# Sample Applications
Here, a list of official samples built with the ABP Framework. Most of these samples are located under the [abpframework/abp-samples ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples ) GitHub repository.
### Microservice Demo
A complete solution to demonstrate how to build systems based on the microservice architecture.
* [The complete documentation for this sample ](Microservice-Demo.md )
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp/tree/dev/samples/MicroserviceDemo )
* [Microservice architecture document ](../Microservice-Architecture.md )
### Book Store
A simple CRUD application to show basic principles of developing an application with the ABP Framework. The same sample was implemented with different technologies:
* **Book Store: Razor Pages UI & Entity Framework Core**
* [Tutorial ](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Tutorials/Part-1?UI=MVC )
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/BookStore )
* **Book Store: Angular UI & MongoDB**
* [Tutorial ](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Tutorials/Part-1?UI=NG )
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/BookStore-Angular-MongoDb )
* **Book Store: Modular application (Razor Pages UI & EF Core)**
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/BookStore-Modular )
While there is no Razor Pages & MongoDB combination, you can check both documents to understand it since DB & UI selection don't effect each other.
### Other Samples
* **Entity Framework Migrations**: A solution to demonstrate how to split your application into multiple databases each database contains different modules.
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/DashboardDemo )
* [EF Core database migrations document ](../Entity-Framework-Core-Migrations.md )
* **SignalR Demo**: A simple chat application that allows to send and receive messages among authenticated users.
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/SignalRDemo )
* [SignalR Integration document ](../SignalR-Integration.md )
* **Dashboard Demo**: A simple application to show how to use the widget system for the ASP.NET Core MVC UI.
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/DashboardDemo )
* [Widget documentation ](../UI/AspNetCore/Widgets.md )
* **RabbitMQ Event Bus Demo**: A solution consists of two applications communicating to each other via distributed events with RabbitMQ integration.
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/RabbitMqEventBus )
* [Distributed event bus document ](../Distributed-Event-Bus.md )
* [RabbitMQ distributed event bus integration document ](../Distributed-Event-Bus-RabbitMQ-Integration.md )
* **Text Templates Demo**: Shows different use cases of the text templating system.
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/TextTemplateDemo )
* [Text templating documentation ](../Text-Templating.md )
* **Authentication Customization**: A solution to show how to customize the authentication for ASP.NET Core MVC / Razor Pages applications.
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/aspnet-core/Authentication-Customization )
* Related "[How To](../How-To/Index.md)" documents:
* [Azure Active Directory Authentication ](../How-To/Azure-Active-Directory-Authentication-MVC.md )
* [Customize the Login Page ](../How-To/Customize-Login-Page-MVC.md )
* [Customize the SignIn Manager ](../How-To/Customize-SignIn-Manager.md )
* **Empty ASP.NET Core Application**: The most basic ASP.NET Core application with the ABP Framework installed.
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/BasicAspNetCoreApplication )
* [Documentation ](../Getting-Started-AspNetCore-Application.md )
* **Empty Console Application**: The most basic console application with the ABP Framework installed.
* [Source code ](https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/BasicConsoleApplication )
* [Documentation ](../Getting-Started-Console-Application.md )