[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audit_trail): "*An audit trail (also called **audit log**) is a security-relevant chronological record, set of records, and/or destination and source of records that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, or event*".
ABP Framework automates the audit logging by convention and provides configuration points to control the level of the audit logs.
ABP Framework provides an **extensible audit logging system** that automates the audit logging by **convention** and provides **configuration** points to control the level of the audit logs.
An audit log object (see the Audit Log Object section below) is typically created & saved per web request. It includes;
An **audit log object** (see the Audit Log Object section below) is typically created & saved per web request. It includes;
* **Performed actions** (controller actions and application service method calls with their parameters).
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Here, a list of the options you can configure:
* `ApplicationName`: If multiple applications saving audit logs into a single database, set this property to your application name, so you can distinguish the logs of different applications.
* `IgnoredTypes`: A list of `Type`s to be ignored for audit logging. If this is an entity type, changes for this type of entities will not be saved. This list is also used while serializing the action parameters.
* `EntityHistorySelectors`: A list of selectors those are used to determine if an entity type is selected for saving the entity change. See the section below for details.
* `Contributors`: A list of `AuditLogContributor` implementations. The only pre-built contributor is the `AspNetCoreAuditLogContributor` class which sets the related properties for an HTTP request. You can build your own contributors. See the Audit Log Contributors section below for details.
* `Contributors`: A list of `AuditLogContributor` implementations. A contributor is a way of extending the audit log system. See the "Audit Log Contributors" section below.
### Entity History Selectors
@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ The condition `typeof(IEntity).IsAssignableFrom(type)` will be `true` for any cl
`options.EntityHistorySelectors` is a flexible and dynamic way of selecting the entities for audit logging. Another way is to use the `Audited` and `DisableAuditing` attributes per entity.
## Enabling/Disabling Audit Logging for Objects
## Enabling/Disabling Audit Logging for Services
### Enable/Disable for Controllers &Their Actions
### Enable/Disable for Controllers & Actions
All the controller actions are logged by default (see `IsEnabledForGetRequests` above for GET requests).
@ -117,17 +117,17 @@ public class HomeController : AbpController
### Enable/Disable for Application Services &Their Methods
### Enable/Disable for Application Services & Methods
[Application service](Application-Services.md) method calls also included into the audit log by default. You can use the `[DisableAuditing]` in service or method level.
#### Enable/Disable for Other Services
Action audit logging can be enabled for any type of services (registered to and resolved from the [dependency injection](Dependency-Injection.md)) while it is only enabled for the controllers and the application services by default.
Action audit logging can be enabled for any type of class (registered to and resolved from the [dependency injection](Dependency-Injection.md)) while it is only enabled for the controllers and the application services by default.
Use `[Audited]` and `[DisableAuditing]` for any class or method that need to be audit logged. In addition, your class can (directly or inherently) implement the `IAuditingEnabled` interface to enable the audit logging for that class by default.
### Enable/Disable for Entities &Their Properties
### Enable/Disable for Entities & Properties
An entity is ignored on entity change audit logging in the following cases;
@ -243,7 +243,44 @@ In addition to the standard properties explained above, `AuditLogInfo`, `AuditLo
## Audit Log Contributors
You can extend the auditing system by creating a class that is derived from the `AuditLogContributor` class which defines the `PreContribute` and the `PostContribute` methods.
The only pre-built contributor is the `AspNetCoreAuditLogContributor` class which sets the related properties for an HTTP request.
A contributor can set properties and collections of the `AuditLogInfo` class to add more information.
public class MyAuditLogContributor : AuditLogContributor
public override void PreContribute(AuditLogContributionContext context)
var currentUser = context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICurrentUser>();
public override void PostContribute(AuditLogContributionContext context)