# Contributing to ABP Angular UI We would love for you to contribute to ABP Angular UI and help make it even better than it is today. # Development Run `yarn` to install all dependencies, then run `yarn prepare:workspace` to prepare the ABP packages (might take 2 minutes). Run `yarn start` to start the `dev-app`. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. ## Package [Symlink Manager](https://github.com/mehmet-erim/symlink-manager) is used to manage symbolic link processes. Run `yarn symlink copy` to select the packages to develop. ## Application The `dev-app` project is the same as the Angular UI template project. `dev-app` is used to see changes instantly. If you will only develop the `dev-app`, you don't need to run `symlink-manager`. > Reminder! If you have developed the `dev-app` template, you should do the same for the application and module templates. For more information, see the [docs.abp.io](https://docs.abp.io) # Committing changes Before you commit, please ensure that your code passes the existing unit tests. New features should be accompanied by new tests. Every commit should contain only the changes related to the subject of that commit. ## Commit message format Each commit message consists of a **header**, a **body** and a **footer**. The header has a special format that includes a **type**, a **scope** and a **subject**: ``` ():