# How to Replace PermissionManagementComponent ![Permission management modal](./images/permission-management-modal.png) Run the following command in `angular` folder to create a new component called `PermissionManagementComponent`. ```bash yarn ng generate component permission-management --entryComponent --inlineStyle # You don't need the --entryComponent option in Angular 9 ``` Open the generated `permission-management.component.ts` in `src/app/permission-management` folder and replace the content with the following: ```js import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output, Renderer2, TrackByFunction, Inject, Optional, } from '@angular/core'; import { ReplaceableComponents } from '@abp/ng.core'; import { Select, Store } from '@ngxs/store'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { finalize, map, pluck, take, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { GetPermissions, UpdatePermissions, PermissionManagement, PermissionManagementState, } from '@abp/ng.permission-management'; type PermissionWithMargin = PermissionManagement.Permission & { margin: number; }; @Component({ selector: 'app-permission-management', templateUrl: './permission-management.component.html', styles: [ ` .overflow-scroll { max-height: 70vh; overflow-y: scroll; } `, ], }) export class PermissionManagementComponent implements PermissionManagement.PermissionManagementComponentInputs, PermissionManagement.PermissionManagementComponentOutputs { protected _providerName: string; @Input() get providerName(): string { if (this.replaceableData) return this.replaceableData.inputs.providerName; return this._providerName; } set providerName(value: string) { this._providerName = value; } protected _providerKey: string; @Input() get providerKey(): string { if (this.replaceableData) return this.replaceableData.inputs.providerKey; return this._providerKey; } set providerKey(value: string) { this._providerKey = value; } protected _hideBadges = false; @Input() get hideBadges(): boolean { if (this.replaceableData) return this.replaceableData.inputs.hideBadges; return this._hideBadges; } set hideBadges(value: boolean) { this._hideBadges = value; } protected _visible = false; @Input() get visible(): boolean { return this._visible; } set visible(value: boolean) { if (value === this._visible) return; if (value) { this.openModal().subscribe(() => { this._visible = true; this.visibleChange.emit(true); if (this.replaceableData) this.replaceableData.outputs.visibleChange(true); }); } else { this.selectedGroup = null; this._visible = false; this.visibleChange.emit(false); if (this.replaceableData) this.replaceableData.outputs.visibleChange(false); } } @Output() readonly visibleChange = new EventEmitter(); @Select(PermissionManagementState.getPermissionGroups) groups$: Observable; @Select(PermissionManagementState.getEntityDisplayName) entityName$: Observable; selectedGroup: PermissionManagement.Group; permissions: PermissionManagement.Permission[] = []; selectThisTab = false; selectAllTab = false; modalBusy = false; trackByFn: TrackByFunction = (_, item) => item.name; get selectedGroupPermissions$(): Observable { return this.groups$.pipe( map((groups) => this.selectedGroup ? groups.find((group) => group.name === this.selectedGroup.name).permissions : [] ), map((permissions) => permissions.map( (permission) => (({ ...permission, margin: findMargin(permissions, permission), isGranted: this.permissions.find((per) => per.name === permission.name).isGranted, } as any) as PermissionWithMargin) ) ) ); } get isVisible(): boolean { if (!this.replaceableData) return this.visible; return this.replaceableData.inputs.visible; } constructor( @Optional() @Inject('REPLACEABLE_DATA') public replaceableData: ReplaceableComponents.ReplaceableTemplateData< PermissionManagement.PermissionManagementComponentInputs, PermissionManagement.PermissionManagementComponentOutputs >, private store: Store ) {} getChecked(name: string) { return (this.permissions.find((per) => per.name === name) || { isGranted: false }).isGranted; } isGrantedByOtherProviderName(grantedProviders: PermissionManagement.GrantedProvider[]): boolean { if (grantedProviders.length) { return grantedProviders.findIndex((p) => p.providerName !== this.providerName) > -1; } return false; } onClickCheckbox(clickedPermission: PermissionManagement.Permission, value) { if ( clickedPermission.isGranted && this.isGrantedByOtherProviderName(clickedPermission.grantedProviders) ) return; setTimeout(() => { this.permissions = this.permissions.map((per) => { if (clickedPermission.name === per.name) { return { ...per, isGranted: !per.isGranted }; } else if (clickedPermission.name === per.parentName && clickedPermission.isGranted) { return { ...per, isGranted: false }; } else if (clickedPermission.parentName === per.name && !clickedPermission.isGranted) { return { ...per, isGranted: true }; } return per; }); this.setTabCheckboxState(); this.setGrantCheckboxState(); }, 0); } setTabCheckboxState() { this.selectedGroupPermissions$.