo](https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/DataGrid/ColumnCustomization/Angular/Light/) provided by **DevExtreme** team or apply the following steps.
Now, our application is ready to use `dx-data-grid` in `dev-extreme.component.ts`
Firstly, we need to import `DxDataGridModule` in our module as follows.
// ...
import { DxDataGridModule } from 'devextreme-angular';
// ...
imports: [
// ...
export class DevExtremeModule {}
At this point `dx-data-grid` is avaliable within our module and we can use it in our template.
Change `dev-extreme.component.html` to the following
It should display a table on the screen
![A screenshot displaying dev extreme data grid with lots of columns](devextreme-first.png)
Since, we did not specify any columns, `dx-data-grid` displayed every column avaliable. Let's pick some columns to make it more readable.
Change `dev-extreme.component.html` to the following:
which will display following table on the screen
![A screenshot displaying dev extreme data grid with these columns: username, name, surname, email and phone number](devextreme-second.png)
We can also utilize `abpLocalization` pipe to translate the headers of the table. To use `abpLocalization` pipe in our templates, we need to import `CoreModule` from `@abp/ng.core` into our module.
import { CoreModule } from '@abp/ng.core';
// ...
imports: [
// ...
export class DevExtremeModule {}
And change the template to the following:
The headers should change when a new language is selected;
![A gif showing the headers of the table getting translated into the chosen language](devextreme-final.gif)
## Conclusion
In this article, we have seen how to integrate `DevExtreme` angular components into a project generated by `ABP CLI`.
You can download source code of [the demo here](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/DevExtreme-Angular).