> This document assumes that you prefer to use **{{ UI_Value }}** as the UI framework and **{{ DB_Value }}** as the database provider. For other options, please change the preference on top of this document.
## Setup Your Development Environment
First things first! Let's setup your development environment before creating the project.
### Pre-Requirements
The following tools should be installed on your development machine:
* An IDE (e.g. [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/)) that supports [.NET 7.0+](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet) development.
[ABP CLI](./CLI.md) is a command line interface that is used to automate some common tasks for ABP based solutions. First, you need to install the ABP CLI using the following command:
dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli
If you've already installed, you can update it using the following command:
dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli
## Next Step
* [Creating a new solution](Getting-Started-Create-Solution.md)