@ -51,14 +51,15 @@ Data Source=localhost;User Id=myuser;Password=mypassword;
## Re-Generate the Migrations
The startup template uses [Entity Framework Core's Code First Migrations](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/migrations/). EF Core Migrations depend on the selected DBMS provider. So, changing the DBMS provider will cause the migration fails.
The startup template uses [Entity Framework Core's Code First Migrations](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/migrations/) by default.
EF Core Migrations depend on the selected DBMS provider. Changing the DBMS provider, may not work with the existing migrations.
* Delete the Migrations folder under the `.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations` project and re-build the solution.
* Run `Add-Migration "Initial"` on the Package Manager Console (select the `.DbMigrator` (or `.Web`) project as the startup project in the Solution Explorer and select the `.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations` project as the default project in the Package Manager Console).
* Delete the `Migrations` folder under the `.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations` project and re-build the solution.
* Run `Add-Migration "Initial"` on the Package Manager Console window (select the `.DbMigrator` (or `.Web`) project as the startup project in the Solution Explorer and select the `.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations` project as the default project in the Package Manager Console).
This will create a database migration with all database objects (tables) configured.
This will scaffold a new migration for Oracle.
Run the `.DbMigrator` project to create the database and seed the initial data.
Run the `.DbMigrator` project to create the database, apply the changes and seed the initial data.