BLOB Storing Database Storage Provider can store BLOBs in a relational or non-relational database.
There are two database providers implemented;
* [Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.Database.EntityFrameworkCore]( package implements for [EF Core](, so it can store BLOBs in [any DBMS supported]( by the EF Core.
* [Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.Database.MongoDB]( package implements for [MongoDB](
> Read the [BLOB Storing document]( to understand how to use the BLOB storing system. This document only covers how to configure containers to use a database as the storage provider.
## Installation
### Automatic Installation
If you've created your solution based on the [application startup template](Startup-Templates/, you can use the `abp add-module` [CLI]( command to automatically add related packages to your solution.
Open a command prompt (terminal) in the folder containing your solution (`.sln`) file and run the following command:
abp add-module Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.Database
This command adds all the NuGet packages to corresponding layers of your solution. If you are using EF Core, it adds necessary configuration, adds a new database migration and updates the database.
### Manual Installation
Here, all the NuGet packages defined by this provider;
You can only install Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.Database.EntityFrameworkCore or Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.Database.MongoDB (based on your preference) since they depends on the other packages.
After installation, add `DepenedsOn` attribute to your related [module]( Here, the list of module classes defined by the related NuGet packages listed above:
Whenever you add a NuGet package to a project, also add the module class dependency.
If you are using EF Core, you also need to configure your **Migration DbContext** to add BLOB storage tables to your database schema. Call `builder.ConfigureBlobStoring()` extension method inside the `OnModelCreating` method to include mappings to your DbContext. Then you can use the standard `Add-Migration` and `Update-Database` [commands]( to create necessary tables in your database.
## Configuration
### Connection String
If you will use your `Default` connection string, you don't need to any additional configuration.
If you want to use a separate database for BLOB storage, use the `AbpBlobStoring` as the [connection string]( name in your configuration file (`appsettings.json`). In this case, also read the [EF Core Migrations]( document to learn how to create and use a different database for a desired module.
### Configuring the Containers
Configuration is done in the `ConfigureServices` method of your [module]( class, as explained in the [BLOB Storing document](
**Example: Configure to use the database storage provider by default**
Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
options.Containers.ConfigureDefault(container =>
> See the [BLOB Storing document]( to learn how to configure this provider for a specific container.
## Additional Information
It is expected to use the [BLOB Storing services]( to use the BLOB storing system. However, if you want to work on the database tables/entities, you can use the following information.
### Entities
Entities defined for this module:
*`DatabaseBlobContainer` (aggregate root) represents a container stored in the database.
*`DatabaseBlob` (aggregate root) represents a BLOB in the database.
See the [entities document]( to learn what is an entity and aggregate root.
### Repositories
You can also use `IRepository<DatabaseBlobContainer, Guid>` and `IRepository<DatabaseBlob, Guid>` to take the power of IQueryable. See the [repository document]( for more.
### Other Services
*`DatabaseBlobProvider` is the main service that implements the database BLOB storage provider, if you want to override/replace it via [dependency injection]( (don't replace `IBlobProvider` interface, but replace `DatabaseBlobProvider` class).