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((permissions) => { const selectedPermissions = permissions.filter((per) => per.isGranted); const element = document.querySelector('#select-all-in-this-tabs') as any; if (selectedPermissions.length === permissions.length) { element.indeterminate = false; this.selectThisTab = true; } else if (selectedPermissions.length === 0) { element.indeterminate = false; this.selectThisTab = false; } else { element.indeterminate = true; } }); } setGrantCheckboxState() { const selectedAllPermissions = this.permissions.filter((per) => per.isGranted); const checkboxElement = document.querySelector('#select-all-in-all-tabs') as any; if (selectedAllPermissions.length === this.permissions.length) { checkboxElement.indeterminate = false; this.selectAllTab = true; } else if (selectedAllPermissions.length === 0) { checkboxElement.indeterminate = false; this.selectAllTab = false; } else { checkboxElement.indeterminate = true; } } onClickSelectThisTab() { this.selectedGroupPermissions$.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((permissions) => { permissions.forEach((permission) => { if (permission.isGranted && this.isGrantedByOtherProviderName(permission.grantedProviders)) return; const index = this.permissions.findIndex((per) => per.name === permission.name); this.permissions = [ ...this.permissions.slice(0, index), { ...this.permissions[index], isGranted: !this.selectThisTab }, ...this.permissions.slice(index + 1), ]; }); }); this.setGrantCheckboxState(); } onClickSelectAll() { this.permissions = this.permissions.map((permission) => ({ ...permission, isGranted: this.isGrantedByOtherProviderName(permission.grantedProviders) || !this.selectAllTab, })); this.selectThisTab = !this.selectAllTab; } onChangeGroup(group: PermissionManagement.Group) { this.selectedGroup = group; this.setTabCheckboxState(); } submit() { this.modalBusy = true; const unchangedPermissions = getPermissions( this.store.selectSnapshot(PermissionManagementState.getPermissionGroups) ); const changedPermissions: PermissionManagement.MinimumPermission[] = this.permissions .filter((per) => unchangedPermissions.find((unchanged) => unchanged.name === per.name).isGranted === per.isGranted ? false : true ) .map(({ name, isGranted }) => ({ name, isGranted })); if (changedPermissions.length) { this.store .dispatch( new UpdatePermissions({ providerKey: this.providerKey, providerName: this.providerName, permissions: changedPermissions, }) ) .pipe(finalize(() => (this.modalBusy = false))) .subscribe(() => { this.visible = false; }); } else { this.modalBusy = false; this.visible = false; } } openModal() { if (!this.providerKey || !this.providerName) { throw new Error('Provider Key and Provider Name are required.'); } return this.store .dispatch( new GetPermissions({ providerKey: this.providerKey, providerName: this.providerName, }) ) .pipe( pluck('PermissionManagementState', 'permissionRes'), tap((permissionRes: PermissionManagement.Response) => { this.selectedGroup = permissionRes.groups[0]; this.permissions = getPermissions(permissionRes.groups); }) ); } initModal() { this.setTabCheckboxState(); this.setGrantCheckboxState(); } onVisibleChange(visible: boolean) { this.visible = visible; if (this.replaceableData) { this.replaceableData.inputs.visible = visible; this.replaceableData.outputs.visibleChange(visible); } } } function findMargin( permissions: PermissionManagement.Permission[], permission: PermissionManagement.Permission ) { const parentPermission = permissions.find((per) => per.name === permission.parentName); if (parentPermission && parentPermission.parentName) { let margin = 20; return (margin += findMargin(permissions, parentPermission)); } return parentPermission ? 20 : 0; } function getPermissions(groups: PermissionManagement.Group[]): PermissionManagement.Permission[] { return groups.reduce((acc, val) => [...acc, ...val.permissions], []); } ``` Open the generated `permission-management.component.html` in `src/app/permission-management` folder and replace the content with the below: ```html

{%{{{ 'AbpPermissionManagement::Permissions' | abpLocalization }}}%} - {%{{{ data.entityName }}}%}

{%{{{ selectedGroup?.displayName }}}%}

{%{{{ 'AbpIdentity::Save' | abpLocalization }}}%}
``` Open `app.component.ts` in `src/app` folder and modify it as shown below: ```js import { AddReplaceableComponent } from '@abp/ng.core'; import { ePermissionManagementComponents } from '@abp/ng.permission-management'; import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Store } from '@ngxs/store'; import { PermissionManagementComponent } from './permission-management/permission-management.component'; //... export class AppComponent implements OnInit { constructor(private store: Store) {} // injected store ngOnInit() { // added dispatching the AddReplaceableComponent action this.store.dispatch( new AddReplaceableComponent({ component: PermissionManagementComponent, key: ePermissionManagementComponents.PermissionManagement, }) ); } } ``` ## See Also - [Component Replacement](./Component-Replacement.md)