# Application Configuration Endpoint ABP Framework provides a pre-built and standard endpoint that contains some useful information about the application/service. Here, the list of some fundamental information at this endpoint: * [Localization](../Localization.md) values, supported and the current language of the application. * Available and granted [policies](../Authorization.md) (permissions) for the current user. * [Setting](../Settings.md) values for the current user. * Info about the [current user](../CurrentUser.md) (like id and user name). * Info about the current [tenant](../Multi-Tenancy.md) (like id and name). * [Time zone](../Timing.md) information for the current user and the [clock](../Timing.md) type of the application. ## HTTP API If you navigate to the `/api/abp/application-configuration` URL of an ABP Framework based web application or HTTP Service, you can access the configuration as a JSON object. This endpoint is useful to create the client of your application. ## Script For ASP.NET Core MVC (Razor Pages) applications, the same configuration values are also available on the JavaScript side. `/Abp/ApplicationConfigurationScript` is the URL of the script that is auto-generated based on the HTTP API above. See the [JavaScript API document](../UI/AspNetCore/JavaScript-API/Index.md) for the ASP.NET Core UI. Other UI types provide services native to the related platform. For example, see the [Angular UI localization documentation](../UI/Angular/Localization.md) to learn how to use the localization values exposes by this endpoint.