* Using the [Bundler & Minifier](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MadsKristensen.BundlerMinifier) Visual Studio extension or the [NuGet package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/BuildBundlerMinifier/).
* ABP creates the bundle as **lazy** from the provided files when it's **first requested**. For the subsequent calls, it's returned from the **cache**. That means if you conditionally add the files to the bundle, it's executed only once and any changes of the condition will not effect the bundle for the next requests.
* ABP adds bundle files **individually** to the page for the `development` environment. It automatically bundles & minifies for other environments (`staging`, `production`...).
* ABP automatically adds **version query string** to the bundle file URL to prevent browsers from caching when the bundle is being updated. (like ?_v=67872834243042 - generated from last change date of the related files). The versioning works even if the bundle files are individually added to the page (on the development environment).
The `name` is **optional** for the razor bundle tag helpers. If you don't define a name, it's automatically **calculated** based on the used bundle file names (they are **concatenated** and **hashed**). Example:
If you need to just add a single file to the page, you can use the `abp-script` or `abp-style` tag without a wrapping in the `abp-script-bundle` or `abp-style-bundle` tag. Example:
The bundle name will be *scripts.my-scripts* for the example above ("/" is replaced by "."). All bundling features are work as expected for single file bundles too.
If you need to use same bundle in **multiple pages** or want to use some more **powerful features**, you can configure bundles **by code** in your [module](../Module-Development-Basics.md) class.
> You can use the same name (*MyGlobalBundle* here) for a script & style bundle since they are added to different collections (`ScriptBundles` and `StyleBundles`).
After defining such a bundle, it can be included into a page using the same tag helpers defined above. Example:
This time, no file defined in the tag helper definition because the bundle files are defined by the code.
ABP supports [modularity](../Module-Development-Basics.md) for bundling as well. A module can modify an existing bundle that is created by a dependant module. Example:
> It's not possible to configure unnamed bundle tag helpers by code, because their name are not known at the development time. It's suggested to always use a name for a bundle tag helper.
Adding files to an existing bundle seems useful. What if you need to **replace** a file in the bundle or you want to **conditionally** add files? Defining a bundle contributor provides extra power for such cases.
An example bundle contributor that replaces bootstrap.css with a customized version:
public class MyExtensionGlobalStyleContributor : BundleContributor
public override void ConfigureBundle(BundleConfigurationContext context)
`abp-style` and `abp-script` tags can get `type` attributes (instead of `src` attributes) as shown in this sample. When you add a bundle contributor, its dependencies are also automatically added to the bundle.
When a bundle contributor is added, its dependencies are **automatically and recursively** added. Dependencies added by the **dependency order** by preventing **duplicates**. Duplicates are prevented even if they are in separated bundles. ABP organizes all bundles in a page and eliminates duplications.
In some advanced scenarios, you may want to do some additional configuration whenever a bundle contributor is used. Contributor extensions works seamlessly when the extended contributor is used.
The example below adds some styles for prism.js library:
public class MyPrismjsStyleExtension : BundleContributor
public override void ConfigureBundle(BundleConfigurationContext context)
While it is rarely needed, `BundleConfigurationContext` has a `ServiceProvider` property that you can resolve service dependencies inside the `ConfigureBundle` method.
Adding a specific NPM package resource (js, css files) into a bundle is pretty straight forward for that package. For example you always add the `bootstrap.css` file for the bootstrap NPM package.
There are built-in contributors for all [standard NPM packages](Client-Side-Package-Management.md). For example, if your contributor depends on the bootstrap, you can just declare it, instead of adding the bootstrap.css yourself.
In some specific cases, it may be needed to create a **new** bundle **inherited** from other bundle(s). Inheriting from a bundle (recursively) inherits all files/contributors of that bundle. Then the derived bundle can add or modify files/contributors **without modifying** the original bundle.
Themes uses the standard package contributors to add library resources to page layouts. Themes may also define some standard/global bundles, so any module can contribute to these standard/global bundles. See the [theming documentation](Theming.md) for more.
It's suggested to define multiple bundles for an application, each one is used for different purposes.
* **Global bundle**: Global style/script bundles are included to every page in the application. Themes already defines global style & script bundles. Your module can contribute to them.
* **Layout bundles**: This is a specific bundle to an individual layout. Only contains resources shared among all the pages use the layout. Use the bundling tag helpers to create the bundle as a good practice.
* **Module bundles**: For shared resources among the pages of an individual module.
* **Page bundles**: Specific bundles created for each page. Use the bundling tag helpers to create the bundle as a best practice.