ABP Framework provides an **object extension system** to allow you to **add extra properties** to an existing object **without modifying** the related class. This allows to extend functionalities implemented by a depended [application module](Modules/Index.md), especially when you want to [extend entities](Customizing-Application-Modules-Extending-Entities.md) and [DTOs](Customizing-Application-Modules-Overriding-Services.md) defined by the module.
> Object extension system is not normally not needed for your own objects since you can easily add regular properties to your own classes.
## IHasExtraProperties Interface
This is the interface to make a class extensible. It simply defines a `Dictionary` property:
Then you can add or get extra properties using this dictionary.
### Base Classes
`IHasExtraProperties` interface is implemented by several base classes by default:
* Implemented by the `AggregateRoot` class (see [entities](Entities.md)).
* Implemented by `ExtensibleEntityDto`, `ExtensibleAuditedEntityDto`... base [DTO](Data-Transfer-Objects.md) classes.
* Implemented by the `ExtensibleObject`, which is a simple base class can be inherited for any type of object.
So, if you inherit from these classes, your class will also be extensible. If not, you can always implement it manually.
### Fundamental Extension Methods
While you can directly use the `ExtraProperties` property of a class, it is suggested to use the following extension methods while working with the extra properties.
#### SetProperty
Used to set the value of an extra property:
user.SetProperty("Title", "My Title");
user.SetProperty("IsSuperUser", true);
`SetProperty` returns the same object, so you can chain it:
user.SetProperty("Title", "My Title")
.SetProperty("IsSuperUser", true);
#### GetProperty
Used to read the value of an extra property:
var title = user.GetProperty<string>("Title");
if (user.GetProperty<bool>("IsSuperUser"))
*`GetProperty` is a generic method and takes the object type as the generic parameter.
* Returns the default value if given property was not set before (default value is `0` for `int`, `false` for `bool`... etc).
##### Non Primitive Property Types
If your property type is not a primitive (int, bool, enum, string... etc) type, then you need to use non-generic version of the `GetProperty` which returns an `object`.
#### HasProperty
Used to check if the object has a property set before.
#### RemoveProperty
Used to remove a property from the object. Use this methods instead of setting a `null` value for the property.
### Some Best Practices
Using magic strings for the property names is dangerous since you can easily type the property name wrong - it is not type safe. Instead;
* Define a constant for your extra property names
* Create extension methods to easily set your extra properties.
public static class IdentityUserExtensions
private const string TitlePropertyName = "Title";
public static void SetTitle(this IdentityUser user, string title)
user.SetProperty(TitlePropertyName, title);
public static string GetTitle(this IdentityUser user)
While you can set arbitrary properties to an extensible object (which implements the `IHasExtraProperties` interface), `ObjectExtensionManager` is used to explicitly define extra properties for extensible classes.
Explicitly defining an extra property has some use cases:
* Allows to control how the extra property is handled on object to object mapping (see the section below).
* Allows to define metadata for the property. For example, you can map an extra property to a table field in the database while using the [EF Core](Entity-Framework-Core.md).
> `ObjectExtensionManager` implements the singleton pattern (`ObjectExtensionManager.Instance`) and you should define object extensions before your application startup. The [application startup template](Startup-Templates/Application.md) has some pre-defined static classes to safely define object extensions inside.
While `AddOrUpdateProperty` can be used on the `options` as shown before, if you want to define a single extra property, you can use the shortcut extension method too:
> `options` has a dictionary, named `Configuration` which makes the object extension definitions even extensible. It is used by the EF Core to map extra properties to table fields in the database. See the [extending entities](Customizing-Application-Modules-Extending-Entities.md) document.
The following sections explain the fundamental property configuration options.
#### CheckPairDefinitionOnMapping
Controls how to check property definitions while mapping two extensible objects. See the "Object to Object Mapping" section to understand the `CheckPairDefinitionOnMapping` option better.
## Validation
You may want to add some **validation rules** for the extra properties you've defined. `AddOrUpdateProperty` method options allows two ways of performing validation:
1. You can add **data annotation attributes** for a property.
2. You can write an action (code block) to perform a **custom validation**.
Validation works when you use the object in a method that is **automatically validated** (e.g. controller actions, page handler methods, application service methods...). So, all extra properties are validated whenever the extended object is being validated.
### Data Annotation Attributes
All of the standard data annotation attributes are valid for extra properties. Example:
Assume that you've added an extra property to an extensible entity object and used auto [object to object mapping](Object-To-Object-Mapping.md) to map this entity to an extensible DTO class. You need to be careful in such a case, because the extra property may contain a **sensitive data** that should not be available to clients.
This section offers some **good practices** to control your extra properties on object mapping.
### MapExtraPropertiesTo
`MapExtraPropertiesTo` is an extension method provided by the ABP Framework to copy extra properties from an object to another in a controlled manner. Example usage:
`MapExtraPropertiesTo`**requires to define properties** (as described above) in **both sides** (`IdentityUser` and `IdentityUserDto` in this case) in order to copy the value to the target object. Otherwise, it doesn't copy the value even if it does exists in the source object (`identityUser` in this example). There are some ways to overload this restriction.
#### MappingPropertyDefinitionChecks
`MapExtraPropertiesTo` gets an additional parameter to control the definition check for a single mapping operation:
> Be careful since `MappingPropertyDefinitionChecks.None` copies all extra properties without any check. `MappingPropertyDefinitionChecks` enum has other members too.
If you want to completely disable definition check for a property, you can do it while defining the extra property (or update an existing definition) as shown below:
options =>
options.CheckPairDefinitionOnMapping = false;
#### Ignored Properties
You may want to ignore some properties on a specific mapping operation:
ignoredProperties: new[] {"MySensitiveProp"}
Ignored properties are not copied to the target object.
#### AutoMapper Integration
If you're using the [AutoMapper](https://automapper.org/) library, the ABP Framework also provides an extension method to utilize the `MapExtraPropertiesTo` method defined above.
You can use the `MapExtraProperties()` method inside your mapping profile.
public class MyProfile : Profile
public MyProfile()
It has the same parameters with the `MapExtraPropertiesTo` method.
## Entity Framework Core Database Mapping
If you're using the EF Core, you can map an extra property to a table field in the database. Example:
options =>
options.MapEfCore(b => b.HasMaxLength(32));
See the [Entity Framework Core Integration document](Entity-Framework-Core.md) for more.