@ -1105,4 +1105,78 @@ While there is a tradeoff between two approaches, we prefer to create Domain Ser
### Application Services
An [Application Service](Application-Services.md) is a stateless service that implements **use cases** of the application. An application service typically **gets and returns DTOs**. It is used by the Presentation Layer. It **uses and coordinates the domain objects** (entities, repositories, etc.) to implement use cases.
Common principles of an application service are;
* Implement the **application logic** that is specific to the current use case. Do not implement the core domain logic inside the application services. We will come back to differences between Application Domain logics.
* **Never get or return entities** for an application service method. This breaks the encapsulation of the Domain Layer. Always get and return DTOs.
**Example: Assign an Issue to a User**
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using IssueTracking.Users;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Services;
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories;
namespace IssueTracking.Issues
public class IssueAppService : ApplicationService, IIssueAppService
public async Task AssignAsync(IssueAssignDto input)
var issue = await _issueRepository.GetAsync(input.IssueId);
var user = await _userRepository.GetAsync(input.UserId);
await _issueManager.AssignToAsync(issue, user);
await _issueRepository.UpdateAsync(issue);
An application service method typically has three steps those are implemented here;
1. Get the related domain objects from database to implement the use case.
2. Use domain objects (domain services, entities, etc.) to perform the actual operation.
3. Update the changed entities in the database.
> The last *Update* is not necessary if your are using EF Core since it has a Change Tracking system. If you want to take advantage of this EF Core feature, please see the *Discussion About the Database Independence Principle* section above.
`IssueAssignDto` in this example is a simple DTO class: