import { ConfigState, ChangePassword, StartLoader, StopLoader, GetProfile, UpdateProfile, ProfileState, RestOccurError, LazyLoadService, CoreModule, } from '@abp/ng.core'; import { Component, EventEmitter, Renderer2, Input, Output, ViewChild, Injectable, ɵɵdefineInjectable, ɵɵinject, ElementRef, ChangeDetectorRef, ContentChild, ViewChildren, NgZone, ApplicationRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, RendererFactory2, Injector, INJECTOR, APP_INITIALIZER, NgModule, } from '@angular/core'; import { MessageService } from 'primeng/components/common/messageservice'; import { ToastModule } from 'primeng/toast'; import { Subject, ReplaySubject, BehaviorSubject, fromEvent, interval, timer, Observable, forkJoin } from 'rxjs'; import { Router, NavigationStart, NavigationEnd, NavigationError } from '@angular/router'; import { Store, ofActionSuccessful, Actions, Select } from '@ngxs/store'; import { Validators, FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms'; import { comparePasswords, takeUntilDestroy, NgxValidateCoreModule } from '@ngx-validate/core'; import snq from 'snq'; import { finalize, takeUntil, debounceTime, filter, withLatestFrom, take } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { animation, style, animate, trigger, transition, useAnimation, keyframes, state } from '@angular/animations'; import { __decorate, __metadata } from 'tslib'; import { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http'; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class BreadcrumbComponent { /** * @param {?} router * @param {?} store */ constructor(router, store) { this.router = router; = store; this.segments = []; = !! /** * @param {?} state * @return {?} */ state => state.LeptonLayoutState, ); } /** * @return {?} */ ngOnInit() { /** @type {?} */ const splittedUrl = this.router.url.split('/').filter( /** * @param {?} chunk * @return {?} */ (chunk => chunk), ); /** @type {?} */ const currentUrl =[0])); this.segments.push(; if (splittedUrl.length > 1) { const [, ...arr] = splittedUrl; /** @type {?} */ let childRoute = currentUrl; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { /** @type {?} */ const element = arr[i]; childRoute = childRoute.children.find( /** * @param {?} child * @return {?} */ child => child.path === element, ); this.segments.push(; } } } } BreadcrumbComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-breadcrumb', template: '\n', }, ], }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ BreadcrumbComponent.ctorParameters = () => [{ type: Router }, { type: Store }]; if (false) { /** @type {?} */; /** @type {?} */ BreadcrumbComponent.prototype.segments; /** * @type {?} * @private */ BreadcrumbComponent.prototype.router; /** * @type {?} * @private */; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class ButtonComponent { /** * @param {?} renderer */ constructor(renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; this.buttonClass = 'btn btn-primary'; this.loading = false; this.disabled = false; // tslint:disable-next-line: no-output-native = new EventEmitter(); // tslint:disable-next-line: no-output-native this.focus = new EventEmitter(); // tslint:disable-next-line: no-output-native this.blur = new EventEmitter(); /** * @deprecated Use buttonType instead. To be deleted in v1 */ this.type = 'button'; } /** * @return {?} */ get icon() { return `${this.loading ? 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin' : this.iconClass || 'd-none'}`; } /** * @return {?} */ ngOnInit() { if (this.attributes) { Object.keys(this.attributes).forEach( /** * @param {?} key * @return {?} */ key => { this.renderer.setAttribute(this.buttonRef.nativeElement, key, this.attributes[key]); }, ); } } } ButtonComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-button', // tslint:disable-next-line: component-max-inline-declarations template: ` `, }, ], }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ ButtonComponent.ctorParameters = () => [{ type: Renderer2 }]; ButtonComponent.propDecorators = { buttonClass: [{ type: Input }], buttonType: [{ type: Input }], iconClass: [{ type: Input }], loading: [{ type: Input }], disabled: [{ type: Input }], attributes: [{ type: Input }], click: [{ type: Output }], focus: [{ type: Output }], blur: [{ type: Output }], buttonRef: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['button', { static: true }] }], type: [{ type: Input }], }; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.buttonClass; /** @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.buttonType; /** @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.iconClass; /** @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.loading; /** @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.disabled; /** @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.attributes; /** @type {?} */; /** @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.focus; /** @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.blur; /** @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.buttonRef; /** * @deprecated Use buttonType instead. To be deleted in v1 * @type {?} */ ButtonComponent.prototype.type; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ButtonComponent.prototype.renderer; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @abstract * @template T */ class AbstractToaster { /** * @param {?} messageService */ constructor(messageService) { this.messageService = messageService; this.key = 'abpToast'; this.sticky = false; } /** * @param {?} message * @param {?} title * @param {?=} options * @return {?} */ info(message, title, options) { return, title, 'info', options); } /** * @param {?} message * @param {?} title * @param {?=} options * @return {?} */ success(message, title, options) { return, title, 'success', options); } /** * @param {?} message * @param {?} title * @param {?=} options * @return {?} */ warn(message, title, options) { return, title, 'warn', options); } /** * @param {?} message * @param {?} title * @param {?=} options * @return {?} */ error(message, title, options) { return, title, 'error', options); } /** * @protected * @param {?} message * @param {?} title * @param {?} severity * @param {?=} options * @return {?} */ show(message, title, severity, options) { this.messageService.clear(this.key); this.messageService.add( Object.assign( { severity, detail: message || '', summary: title || '' }, options, { key: this.key }, typeof (options || /** @type {?} */ ({})).sticky === 'undefined' && { sticky: this.sticky }, ), ); this.status$ = new Subject(); return this.status$; } /** * @param {?=} status * @return {?} */ clear(status) { this.messageService.clear(this.key); this.status$.next(status || 'dismiss' /* dismiss */); this.status$.complete(); } } if (false) { /** @type {?