In the example above, `<script>alert()</script>` element will place at the **end** of `<body>`.
In the example above, `<script>alert()</script>` element will place at the **end** of `<body>` and `scriptElement` will be an `HTMLScriptElement`.
Please refer to [ContentStrategy](./ to see all available content strategies and how you can build your own content strategy.
> Important Note: `DomInsertionService` does not insert the same content twice. In order to add a content again, you first should remove the old content using `removeContent` method.
### How to Insert Styles
If you pass a `StyleContentStrategy` instance as the first parameter of `insertContent` method, the `DomInsertionService` will create a `<style>` element with given `content` and place it in the designated DOM position.
In the example above, `<style>body {margin: 0;}</style>` element will place at the **end** of `<head>`.
In the example above, `<style>body {margin: 0;}</style>` element will place at the **end** of `<head>` and `styleElement` will be an `HTMLStyleElement`.
Please refer to [ContentStrategy](./ to see all available content strategies and how you can build your own content strategy.
> Important Note: `DomInsertionService` does not insert the same content twice. In order to add a content again, you first should remove the old content using `removeContent` method.
### How to Remove Inserted Scripts & Styles
If you pass the inserted `HTMLScriptElement` or `HTMLStyleElement` element as the first parameter of `removeContent` method, the `DomInsertionService` will remove the given element.
import { DomInsertionService, CONTENT_STRATEGY } from '@abp/ng.core';