"IndexPageHeroSection":"<span class=\"first-line\">A complete</span><span class=\"second-line\"> web development platform</span><span class=\"third-line\">built-on <img src=\"{0}\" width=\"110\" class=\"ml-1\" /> framework</span>",
"AbpCommercialShortDescription":"ABP Commercial provides pre-built application modules, rapid application development tooling, professional UI themes, premium support and more.",
"LiveDemo":"Live Demo",
"LiveDemoLead":"<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a> using your ABP account, <a href=\"{2}\">{3}</a> to abp.io.<br/>Or fill the form below to create a live demo now",
"LiveDemoLead":"<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a> using your ABP account, <a href=\"{2}\">{3}</a> to abp.io.<br/> or fill the form below to create a live demo now",
"ThereIsAlreadyAnAccountWithTheGivenEmailAddress":"There is already an account with the given email address: <b>{0}</b><br/> You can login with your account to proceed.",