} */ AbstractToaster.prototype.status$; /** @type {?} */ AbstractToaster.prototype.key; /** @type {?} */ AbstractToaster.prototype.sticky; /** * @type {?} * @protected */ AbstractToaster.prototype.messageService; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class ToasterService extends AbstractToaster { /** * @param {?} messages * @return {?} */ addAll(messages) { this.messageService.addAll( /** * @param {?} message * @return {?} */ message => Object.assign({ key: this.key }, message), ), ); } } ToasterService.decorators = [{ type: Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' }] }]; /** @nocollapse */ ToasterService.ngInjectableDef = ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function ToasterService_Factory() { return new ToasterService(ɵɵinject(MessageService)); }, token: ToasterService, providedIn: 'root', }); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ const { minLength, required } = Validators; /** @type {?} */ const PASSWORD_FIELDS = ['newPassword', 'repeatNewPassword']; class ChangePasswordComponent { /** * @param {?} fb * @param {?} store * @param {?} toasterService */ constructor(fb, store, toasterService) { this.fb = fb; = store; this.toasterService = toasterService; this.visibleChange = new EventEmitter(); this.modalBusy = false; this.mapErrorsFn /** * @param {?} errors * @param {?} groupErrors * @param {?} control * @return {?} */ = (errors, groupErrors, control) => { if (PASSWORD_FIELDS.indexOf( < 0) return errors; return errors.concat( groupErrors.filter( /** * @param {?} __0 * @return {?} */ ({ key }) => key === 'passwordMismatch', ), ); }; } /** * @return {?} */ get visible() { return this._visible; } /** * @param {?} value * @return {?} */ set visible(value) { this._visible = value; this.visibleChange.emit(value); } /** * @return {?} */ ngOnInit() { this.form = { password: ['', required], newPassword: ['', required], repeatNewPassword: ['', required], }, { validators: [comparePasswords(PASSWORD_FIELDS)], }, ); } /** * @return {?} */ onSubmit() { if (this.form.invalid) return; this.modalBusy = true; .dispatch( new ChangePassword({ currentPassword: this.form.get('password').value, newPassword: this.form.get('newPassword').value, }), ) .pipe( finalize( /** * @return {?} */ () => { this.modalBusy = false; }, ), ) .subscribe({ /** * @return {?} */ next: () => { this.visible = false; this.form.reset(); }, /** * @param {?} err * @return {?} */ error: err => { this.toasterService.error( snq( /** * @return {?} */ () => err.error.error.message, 'AbpAccount::DefaultErrorMessage', ), 'Error', { life: 7000, }, ); }, }); } /** * @return {?} */ openModal() { this.visible = true; } /** * @param {?} __0 * @return {?} */ ngOnChanges({ visible }) { if (!visible) return; if (visible.currentValue) { this.openModal(); } else if (visible.currentValue === false && this.visible) { this.visible = false; } } } ChangePasswordComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-change-password', template: '\n \n

{{ \'AbpIdentity::ChangePassword\' | abpLocalization }}

\n \n
\n \n \n {{\n \'AbpIdentity::Save\' | abpLocalization\n }}\n \n
\n', }, ], }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ ChangePasswordComponent.ctorParameters = () => [{ type: FormBuilder }, { type: Store }, { type: ToasterService }]; ChangePasswordComponent.propDecorators = { visible: [{ type: Input }], visibleChange: [{ type: Output }], modalContent: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['modalContent', { static: false }] }], }; if (false) { /** * @type {?} * @protected */ ChangePasswordComponent.prototype._visible; /** @type {?} */ ChangePasswordComponent.prototype.visibleChange; /** @type {?} */ ChangePasswordComponent.prototype.modalContent; /** @type {?} */ ChangePasswordComponent.prototype.form; /** @type {?} */ ChangePasswordComponent.prototype.modalBusy; /** @type {?} */ ChangePasswordComponent.prototype.mapErrorsFn; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ChangePasswordComponent.prototype.fb; /** * @type {?} * @private */; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ChangePasswordComponent.prototype.toasterService; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @param {?} count * @return {?} */ function getRandomBackgroundColor(count) { /** @type {?} */ const colors = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { /** @type {?} */ const r = ((i + 5) * (i + 5) * 474) % 255; /** @type {?} */ const g = ((i + 5) * (i + 5) * 1600) % 255; /** @type {?} */ const b = ((i + 5) * (i + 5) * 84065) % 255; colors.push('rgba(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ', 0.7)'); } return colors; } /** @type {?} */ const chartJsLoaded$ = new ReplaySubject(1); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class ChartComponent { /** * @param {?} el * @param {?} cdRef */ constructor(el, cdRef) { this.el = el; this.cdRef = cdRef; this.options = {}; this.plugins = []; this.responsive = true; // tslint:disable-next-line: no-output-on-prefix this.onDataSelect = new EventEmitter(); this.initialized = new BehaviorSubject(this); this.onCanvasClick /** * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ = event => { if (this.chart) { /** @type {?} */ const element = this.chart.getElementAtEvent(event); /** @type {?} */ const dataset = this.chart.getDatasetAtEvent(event); if (element && element[0] && dataset) { this.onDataSelect.emit({ originalEvent: event, element: element[0], dataset, }); } } }; this.initChart /** * @return {?} */ = () => { /** @type {?} */ const opts = this.options || {}; opts.responsive = this.responsive; // allows chart to resize in responsive mode if (opts.responsive && (this.height || this.width)) { opts.maintainAspectRatio = false; } this.chart = new Chart(this.el.nativeElement.children[0].children[0], { type: this.type, data:, options: this.options, plugins: this.plugins, }); this.cdRef.detectChanges(); }; this.generateLegend /** * @return {?} */ = () => { if (this.chart) { return this.chart.generateLegend(); } }; this.refresh /** * @return {?} */ = () => { if (this.chart) { this.chart.update(); this.cdRef.detectChanges(); } }; this.reinit /** * @return {?} */ = () => { if (this.chart) { this.chart.destroy(); this.initChart(); } }; } /** * @return {?} */ get data() { return this._data; } /** * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ set data(val) { this._data = val; this.reinit(); } /** * @return {?} */ get canvas() { return this.el.nativeElement.children[0].children[0]; } /** * @return {?} */ get base64Image() { return this.chart.toBase64Image(); } /** * @return {?} */ ngAfterViewInit() { chartJsLoaded$.subscribe( /** * @return {?} */ () => { try { // tslint:disable-next-line: no-unused-expression Chart; } catch (error) { console.error(`Chart is not found. Import the Chart from app.module like shown below: import('chart.js'); `); return; } this.initChart(); this._initialized = true; }, ); } /** * @return {?