* Provides configuration option to **localize** exception messages.
* Automatically maps standard exceptions to **HTTP status codes** and provides configuration option to map custom exceptions.
### Automatic Exception Handling
`AbpExceptionFilter` handles an exception if **any of the following conditions** meets;
* Exception is thrown by a **controller action** which returns an **object result** (not a view result).
* The request is an AJAX request (`X-Requested-With` HTTP header value is `XMLHttpRequest`).
* Client explicitly accepts the `application/json` content type (via `accept` HTTP header).
If the exception is handled it's automatically **logged** and a formatted **JSON message** is returned to the client.
#### Error Message Format
Error Message is an instance of the `RemoteServiceErrorResponse` class. The simplest error JSON has a **message** property as shown below:
"error": {
"message": "This topic is locked and can not add a new message"
There are **optional fields** those can be filled based on the occurred exception.
##### Error Code
Error **code** is an optional and unique string value for the exception. Thrown `Exception` should implement the `IHasErrorCode` interface to fill this field. Example JSON value:
"error": {
"code": "App:010042",
"message": "This topic is locked and can not add a new message"
Error code can also be used to localize the exception and customize the HTTP status code (see the related sections below).
##### Error Details
Error **details** in an optional field of the JSON error message. Thrown `Exception` should implement the `IHasErrorDetails` interface to fill this field. Example JSON value:
"error": {
"code": "App:010042",
"message": "This topic is locked and can not add a new message",
"details": "A more detailed info about the error..."
##### Validation Errors
**validationErrors** is a standard field that is filled if the thrown exception implements the `IHasValidationErrors` interface.
"error": {
"code": "App:010046",
"message": "Your request is not valid, please correct and try again!",
`AbpValidationException` implements the `IHasValidationErrors` interface and it is automatically thrown by the framework when a request input is not valid. So, usually you don't deal with validation errors except you have a very custom validation logic.
Exceptions are logged with the `Error` level by default. Log level can be determined by the exception if it implements the `IHasLogLevel` interface. Example:
public class MyException : Exception, IHasLogLevel
public LogLevel LogLevel { get; set; } = LogLevel.Warning;
##### Self Logging Exceptions
Some exception types may need to write additional logs. They can implement the `IExceptionWithSelfLogging` if needed. Example:
public class MyException : Exception, IExceptionWithSelfLogging
Most of your own exceptions will be business exceptions. The `IBusinessException` interface is used to mark an exception as a business exception.
`BusinessException` implements the `IBusinessException` interface in addition to the `IHasErrorCode`, `IHasErrorDetails` and `IHasLogLevel` interfaces. Default log level is `Warning`.
One problem is how to localize error messages while sending to clients. The simplest solution could be localizing it while throwing the exception. Example:
throw new BusinessException(message: _stringLocalizer["ErrorMessageKey"]);
However, this approach has a few problems:
* It requires to **inject string localizer** everywhere and always use it while throwing business exceptions.
* Some of the cases, it may **not possible** to inject the string localizer (in a static context or in an entity method).
One solution is configuring the localization in the module level and the error code as the localization key.
Then any of the exceptions with `Volo.Qa` namespace will be localized using the given localization resource. The localization resource can have an entry with the error code key. Example:
"culture": "en",
"texts": {
"Volo.Qa:010002": "You can not vote your own answer!"
Defining error messages in the localization texts is optional. If not defined, a default error message is returned by the framework.
#### Parametric Messages
If you have a parameterized error message, then you can set it with the exception's `Data` property. Example:
throw new BusinessException("App:010046")
Data =
{"UserName", "john"}
Fortunately there is a shortcut for it:
throw new BusinessException("App:010046")
.WithData("UserName", "john");
Then the localized text can contain a parameter named `UserName`:
"culture": "en",
"texts": {
"App:010046": "Username should be unique. '{UserName}' is already taken by another user!"
Some exception types are automatically thrown by the framework.
-`AbpAuthorizationException` is thrown if the current user has no permission to perform the requested operation. See authorization document (TODO: link) for more.
-`AbpValidationException` is thrown if the input of the current request is not valid. See validation document (TODO: link) for more.
-`EntityNotFoundException` is thrown if the requested entity is not available. This is mostly thrown by [repositories](Repositories.md).
You can also throw these type of exceptions in your code (while it's rarely needed).