@ -25,53 +25,41 @@ Check the **connection string** in the `appsettings.json` file under the {{if Ti
The solution is configured to use **Entity Framework Core** with **MS SQL Server** by default. EF Core supports [various](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/providers/) database providers, so you can use any supported DBMS. See [the Entity Framework integration document](Entity-Framework-Core.md) to learn how to [switch to another DBMS](Entity-Framework-Core-Other-DBMS.md).
### Apply the Migrations
The solution uses the [Entity Framework Core Code First Migrations](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/migrations/?tabs=dotnet-core-cli). So, you need to apply migrations to create the database. There are two ways of applying the database migrations.
> **About the Connection Strings and Database Management Systems**
> The solution is configured to use **Entity Framework Core** with **MS SQL Server** by default. However, if you've selected another DBMS using the `-dbms` parameter on the ABP CLI `new` command (like `-dbms MySQL`), the connection string might be different for you.
> EF Core supports [various](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/providers/) database providers and you can use any supported DBMS. See [the Entity Framework integration document](Entity-Framework-Core.md) to learn how to [switch to another DBMS](Entity-Framework-Core-Other-DBMS.md) if you need later.
#### Apply Migrations Using the DbMigrator
### Database Migrations
The solution comes with a `.DbMigrator` console application which applies migrations and also **seeds the initial data**. It is useful on **development** as well as on **production** environment.
The solution uses the [Entity Framework Core Code First Migrations](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/migrations/?tabs=dotnet-core-cli). It comes with a `.DbMigrator` console application which **applies the migrations** and also **seeds the initial data**. It is useful on **development** as well as on **production** environment.
> `.DbMigrator` project has its own `appsettings.json`. So, if you have changed the connection string above, you should also change this one.
Right click to the `.DbMigrator` project and select **Set as StartUp Project**
> Initial [seed data](Data-Seeding.md) creates the `admin` user in the database (with the password is `1q2w3E*`) which is then used to login to the application. So, you need to use `.DbMigrator` at least once for a new database.
`.DbMigrator` application automatically **creates the Initial migration** on first run.
#### Using EF Core Update-Database Command
**If you are using Visual Studio, you can skip the the *Running the DbMigrator* section.** However, other IDEs (e.g. Rider) may have problems for the first run since it adds the initial migration and compiles the project. In this case, open a command line terminal in the folder of the `.DbMigrator` project and run the following command:
Ef Core has `Update-Database` command which creates database if necessary and applies pending migrations.
{{ if UI == "MVC" }}
Right click to the {{if Tiered == "Yes"}}`.IdentityServer`{{else}}`.Web`{{end}} project and select **Set as StartUp project**:
dotnet run
{{ else if UI != "MVC" }}
For the next time, you can just run it in your IDE as you normally do.
Right click to the `.HttpApi.Host` project and select **Set as StartUp Project**:
### Running the DbMigrator
{{ end }}
Right click to the `.DbMigrator` project and select **Set as StartUp Project**
Open the **Package Manager Console**, select `.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations` project as the **Default Project** and run the `Update-Database` command:
> **Using the `.DbMigrator` tool is the suggested way**, because it also seeds the initial data to be able to properly run the web application.
> If you just use the `Update-Database` command, you will have an empty database, so you can not login to the application since there is no initial admin user in the database. You can use the `Update-Database` command in development time when you don't need to seed the database. However, using the `.DbMigrator` application is easier and you can always use it to migrate the schema and seed the database.
> Initial [seed data](Data-Seeding.md) creates the `admin` user in the database (with the password is `1q2w3E*`) which is then used to login to the application. So, you need to use `.DbMigrator` at least once for a new database.