} */ ngOnDestroy() { if (this.chart) { this.chart.destroy(); this._initialized = false; this.chart = null; } } } ChartComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-chart', template: '\n \n\n', }, ], }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ ChartComponent.ctorParameters = () => [{ type: ElementRef }, { type: ChangeDetectorRef }]; ChartComponent.propDecorators = { type: [{ type: Input }], options: [{ type: Input }], plugins: [{ type: Input }], width: [{ type: Input }], height: [{ type: Input }], responsive: [{ type: Input }], onDataSelect: [{ type: Output }], initialized: [{ type: Output }], data: [{ type: Input }], }; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.type; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.options; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.plugins; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.width; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.height; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.responsive; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.onDataSelect; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.initialized; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ChartComponent.prototype._initialized; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype._data; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.chart; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.onCanvasClick; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.initChart; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.generateLegend; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.refresh; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.reinit; /** @type {?} */ ChartComponent.prototype.el; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ChartComponent.prototype.cdRef; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class ConfirmationService extends AbstractToaster { /** * @param {?} messageService */ constructor(messageService) { super(messageService); this.messageService = messageService; this.key = 'abpConfirmation'; this.sticky = true; this.destroy$ = new Subject(); } /** * @param {?} message * @param {?} title * @param {?} severity * @param {?=} options * @return {?} */ show(message, title, severity, options) { this.listenToEscape(); return, title, severity, options); } /** * @param {?=} status * @return {?} */ clear(status) { super.clear(status); this.destroy$.next(); } /** * @return {?} */ listenToEscape() { fromEvent(document, 'keyup') .pipe( takeUntil(this.destroy$), debounceTime(150), filter( /** * @param {?} key * @return {?} */ key => key && key.code === 'Escape', ), ) .subscribe( /** * @param {?} _ * @return {?} */ _ => { this.clear(); }, ); } } ConfirmationService.decorators = [{ type: Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' }] }]; /** @nocollapse */ ConfirmationService.ctorParameters = () => [{ type: MessageService }]; /** @nocollapse */ ConfirmationService.ngInjectableDef = ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function ConfirmationService_Factory() { return new ConfirmationService(ɵɵinject(MessageService)); }, token: ConfirmationService, providedIn: 'root', }); if (false) { /** @type {?} */ ConfirmationService.prototype.key; /** @type {?} */ ConfirmationService.prototype.sticky; /** @type {?} */ ConfirmationService.prototype.destroy$; /** * @type {?} * @protected */ ConfirmationService.prototype.messageService; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class ConfirmationComponent { /** * @param {?} confirmationService */ constructor(confirmationService) { this.confirmationService = confirmationService; this.confirm = 'confirm' /* confirm */; this.reject = 'reject' /* reject */; this.dismiss = 'dismiss' /* dismiss */; } /** * @param {?} status * @return {?} */ close(status) { this.confirmationService.clear(status); } } ConfirmationComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-confirmation', // tslint:disable-next-line: component-max-inline-declarations template: `
{{ message.summary | abpLocalization: message.titleLocalizationParams }}
{{ message.detail | abpLocalization: message.messageLocalizationParams }}
`, }, ], }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ ConfirmationComponent.ctorParameters = () => [{ type: ConfirmationService }]; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ ConfirmationComponent.prototype.confirm; /** @type {?} */ ConfirmationComponent.prototype.reject; /** @type {?} */ ConfirmationComponent.prototype.dismiss; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ConfirmationComponent.prototype.confirmationService; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class ErrorComponent { constructor() { this.title = 'Oops!'; this.details = 'Sorry, an error has occured.'; } /** * @return {?} */ destroy() { this.renderer.removeChild(, this.elementRef.nativeElement); } } ErrorComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-error', template: '
\n \n

\n {{ title | abpLocalization }}\n

\n {{ details | abpLocalization }}\n
\n \n
\n', styles: [ '.error{position:fixed;top:0;background-color:#fff;width:100vw;height:100vh;z-index:999999}.centered{position:fixed;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%)}', ], }, ], }, ]; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ ErrorComponent.prototype.title; /** @type {?} */ ErrorComponent.prototype.details; /** @type {?} */ ErrorComponent.prototype.renderer; /** @type {?} */ ErrorComponent.prototype.elementRef; /** @type {?} */; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class LoaderBarComponent { /** * @param {?} actions * @param {?} router * @param {?} cdRef */ constructor(actions, router, cdRef) { this.actions = actions; this.router = router; this.cdRef = cdRef; this.containerClass = 'abp-loader-bar'; this.color = '#77b6ff'; this.isLoading = false; this.progressLevel = 0; this.filter /** * @param {?} action * @return {?} */ = action => action.payload.url.indexOf('openid-configuration') < 0; actions .pipe( ofActionSuccessful(StartLoader, StopLoader), filter(this.filter), takeUntilDestroy(this), ) .subscribe( /** * @param {?} action * @return {?} */ action => { if (action instanceof StartLoader) this.startLoading(); else this.stopLoading(); }, ); .pipe( filter( /** * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ event => event instanceof NavigationStart || event instanceof NavigationEnd || event instanceof NavigationError, ), takeUntilDestroy(this), ) .subscribe( /** * @param {?} event * @return {?} */ event => { if (event instanceof NavigationStart) this.startLoading(); else this.stopLoading(); }, ); } /** * @return {?} */ get boxShadow() { return `0 0 10px rgba(${this.color}, 0.5)`; } /** * @return {?} */ ngOnDestroy() { this.interval.unsubscribe(); } /** * @return {?} */ startLoading() { if (this.isLoading || this.progressLevel !== 0) return; this.isLoading = true; this.interval = interval(350).subscribe( /** * @return {?} */ () => { if (this.progressLevel < 75) { this.progressLevel += Math.random() * 10; } else if (this.progressLevel < 90) { this.progressLevel += 0.4; } else if (this.progressLevel < 100) { this.progressLevel += 0.1; } else { this.interval.unsubscribe(); } this.cdRef.detectChanges(); }, ); } /** * @return {?} */ stopLoading() { this.interval.unsubscribe(); this.progressLevel = 100; this.isLoading = false; if (this.timer && !this.timer.closed) return; this.timer = timer(820).subscribe( /** * @return {?} */ () => { this.progressLevel = 0; this.cdRef.detectChanges(); }, ); } } LoaderBarComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-loader-bar', template: `
