# Abp Ng Packages
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## Getting started
Run `yarn` to install all dependencies.
Run `yarn start` to start the `dev-app`. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/.
## Development
### Application
The `dev-app` project is the same as the Angular UI template project. `dev-app` is used to see changes instantly.
> Reminder! If you have developed the `dev-app` template, you should do the same for the application and module templates.
For more information, see the [docs.abp.io](https://docs.abp.io)
If would you like contribute, see the [contribution guideline](./CONTRIBUTING.md).
### Git Hooks
There is a pre-defined git hook for Angular project. This hook is `pre-commit`. The hook run prettier for staged files. If you want to use this hook. (This steps tested for linux and Mac os)
- Go to `npm/ng-packs`
- Run `chmod +x ./pre-commit` in terminal
- Run `git config core.hooksPath npm/ng-packs` in terminal
and now, when you create a git commit, git hook execute prettier for staged files.