You can inject any service and perform any required logic here. A single event handler class can **subscribe to multiple events** but implementing the `IDistributedEventHandler<TEvent>` interface for each event type.
In your handler if you call a methods on a Repository you may find that you get an `ObjectDisposedException` being thrown. This will be because the unit of work being used by the Repository has been disposed in another context e.g. an controller action. You will need to create a specific unit of work for your `HandleEventAsync` method. You can either use the `IUnitOfWorkManager.Begin` method or use the `UnitOfWorkAttribute` on the method. See the [Unit of work document]( for more details.
If you perform **database operations** and use the [repositories]( inside the event handler, you may need to create a [unit of work](, because some repository methods need to work inside an **active unit of work**. Make the handle method `virtual` and add a `[UnitOfWork]` attribute for the method, or manually use the `IUnitOfWorkManager` to create a unit of work scope.
> The handler class must be registered to the dependency injection (DI). The sample above uses the `ITransientDependency` to accomplish it. See the [DI document]( for more options.