`, styles: [ '.abp-loader-bar{left:0;opacity:0;position:fixed;top:0;transition:opacity .4s linear .4s;z-index:99999}{opacity:1;transition:none}.abp-loader-bar .abp-progress{height:3px;left:0;position:fixed;top:0;transition:width .4s}', ], }, ], }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ LoaderBarComponent.ctorParameters = () => [{ type: Actions }, { type: Router }, { type: ChangeDetectorRef }]; LoaderBarComponent.propDecorators = { containerClass: [{ type: Input }], color: [{ type: Input }], isLoading: [{ type: Input }], filter: [{ type: Input }], }; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.containerClass; /** @type {?} */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.color; /** @type {?} */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.isLoading; /** @type {?} */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.progressLevel; /** @type {?} */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.interval; /** @type {?} */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.timer; /** @type {?} */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.filter; /** * @type {?} * @private */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.actions; /** * @type {?} * @private */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.router; /** * @type {?} * @private */ LoaderBarComponent.prototype.cdRef; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** @type {?} */ const fadeIn = animation([style({ opacity: '0' }), animate('{{ time}} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '1' }))], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease' }, }); /** @type {?} */ const fadeOut = animation([style({ opacity: '1' }), animate('{{ time}} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '0' }))], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease' }, }); /** @type {?} */ const fadeInDown = animation( [ style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} translateY(-20px)' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '1', transform: '{{ transform }} translateY(0)' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease', transform: '' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const fadeInUp = animation( [ style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} translateY(20px)' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '1', transform: '{{ transform }} translateY(0)' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease', transform: '' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const fadeInLeft = animation( [ style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} translateX(20px)' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '1', transform: '{{ transform }} translateX(0)' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease', transform: '' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const fadeInRight = animation( [ style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} translateX(-20px)' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '1', transform: '{{ transform }} translateX(0)' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease', transform: '' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const fadeOutDown = animation( [ style({ opacity: '1', transform: '{{ transform }} translateY(0)' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} translateY(20px)' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease', transform: '' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const fadeOutUp = animation( [ style({ opacity: '1', transform: '{{ transform }} translateY(0)' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} translateY(-20px)' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease', transform: '' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const fadeOutLeft = animation( [ style({ opacity: '1', transform: '{{ transform }} translateX(0)' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} translateX(20px)' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease', transform: '' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const fadeOutRight = animation( [ style({ opacity: '1', transform: '{{ transform }} translateX(0)' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} translateX(-20px)' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease', transform: '' } }, ); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** @type {?} */ const fadeAnimation = trigger('fade', [ transition(':enter', useAnimation(fadeIn)), transition(':leave', useAnimation(fadeOut)), ]); /** @type {?} */ const dialogAnimation = trigger('dialog', [ transition(':enter', useAnimation(fadeInDown)), transition(':leave', useAnimation(fadeOut)), ]); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class ModalComponent { /** * @param {?} renderer * @param {?} confirmationService */ constructor(renderer, confirmationService) { this.renderer = renderer; this.confirmationService = confirmationService; this.centered = false; this.modalClass = ''; this.size = 'lg'; this.visibleChange = new EventEmitter(); this.init = new EventEmitter(); this.appear = new EventEmitter(); this.disappear = new EventEmitter(); this._visible = false; this._busy = false; this.isModalOpen = false; this.isConfirmationOpen = false; this.destroy$ = new Subject(); } /** * @return {?} */ get visible() { return this._visible; } /** * @param {?} value * @return {?} */ set visible(value) { if (typeof value !== 'boolean') return; this.isModalOpen = value; this._visible = value; this.visibleChange.emit(value); if (value) { setTimeout( /** * @return {?} */ () => this.listen(), 0, ); this.renderer.addClass(document.body, 'modal-open'); this.appear.emit(); } else { this.renderer.removeClass(document.body, 'modal-open'); this.disappear.emit(); } } /** * @return {?} */ get busy() { return this._busy; } /** * @param {?