`Volo.Abp.MongoDB` is the main nuget package for the MongoDB integration. Install it to your project (for a layered application, to your data/infrastructure layer):
Install-Package Volo.Abp.MongoDB
Then add `AbpMongoDbModule` module dependency to your [module](Module-Development-Basics.md):
ABP introduces **Mongo Db Context** concept (which is similar to Entity Framework Core's DbContext) to make it easier to use collections and configure them. An example is shown below:
public class MyDbContext : AbpMongoDbContext
public IMongoCollection<Question> Questions => Collection<Question>();
public IMongoCollection<Category> Categories => Collection<Category>();
* Overriding `CreateModel` method allows to configure collection configuration.
### Configure Mapping for a Collection
ABP automatically register entities to MongoDB client library for all `IMongoCollection<TEntity>` properties in your DbContext. For the example above, `Question` and `Category` entities are automatically registered.
For each registered entity, it calls `AutoMap()` and configures known properties of your entity. For instance, if your entity implements `IHasExtraProperties` interface (which is already implemented for every aggregate root by default), it automatically configures `ExtraProperties`.
So, most of times you don't need to explicitly configure registration for your entities. However, if you need it you can do it by overriding the `CreateModel` method in your DbContext. Example:
This example changes the mapped collection name to 'MyQuestions' in the database and ignores a property in the `Question` class.
If you only need to configure the collection name, you can also use `[MongoCollection]` attribute for the collection in your DbContext. Example:
[MongoCollection("MyQuestions")] //Sets the collection name
public IMongoCollection<Question> Questions => Collection<Question>();
### Configure the Connection String Selection
If you have multiple databases in your application, you can configure the connection string name for your DbContext using the `[ConnectionStringName]` attribute. Example:
public class MyDbContext : AbpMongoDbContext
If you don't configure, the `Default` connection string is used. If you configure a specific connection string name, but not define this connection string name in the application configuration then it fallbacks to the `Default` connection string.
ABP can automatically create default [generic repositories](Repositories.md) for the entities in your DbContext. Just use `AddDefaultRepositories()` option on the registration:
This will create a repository for each [aggregate root entity](Entities.md) (classes derived from `AggregateRoot`) by default. If you want to create repositories for other entities too, then set `includeAllEntities` to `true`:
Default generic repositories are powerful enough in most cases (since they implement `IQueryable`). However, you may need to create a custom repository to add your own repository methods.
Assume that you want to delete all books by type. It's suggested to define an interface for your custom repository:
public interface IBookRepository : IRepository<Book,Guid>
You generally want to derive from the `IRepository` to inherit standard repository methods. However, you don't have to. Repository interfaces are defined in the domain layer of a layered application. They are implemented in the data/infrastructure layer (`MongoDB` project in a [startup template](https://abp.io/Templates)).
Example implementation of the `IBookRepository` interface:
Even if you create a custom repository, you can still inject the default generic repository (`IRepository<Book,Guid>` for this example). Default repository implementation will not use the class you have created.
If you want to replace default repository implementation with your custom repository, do it inside `AddMongoDbContext` options:
This is especially important when you want to **override a base repository method** to customize it. For instance, you may want to override `DeleteAsync` method to delete an entity in a more efficient way:
public override async Task DeleteAsync(
Guid id,
bool autoSave = false,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
//TODO: Custom implementation of the delete method
In most cases, you want to hide MongoDB APIs behind a repository (this is the main purpose of the repository). However, if you want to access the MongoDB API over the repository, you can use `GetDatabase()` or `GetCollection()` extension methods. Example:
> Important: You must reference to the `Volo.Abp.MongoDB` package from the project you want to access to the MongoDB API. This breaks encapsulation, but this is what you want in that case.
Default generic repositories are implemented by `MongoDbRepository` class by default. You can create your own implementation and use it for default repository implementation.
public MyRepositoryBase(IMongoDbContextProvider<BookStoreMongoDbContext> dbContextProvider)
: base(dbContextProvider)
First one is for [entities with composite keys](Entities.md), second one is for entities with single primary key.
It's suggested to inherit from the `MongoDbRepository` class and override methods if needed. Otherwise, you will have to implement all standard repository methods manually.
Now, you can use `SetDefaultRepositoryClasses` option:
If your MongoDbContext inherits from another MongoDbContext or implements an interface, you can use that base class or interface as the MongoDbContext for default repositories. Example:
public interface IBookStoreMongoDbContext : IAbpMongoDbContext
Collection<Book> Books { get; }
`IBookStoreMongoDbContext` is implemented by the `BookStoreMongoDbContext` class. Then you can use generic overload of the `AddDefaultRepositories`:
In this example, `OtherMongoDbContext` implements `IBookStoreMongoDbContext`. This feature allows you to have multiple MongoDbContext (one per module) on development, but single MongoDbContext (implements all interfaces of all MongoDbContexts) on runtime.