} value * @return {?} */ set busy(value) { if (this.abpSubmit && this.abpSubmit instanceof ButtonComponent) { this.abpSubmit.loading = value; } this._busy = value; } /** * @return {?} */ ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy$.next(); } /** * @return {?} */ close() { if (this.busy) return; /** @type {?} */ const nodes = getFlatNodes( /** @type {?} */ (this.modalContent.nativeElement.querySelector('#abp-modal-body')).childNodes, ); if (hasNgDirty(nodes)) { if (this.isConfirmationOpen) return; this.isConfirmationOpen = true; this.confirmationService .warn('AbpAccount::AreYouSureYouWantToCancelEditingWarningMessage', 'AbpAccount::AreYouSure') .subscribe( /** * @param {?} status * @return {?} */ status => { this.isConfirmationOpen = false; if (status === 'confirm' /* confirm */) { this.visible = false; } }, ); } else { this.visible = false; } } /** * @return {?} */ listen() { fromEvent(document, 'keyup') .pipe( takeUntil(this.destroy$), debounceTime(150), filter( /** * @param {?} key * @return {?} */ key => key && key.code === 'Escape', ), ) .subscribe( /** * @param {?} _ * @return {?} */ _ => { this.close(); }, ); setTimeout( /** * @return {?} */ () => { if (!this.abpClose) return; fromEvent(this.abpClose.nativeElement, 'click') .pipe( takeUntil(this.destroy$), filter( /** * @return {?} */ () => !!this.modalContent, ), ) .subscribe( /** * @return {?} */ () => this.close(), ); }, 0, ); this.init.emit(); } } ModalComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-modal', template: '\n \n \n \n\n', animations: [fadeAnimation, dialogAnimation], }, ], }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ ModalComponent.ctorParameters = () => [{ type: Renderer2 }, { type: ConfirmationService }]; ModalComponent.propDecorators = { visible: [{ type: Input }], busy: [{ type: Input }], centered: [{ type: Input }], modalClass: [{ type: Input }], size: [{ type: Input }], abpSubmit: [{ type: ContentChild, args: [ButtonComponent, { static: false, read: ButtonComponent }] }], abpHeader: [{ type: ContentChild, args: ['abpHeader', { static: false }] }], abpBody: [{ type: ContentChild, args: ['abpBody', { static: false }] }], abpFooter: [{ type: ContentChild, args: ['abpFooter', { static: false }] }], abpClose: [{ type: ContentChild, args: ['abpClose', { static: false, read: ElementRef }] }], modalContent: [{ type: ViewChild, args: ['abpModalContent', { static: false }] }], abpButtons: [{ type: ViewChildren, args: ['abp-button'] }], visibleChange: [{ type: Output }], init: [{ type: Output }], appear: [{ type: Output }], disappear: [{ type: Output }], }; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.centered; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.modalClass; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.size; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.abpSubmit; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.abpHeader; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.abpBody; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.abpFooter; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.abpClose; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.modalContent; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.abpButtons; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.visibleChange; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.init; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.appear; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.disappear; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype._visible; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype._busy; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.isModalOpen; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.isConfirmationOpen; /** @type {?} */ ModalComponent.prototype.destroy$; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ModalComponent.prototype.renderer; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ModalComponent.prototype.confirmationService; } /** * @param {?} nodes * @return {?} */ function getFlatNodes(nodes) { return Array.from(nodes).reduce( /** * @param {?} acc * @param {?} val * @return {?} */ (acc, val) => [...acc, ...(val.childNodes && val.childNodes.length ? getFlatNodes(val.childNodes) : [val])], [], ); } /** * @param {?} nodes * @return {?} */ function hasNgDirty(nodes) { return ( nodes.findIndex( /** * @param {?} node * @return {?} */ node => (node.className || '').indexOf('ng-dirty') > -1, ) > -1 ); } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ const { maxLength, required: required$1, email } = Validators; class ProfileComponent { /** * @param {?} fb * @param {?} store */ constructor(fb, store) { this.fb = fb; = store; this.visibleChange = new EventEmitter(); this.modalBusy = false; } /** * @return {?} */ get visible() { return this._visible; } /** * @param {?} value * @return {?} */ set visible(value) { this._visible = value; this.visibleChange.emit(value); } /** * @return {?} */ buildForm() { .dispatch(new GetProfile()) .pipe( withLatestFrom(this.profile$), take(1), ) .subscribe( /** * @param {?} __0 * @return {?} */ ([, profile]) => { this.form ={ userName: [profile.userName, [required$1, maxLength(256)]], email: [, [required$1, email, maxLength(256)]], name: [ || '', [maxLength(64)]], surname: [profile.surname || '', [maxLength(64)]], phoneNumber: [profile.phoneNumber || '', [maxLength(16)]], }); }, ); } /** * @return {?} */ submit() { if (this.form.invalid) return; this.modalBusy = true; UpdateProfile(this.form.value)).subscribe( /** * @return {?} */ () => { this.modalBusy = false; this.visible = false; this.form.reset(); }, ); } /** * @return {?} */ openModal() { this.buildForm(); this.visible = true; } /** * @param {?} __0 * @return {?} */ ngOnChanges({ visible }) { if (!visible) return; if (visible.currentValue) { this.openModal(); } else if (visible.currentValue === false && this.visible) { this.visible = false; } } } ProfileComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-profile', template: '\n \n

{{ \'AbpIdentity::PersonalInfo\' | abpLocalization }}

\n \n
\n \n \n {{ \'AbpIdentity::Save\' | abpLocalization }}\n \n
\n', }, ], }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ ProfileComponent.ctorParameters = () => [{ type: FormBuilder }, { type: Store }]; ProfileComponent.propDecorators = { visible: [{ type: Input }], visibleChange: [{ type: Output }], }; __decorate( [Select(ProfileState.getProfile), __metadata('design:type', Observable)], ProfileComponent.prototype, 'profile$', void 0, ); if (false) { /** * @type {?} * @protected */ ProfileComponent.prototype._visible; /** @type {?} */ ProfileComponent.prototype.visibleChange; /** @type {?} */ ProfileComponent.prototype.profile$; /** @type {?} */ ProfileComponent.prototype.form; /** @type {?} */ ProfileComponent.prototype.modalBusy; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ProfileComponent.prototype.fb; /** * @type {?} * @private */; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class ToastComponent {} ToastComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-toast', // tslint:disable-next-line: component-max-inline-declarations template: `
{{ message.summary | abpLocalization: message.titleLocalizationParams }}
{{ message.detail | abpLocalization: message.messageLocalizationParams }}
`, }, ], }, ]; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class SortOrderIconComponent { constructor() { this.selectedKeyChange = new EventEmitter(); this.orderChange = new EventEmitter(); } /** * @param {?} value * @return {?} */ set selectedKey(value) { this._selectedKey = value; this.selectedKeyChange.emit(value); } /** * @return {?} */ get selectedKey() { return this._selectedKey; } /** * @param {?} value * @return {?} */ set order(value) { this._order = value; this.orderChange.emit(value); } /** * @return {?} */ get order() { return this._order; } /** * @return {?} */ get icon() { if (!this.selectedKey) return 'fa-sort'; if (this.selectedKey === this.key) return `fa-sort-${this.order}`; else return ''; } /** * @param {?} key * @return {?} */ sort(key) { this.selectedKey = key; switch (this.order) { case '': this.order = 'asc'; break; case 'asc': this.order = 'desc'; this.orderChange.emit('desc'); break; case 'desc': this.order = ''; this.selectedKey = ''; break; } } } SortOrderIconComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { selector: 'abp-sort-order-icon', template: '\n \n\n', }, ], }, ]; SortOrderIconComponent.propDecorators = { selectedKey: [{ type: Input }], selectedKeyChange: [{ type: Output }], key: [{ type: Input }], order: [{ type: Input }], orderChange: [{ type: Output }], iconClass: [{ type: Input }], }; if (false) { /** * @type {?} * @private */ SortOrderIconComponent.prototype._order; /** * @type {?} * @private */ SortOrderIconComponent.prototype._selectedKey; /** @type {?} */ SortOrderIconComponent.prototype.selectedKeyChange; /** @type {?} */ SortOrderIconComponent.prototype.key; /** @type {?} */ SortOrderIconComponent.prototype.orderChange; /** @type {?} */ SortOrderIconComponent.prototype.iconClass; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ var styles = ` .is-invalid .form-control { border-color: #dc3545; border-style: solid !important; } .is-invalid .invalid-feedback, .is-invalid + * .invalid-feedback { display: block; } .data-tables-filter { text-align: right; } .pointer { cursor: pointer; } .navbar .dropdown-submenu a::after { transform: rotate(-90deg); position: absolute; right: 16px; top: 18px; } .navbar .dropdown-menu { min-width: 215px; } .ui-table-scrollable-body::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 5px !important; } .ui-table-scrollable-body::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #ddd; } .ui-table-scrollable-body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #8a8686; } { display: block !important; } .modal-backdrop { position: absolute !important; top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) !important; z-index: 1040 !important; } .modal-dialog { z-index: 1050 !important; } .abp-ellipsis-inline { display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } .abp-ellipsis { overflow: hidden !important; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message { box-sizing: border-box !important; border: 2px solid transparent !important; border-radius: 4px !important; background-color: #f4f4f7 !important; color: #1b1d29 !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message-content { padding: 10px !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message-content .ui-toast-icon { top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; padding: 10px !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-summary { margin: 0 !important; font-weight: 700 !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message.ui-toast-message-error { border-color: #ba1659 !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message.ui-toast-message-error .ui-toast-message-content .ui-toast-icon { color: #ba1659 !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message.ui-toast-message-warning { border-color: #ed5d98 !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message.ui-toast-message-warning .ui-toast-message-content .ui-toast-icon { color: #ed5d98 !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message.ui-toast-message-success { border-color: #1c9174 !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message.ui-toast-message-success .ui-toast-message-content .ui-toast-icon { color: #1c9174 !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message.ui-toast-message-info { border-color: #fccb31 !important; } .abp-toast .ui-toast-message.ui-toast-message-info .ui-toast-message-content .ui-toast-icon { color: #fccb31 !important; } .abp-confirm .ui-toast-message { box-sizing: border-box !important; padding: 0px !important; border:0 none !important; border-radius: 4px !important; background-color: #fff !important; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .65) !important; font-family: "Poppins", sans-serif; text-align: center !important; } .abp-confirm .ui-toast-message-content { padding: 0px !important; } .abp-confirm .abp-confirm-icon { margin: 32px 50px 5px !important; color: #f8bb86 !important; font-size: 52px !important; } .abp-confirm .ui-toast-close-icon { display: none !important; } .abp-confirm .abp-confirm-summary { display: block !important; margin-bottom: 13px !important; padding: 13px 16px 0px !important; font-weight: 600 !important; font-size: 18px !important; } .abp-confirm .abp-confirm-body { display: inline-block !important; padding: 0px 10px !important; } .abp-confirm .abp-confirm-footer { display: block !important; margin-top: 30px !important; padding: 16px !important; background-color: #f4f4f7 !important; text-align: right !important; } .abp-confirm .abp-confirm-footer .btn { margin-left: 10px !important; } .ui-widget-overlay { z-index: 1000; } .color-white { color: #FFF !important; } /* { const { payload: err = /** @type {?} */ ({}) } = res; /** @type {?} */ const body = snq( /** * @return {?} */ (() => /** @type {?} */ (err).error.error), DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError.title, ); if (err instanceof HttpErrorResponse && err.headers.get('_AbpErrorFormat')) { /** @type {?} */ const confirmation$ = this.showError(null, null, body); if (err.status === 401) { confirmation$.subscribe( /** * @return {?} */ () => { this.navigateToLogin(); }, ); } } else { switch (/** @type {?} */ (err).status) { case 401: this.showError( DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError401.details, DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError401.title, ).subscribe( /** * @return {?} */ () => this.navigateToLogin(), ); break; case 403: this.createErrorComponent({ title: DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError403.title, details: DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError403.details, }); break; case 404: this.showError( DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError404.details, DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError404.title, ); break; case 500: this.createErrorComponent({ title: DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError500.title, details: DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError500.details, }); break; case 0: if (/** @type {?} */ (err).statusText === 'Unknown Error') { this.createErrorComponent({ title: DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultErrorUnknown.title, details: DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultErrorUnknown.details, }); } break; default: this.showError(DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError.details, DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError.title); break; } } }, ); } /** * @private * @param {?=} message * @param {?=} title * @param {?=} body * @return {?} */ showError(message, title, body) { if (body) { if (body.details) { message = body.details; title = body.message; } else { message = body.message || DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES.defaultError.title; } } return this.confirmationService.error(message, title, { hideCancelBtn: true, yesCopy: 'OK', }); } /** * @private * @return {?} */ navigateToLogin() { /** * @return {?} */ () => { this.router.navigate(['/account/login'], { state: { redirectUrl: this.router.url }, }); }, ); } /** * @param {?} instance * @return {?} */ createErrorComponent(instance) { /** @type {?} */ const renderer = this.rendererFactory.createRenderer(null, null); /** @type {?} */ const host = renderer.selectRootElement(document.body, true); /** @type {?} */ const componentRef = this.cfRes.resolveComponentFactory(ErrorComponent).create(this.injector); for (const key in componentRef.instance) { if (componentRef.instance.hasOwnProperty(key)) { componentRef.instance[key] = instance[key]; } } this.appRef.attachView(componentRef.hostView); renderer.appendChild(host, /** @type {?} */ (componentRef.hostView).rootNodes[0]); componentRef.instance.renderer = renderer; componentRef.instance.elementRef = componentRef.location; = host; } } ErrorHandler.decorators = [{ type: Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' }] }]; /** @nocollapse */ ErrorHandler.ctorParameters = () => [ { type: Actions }, { type: Router }, { type: NgZone }, { type: Store }, { type: ConfirmationService }, { type: ApplicationRef }, { type: ComponentFactoryResolver }, { type: RendererFactory2 }, { type: Injector }, ]; /** @nocollapse */ ErrorHandler.ngInjectableDef = ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function ErrorHandler_Factory() { return new ErrorHandler( ɵɵinject(Actions), ɵɵinject(Router), ɵɵinject(NgZone), ɵɵinject(Store), ɵɵinject(ConfirmationService), ɵɵinject(ApplicationRef), ɵɵinject(ComponentFactoryResolver), ɵɵinject(RendererFactory2), ɵɵinject(INJECTOR), ); }, token: ErrorHandler, providedIn: 'root', }); if (false) { /** * @type {?} * @private */ ErrorHandler.prototype.actions; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ErrorHandler.prototype.router; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ErrorHandler.prototype.ngZone; /** * @type {?} * @private */; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ErrorHandler.prototype.confirmationService; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ErrorHandler.prototype.appRef; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ErrorHandler.prototype.cfRes; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ErrorHandler.prototype.rendererFactory; /** * @type {?} * @private */ ErrorHandler.prototype.injector; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ class TableEmptyMessageComponent { constructor() { this.colspan = 2; this.localizationResource = 'AbpAccount'; this.localizationProp = 'NoDataAvailableInDatatable'; } /** * @return {?} */ get emptyMessage() { return this.message || `${this.localizationResource}::${this.localizationProp}`; } } TableEmptyMessageComponent.decorators = [ { type: Component, args: [ { // tslint:disable-next-line: component-selector selector: '[abp-table-empty-message]', template: ` {{ emptyMessage | abpLocalization }} `, }, ], }, ]; TableEmptyMessageComponent.propDecorators = { colspan: [{ type: Input }], message: [{ type: Input }], localizationResource: [{ type: Input }], localizationProp: [{ type: Input }], }; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ TableEmptyMessageComponent.prototype.colspan; /** @type {?} */ TableEmptyMessageComponent.prototype.message; /** @type {?} */ TableEmptyMessageComponent.prototype.localizationResource; /** @type {?} */ TableEmptyMessageComponent.prototype.localizationProp; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @param {?} injector * @return {?} */ function appendScript(injector) { /** @type {?} */ const fn /** * @return {?} */ = (() => { import('chart.js').then( /** * @return {?} */ () => chartJsLoaded$.next(true), ); /** @type {?} */ const lazyLoadService = injector.get(LazyLoadService); return forkJoin( lazyLoadService.load( null, 'style', styles, 'head', 'afterbegin', ) /* lazyLoadService.load(null, 'script', scripts) */, ).toPromise(); }); return fn; } class ThemeSharedModule { /** * @return {?} */ static forRoot() { return { ngModule: ThemeSharedModule, providers: [ { provide: APP_INITIALIZER, multi: true, deps: [Injector, ErrorHandler], useFactory: appendScript, }, { provide: MessageService, useClass: MessageService }, ], }; } } ThemeSharedModule.decorators = [ { type: NgModule, args: [ { imports: [CoreModule, ToastModule, NgxValidateCoreModule], declarations: [ BreadcrumbComponent, ButtonComponent, ChangePasswordComponent, ChartComponent, ConfirmationComponent, ErrorComponent, LoaderBarComponent, ModalComponent, ProfileComponent, TableEmptyMessageComponent, ToastComponent, SortOrderIconComponent, ], exports: [ BreadcrumbComponent, ButtonComponent, ChangePasswordComponent, ChartComponent, ConfirmationComponent, LoaderBarComponent, ModalComponent, ProfileComponent, TableEmptyMessageComponent, ToastComponent, SortOrderIconComponent, ], entryComponents: [ErrorComponent], }, ], }, ]; /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** @type {?} */ const bounceIn = animation( [ style({ opacity: '0', display: '{{ display }}' }), animate( '{{ time}} {{ easing }}', keyframes([ style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} scale(0.0)', offset: 0 }), style({ opacity: '0', transform: '{{ transform }} scale(0.8)', offset: 0.5 }), style({ opacity: '1', transform: '{{ transform }} scale(1.0)', offset: 1 }), ]), ), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'cubic-bezier(.7,.31,.72,1.47)', display: 'block', transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)', }, }, ); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** @type {?} */ const collapseY = animation( [ style({ height: '*', overflow: 'hidden', 'box-sizing': 'border-box' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ height: '0', padding: '0px' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const collapseYWithMargin = animation( [style({ 'margin-top': '0' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ 'margin-top': '-100%' }))], { params: { time: '500ms', easing: 'ease' }, }, ); /** @type {?} */ const collapseX = animation( [ style({ width: '*', overflow: 'hidden', 'box-sizing': 'border-box' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ width: '0', padding: '0px' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const expandY = animation( [ style({ height: '0', overflow: 'hidden', 'box-sizing': 'border-box' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ height: '*', padding: '*' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const expandYWithMargin = animation( [style({ 'margin-top': '-100%' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ 'margin-top': '0' }))], { params: { time: '500ms', easing: 'ease' }, }, ); /** @type {?} */ const expandX = animation( [ style({ width: '0', overflow: 'hidden', 'box-sizing': 'border-box' }), animate('{{ time }} {{ easing }}', style({ width: '*', padding: '*' })), ], { params: { time: '350ms', easing: 'ease' } }, ); /** @type {?} */ const collapse = trigger('collapse', [ state('collapsed', style({ height: '0', overflow: 'hidden' })), state('expanded', style({ height: '*', overflow: 'hidden' })), transition('expanded => collapsed', useAnimation(collapseY)), transition('collapsed => expanded', useAnimation(expandY)), ]); /** @type {?} */ const collapseWithMargin = trigger('collapseWithMargin', [ state('collapsed', style({ 'margin-top': '-100%' })), state('expanded', style({ 'margin-top': '0' })), transition('expanded => collapsed', useAnimation(collapseYWithMargin), { params: { time: '400ms', easing: 'linear' }, }), transition('collapsed => expanded', useAnimation(expandYWithMargin)), ]); /** @type {?} */ const collapseLinearWithMargin = trigger('collapseLinearWithMargin', [ state('collapsed', style({ 'margin-top': '-100%' })), state('expanded', style({ 'margin-top': '0' })), transition( 'expanded => collapsed', useAnimation(collapseYWithMargin, { params: { time: '200ms', easing: 'linear' } }), ), transition('collapsed => expanded', useAnimation(expandYWithMargin, { params: { time: '250ms', easing: 'linear' } })), ]); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** @type {?} */ const slideFromBottom = trigger('slideFromBottom', [ transition('* <=> *', [ style({ 'margin-top': '20px', opacity: '0' }), animate('0.2s ease-out', style({ opacity: '1', 'margin-top': '0px' })), ]), ]); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ var Confirmation; (function(Confirmation) { /** * @record */ function Options() {} Confirmation.Options = Options; if (false) { /** @type {?|undefined} */ Options.prototype.hideCancelBtn; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Options.prototype.hideYesBtn; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Options.prototype.cancelCopy; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Options.prototype.yesCopy; } })(Confirmation || (Confirmation = {})); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @record */ function SettingTab() {} if (false) { /** @type {?} */ SettingTab.prototype.component; /** @type {?} */; /** @type {?} */ SettingTab.prototype.order; /** @type {?|undefined} */ SettingTab.prototype.requiredPolicy; } /** @type {?} */ const SETTING_TABS = /** @type {?} */ ([]); /** * @param {?} tab * @return {?} */ function addSettingTab(tab) { if (!Array.isArray(tab)) { tab = [tab]; } SETTING_TABS.push(; } /** * @return {?} */ function getSettingTabs() { return SETTING_TABS; } /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ var Statistics; (function(Statistics) { /** * @record */ function Response() {} Statistics.Response = Response; if (false) { /** @type {?} */; } /** * @record */ function Data() {} Statistics.Data = Data; /** * @record */ function Filter() {} Statistics.Filter = Filter; if (false) { /** @type {?} */ Filter.prototype.startDate; /** @type {?} */ Filter.prototype.endDate; } })(Statistics || (Statistics = {})); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ var Toaster; (function(Toaster) { /** * @record */ function Options() {} Toaster.Options = Options; if (false) { /** @type {?|undefined} */; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Options.prototype.closable; /** @type {?|undefined} */; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Options.prototype.sticky; /** @type {?|undefined} */; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Options.prototype.messageLocalizationParams; /** @type {?|undefined} */ Options.prototype.titleLocalizationParams; } })(Toaster || (Toaster = {})); /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ /** * @fileoverview added by tsickle * @suppress {checkTypes,constantProperty,extraRequire,missingOverride,missingReturn,unusedPrivateMembers,uselessCode} checked by tsc */ export { BreadcrumbComponent, ButtonComponent, ChangePasswordComponent, ChartComponent, ConfirmationComponent, ConfirmationService, LoaderBarComponent, ModalComponent, ProfileComponent, SortOrderIconComponent, TableEmptyMessageComponent, ThemeSharedModule, ToastComponent, Toaster, ToasterService, addSettingTab, appendScript, bounceIn, chartJsLoaded$, collapse, collapseLinearWithMargin, collapseWithMargin, collapseX, collapseY, collapseYWithMargin, dialogAnimation, expandX, expandY, expandYWithMargin, fadeAnimation, fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight, fadeInUp, fadeOut, fadeOutDown, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, fadeOutUp, getRandomBackgroundColor, getSettingTabs, slideFromBottom, BreadcrumbComponent as ɵa, ButtonComponent as ɵb, ChangePasswordComponent as ɵc, ToasterService as ɵd, AbstractToaster as ɵe, ChartComponent as ɵf, ConfirmationComponent as ɵg, ConfirmationService as ɵh, ErrorComponent as ɵi, LoaderBarComponent as ɵj, ModalComponent as ɵk, fadeAnimation as ɵl, dialogAnimation as ɵm, fadeIn as ɵn, fadeOut as ɵo, fadeInDown as ɵp, ProfileComponent as ɵq, TableEmptyMessageComponent as ɵr, ToastComponent as ɵs, SortOrderIconComponent as ɵt, ErrorHandler as ɵu, }; //#